Not Going to Plan

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Keith landed the cargo ship 1 km from the market's location, in a clearing located by Pidge earlier that morning.
The sun was only just breaking the horizon, so their arrival should have gone unnoticed.
Lance nodded. 'What do we need to get?'
Keith pulled the list from his belt and handed it to Lance.
A few minutes later they left the ship and secured it before setting off to the market. They reached their destination by the time the sun had cleared the horizon on a day that was guaranteed to be warm and clear.
Lance smiled. 'Qué hermoso día,' he said.
'Sorry?' asked Keith.
'It's a beautiful day. It reminds me of Cuba,' Lance said. 'I feel like at any minute my family will appear, and this will have all been a bad dream. Except for you, mi amor. You are the best thing to come out of all this.'
Heat rose in Keith's cheeks. He knew enough Spanish to know what mi amor meant and his heart raced. He never expected anyone to talk to, or about, him like that.
Lance smiled and draped an arm over Keith's shoulders and kissed him on the temple.
Keith didn't pull away from the physical intimacy Lance obviously needed. Instead, he found his arm naturally going around Lance's waist, his hand resting comfortably on his hip. He didn't see Lance's smile widen.
Three hours later, they dump another load of supplies at the ship.
'What's will all the packets of food?' asked Lance. 'They weren't on the list.'
'They're mine,' said Keith. 'Since coming back, the goo makes me physically sick, so I have to find food I can eat, and won't go off. I stock up every time I come to a market.'
'And if you run out?' asked Lance.
'I try to keep to goo down,' Keith shrugged. He took off his jacket and threw it on the seat. It was getting too hot to wear it.
'That's why you look like you lose weight sometimes,' Lance said. He frowned down at the bags of food, taking his own jacket off. 'Will this be enough? What if it's a while before we get to a market again?'
'I'll be fine,' Keith assured him. 'Come on, let's get the rest of the items on the list.'
They arrived back at the outskirts of the market when Keith pulled Lance behind a tree.
'This is a surprise,' he grinned.
Keith rolled his eyes. 'Look,' he hissed, pointing past the tree.
Turning, Lance peaked around the tree. 'Galra,' he breathed. 'When the hell did they get here?'
'Let's get back to the ship,' Keith hissed. 'We need to let the others know they're here.'
They turned when suddenly the tree above them exploded.
'Get them,' growled a Galra.
The two young men turned and ran as Iaser blasts hit the ground around them, kicking up dirt.
Blasts came at them from every direction and the Galra closed in on them.

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