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The alarms on the Castle drew everyone to the control room.
‘The base is under attack,' Allura said.
‘Everyone to their...' began Shiro.
As they looked out over the base it exploded.
‘Oh my god,’ Maria cried, ‘the boys.’
‘No,' Shiro breathed, as he stared at the distruction. He barely registered the Castle lifting into the air, the base getting smaller and smaller in the window.
Adam cuddled Molly, and hurried into Shiro's embrace sobbing.
‘But...no,' said Pidge, looking from the ruined base to the others. Her bottom lip quivered. 'No.’ Hunk hurried to her and she clung to him. ‘They were meant to go home...and marry...and be happy. It's not fair.'
The only noise in the room was sobbing.
Allura opened a wormhole when one of the Galra cruisers turned their attention to them.
Shiro turned to her horrified. ‘No, we have to…’
‘Shiro,' she said, ‘none of us can fight right now.’ Tears rolled down her cheeks.
He knew she was right, but he felt guilty about leaving the planet without trying to find them.
‘We have to go back when the Galra leave,' he said, ‘we have to take them home.'
‘We will,’ she murmured.
Shiro couldn't hold back his tears any more. He buried his face in the crook of Adam's neck
when the tears began. Their boy was gone.
The next hour was full of tears and anger. Each of them had come close to death over the the two years they'd been out here, but now, two of them were gone. The two young men who had finally come to terms with their feelings and acted on them, then found out they were soulmates.
Lance's family had all ready gone through losing him once before, how they had to do il again. It was a cruel blow.
Nothing could comfort Adam, he was an emotional wreak and Shiro was on his way to joining him, especially when they returned to the planet and found the base flattened and burning.
They all stood at the window of the control room as the Castle decended.
The Castle touched down and Allura joined them at the window. ‘I picked up some life sighs,’ she said, quietly, ‘but not many.’
Alfor put his arm around her shoulders. ‘We will see what we can do.’
They turned and Kosmo appeared in a flash of blue. On the floor Keith and Lance clung to each other, dirty, blood and unmoving.
Coran and Shiro where the first one's to break out of ther shock and hurry to them.
A small noise came from between the two young men and Coran gently moved Keith's arm.
‘A kit,’ Coran said, surprised.
‘A what?’ asked Shiro.
Coran reached between Keith and Lance out and picked up the kit. ‘A Galran baby is called a kit. They were protecting it.’
Maria hurried over and took the kit from Coran.
‘Are they...’ she began, unable to finish the question.
Shiro and Coran checked for pulses. It took forever for them to answer.
‘They're alive,' said Coran, ‘but I fear they are gravely injured.’
Kosmo disappeared again only to return with another injured Blade member.
Shiro's eyes widered at Kosmo. ‘Coran, you may want to get the med bay ready.'
‘On it,’ Coran said, as he dashed from the room. Pidge followed quickly behind him.
‘Kosmo, take them to the med bay when you find them,' Shiro said.
Kosmo barked and disappeared again.
Shiro picked up Keith, who was still in his Galran form, causing the yourger man to groan, while Jorge and Marco picked up Lance between them, which left Hunk and Alfor to bring the Blade member.
They were almost to the med bay when Lance came to. He struggled against them and seemed disorientated with pain.
‘Lance, you're okay,' said Jorge, ‘you're safe.'
‘It hurts,' he cried.
‘I know, son. Not much further,’ Jorge said.
‘Keith, where's Keith,' he groaned.
‘Shiro has him,’ said Marco. ‘He's alive.'
‘And Jaya? Where's the baby?’
‘Mama has him,’ Marco said.
‘Son, who does Jaya belong to?’ asked Jorge.
‘Kolivan and Krolia,’ Lance ground out in pain.
When they walked into the med bay, healing pod rose out of the floor, and in front of each on a bed followed. Shiro counted ten in all, and more were rising up.
They lay Keith and Lance on two of the beds which scanned their bodies and the information scrolled across the screens. Coran checked the information.
‘MuItiple broken bones and internal injuries,’ he murmured.
‘Do we put them in the suits?’ asked Hunk.
‘To delay would be unwise,' Coran said.
Keith and Lance were placed in pods without delay and ther family and friends stared at them, unable to believe they were really alive.
Coran checked Keith's pod then the scans again, a worried expression on his face.
‘Coran, everything okay?' asked Shiro.
‘Keith's injuries are quite severe,’ said Coran, ‘it would appear he tried to protect Lance and the kit from getting hurt worse.' He turned to Maria. ‘Put the kit on the bed so I can make sure he is unharmed.’
‘His name is, Jaya,’ said Jorge, ‘Kolivan and Krolia are his parents.‘
‘Keith's brother,’ Shiro said, surprised.
Maria placed Jaya on the bed and stepped back.
Kosmo had brought five others to the med bay. Pidge and Allura tended to them and with the help of the Hunk and Alfor began putting them in the pod's.
Coran smiled. ‘Jaya has no injuries.'
Maria picked him up again and cuddled the infant to her.
Kosmo continued to bring wounded Blade members to the med bay for the next hour, but Kolivan was not amongst them.
Earth was contacted and informed of the situation.
After three weeks the Blade members began exiting the pods, and after four weeks they were all healed.
Allura piloted the ship to New Altea and dropped her father off, along with Franklin's body, and returned to Earth.
After five weeks Lance's pod opened. He was weak, tired and thin from lack of food, but refused to leave the med bay as he waited for Keith's pod to open.
At six weeks it finally did, and Keith fell out into Lance's arms.

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