That Should Be Me (updated)

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Shiro realised in his haste to get to Keith and Lance, he hadn't informed Allura and Coran of the situation. He stood on the verandah and spoke with Allura, then sent Kosmo to go and get them, and put a call into Collins.

Allura's eyes were red when she arrived, and Coran was quiet.

'May I see them?' asked Allura.

Shiro nodded and took them upstairs.

They stood next to the bed and gazed down at the two young men who'd helped rid the universe of two threats.

Coran moved around to the other side of the bed. Lance had found a way into his heart and had become like the son he'd lost so long ago. And Keith, an enigma who'd kept them guessing at every turn, and who had finally found his place amongst the team and was happy. This shocking turn of events devastated Coran.

Shiro moved into the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to Keith and took his hand in his, then frowned.

'Shiro?' asked Allura.

'His hand is...warm,' said Shiro. 'Coran check Lance.'

'He is also warm,' Coran said.

With his heart racing, Shiro gently patted Keith's cheek.

'Keith,' he said, 'Keith, wake up.'

Keith took a sudden breath, and his brow furrowed.

'That's it, come on, Keith.'

On the other side of the bed, Coran did the same with Lance.

Allura ran from the room. Minutes later, everyone crowded in.

'Adam, help me sit him up,' Shiro said.

Shiro pulled him up, and Adam sat behind him while Jorge did the same with Lance.

'Open your eyes, Keith,' said Shiro. His eyes opened briefly, before closing again. 'Don't go back to sleep. Come on, open your eyes.'

Jaya climbed up onto the bed and sat between them. When he saw Keith trying to touch Lance's hand, Jaya reached out and put Lance's hand in Keith's.

A soft, warm glow surrounded Keith and Lance. Their wounds healed, their breathing became regular, and they slowly opened their eyes.

When the light faded, the boys looked around confused.

'What happened?' asked Keith.

He was suddenly sandwiched between Shiro and Adam, who were sobbing again.

On the other side, Lance was being subjected to the same treatment with Maria and Jorge.

There was a lot of talking and crying, and Keith and Lance were grateful when Shiro finally ushered anyone out of the room, except for Jorge and Jaya.

'Keef,' Jaya said. He stood on the bed between them. His eyes were full of tears.

Keith held out his arms, and Jaya flung himself into them and cried.

'What happened?' Keith asked again.

'You both died,' said Shiro. 'At least you seemed that way.'

Shiro and Jorge explained everything that happened. When they didn't get much reaction from the boys, Shiro and Jorged looked at each other worried.

'Are you two okay? asked Shiro, concerned.

'Just tired,' Keith said.

'Come on, Jaya,' said Shiro. 'Let's let them sleep now.' Jaya turned and let Shiro pick him up. 'We'll talk when you've rested.'

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