Wedding Rings

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They went to the food hall, and had lunch, and ignored all the stares Jaya got.
They passed a baby store and bought a pram because Molly was getting to heavy to carry everywhere. They left the top in a bassinet style so both Jaya and Molly could sit in it.
There next stop was the jeweller.
A young girl, who looked and sounded very bored served them.
‘Can I help you?’ she asked, in a monotone voice.
‘We're looking for wedding bands,' Lance said.
The girl looked form Lance to Keith, and sighed. She went and brought back a display case that had wide gold bands.
‘Do you have anything thinner?’ asked Lance.
‘Only if you want girls one's,' she said.
Another sales woman joined them.
‘Tiffany, got to lunch, I will serve this customers,’ said the woman.
Tiffany walked away without a word.
‘I apologize for that,' said the woman. 'My name is Margaret. We do have thinner bands over in this counter.’
They followed her over. 'Are you looking for something decorative or plain?’
‘Plain, I think,' said Lance, ‘to go with these.’
Keith and Lance showed her their engagement rings.
‘They're beautiful,’ she said. ‘Now, we have these.’ She took a tray out of the display cabinet. ‘They are slightly thinner than the engagement rings, so won't add too much bulk to your fingers.’ She slipped one on Lance's finger to show the effect.
‘What do you think, baby?’ asked Lance.
‘They look good together,' Keith said.
Lance noticed him looking at something in the cabinet.
‘Which one’s are you looking at?' asked Lance.
Keith pointed to one that had rose gold and yellow gold twisted together in a thin band.
Margaret removed the tray from the cabinet. She took Keith's hand and chose one she thought would fit and slipped it on.
They were totally contrasting designs, that somehow worked together.
‘I like the look of these together,' Lance said.
‘They are considerably more expensive,' Margaret said.
‘That's fine,' Lance said.
‘Let me see what sizes you need,’ Margaret said. Using sizing rings, she measured their fingers and found the correct sizes for them, and they tried them on.
Lance took one look and Keith's face and said, ‘we'll take these.’
They removed the rings, and Margaret placed them into boxes, and Keith paid for them.
‘I wish you all the happiness in the world on you special day,’ Margaret said.
‘Thank you,' Keith said.
They went out to where Shiro and Adam waited.
‘Do we get to see?' asked Adam.
Keith removed one of the boxes and showed them.
‘Ohh, I like that,' Adam said.
‘Very nice,’ Shiro said.
'Now all we need is, a dress for Molly, underwear for Jaya, and laptops,’ Lance said.
By 5pm they returned to Shiro's and Adam’s, with arms loaded with purchases, two hot pizza's, and Lance messaged Maria to say they didn't need dinner.
By the time they were ready to leave, the kids had fallen asleep on the floor.
‘Why don't you leave them here,' said Adam. ‘Shiro will drop them home in the morning. Just leave a change of clothes for them, you bought enough today.'
‘Okay,' said Keith. ‘It’ll save waking them.'
Lance went and pulled some clothes out for the kids and left them with Adam.
‘Come on,’ said Shiro. ‘I'll take you home. If anything comes up, Kosmo can bring you to the Castle.’
Neither of the boys argued and followed Shiro black to Black lion. When he dropped them off, they quietly went upstairs and got ready for bed.
When Lance came back from the bathroom and closed the door, Keith pulled him into his arms and kissed him. He pushed his hands under Lance's t-shirt and pulled it over his head, and dropped it on the floor, which started an urgent avalanche of clothes and shoes to follow.
Keith used his body to push Lance to the bed. When Lance sat, Keith climbed into his lap, his knees on either side of Lance's hips. Keith reached down his right hand and wrapped it around their erections. Keith pushed his hips up, rubbing himself against Lance's Iength, and he started moving his hand over them.
‘Ah...ngh...Keith,’ moaned Lance against his lips.
Lance's right hand joined Keith's, and moved in time with his. They kissed, and moved their hands together, as if ther entire existance depended on it. Keith's purring vibrated through his body, and it turned Lance on ever more.
‘So sexy,' Lance muttered.
Keith moved his mouth to Lance's neck, and Lance tipped his head back to give him more access. Keith found Lance's sweet spot, at the back of his jaw near time base of his ear, and sucked on it.
‘So...good...ah...’ Lance's left hand tightened in the back of Keith's hair. His breath came out in short sharp bursts. ‘Ah...more...ah...Keith.’
Keith captured Lance's mouth with his and moved his hand faster. Lance automatically kept up with him. Warm precum coated their hands.
‘La...Lance,’ whined Keith. ‘Mmm…yes…oh god…Lance.'
Lance burnied his face on Keiths neck, as he panted. ‘So...close.’
Keith squeezed his eyes closed and tipped his head back. ‘Ah...y...yes…aaahh.'
They both came, their bodies shaking, as warm liquid coated their stomachs and hands; holding each other until they stopped shaking.
Lance reached over and removed a wet wipe from the bedside draw, and cleaned then up.
When he threw it in the bin, Keith kissed him and pushed him down on the bed. Lance felt Keith harden between them.
‘Someone's horny tonight,' Lance said.
‘Do you want me to stop?' He looked into Lance's eyes.
‘No, never.'
Keith reached into the draw and removed the lube and placed it on the bed next to them. Lance sat up, running his hands slowly up Keith's back. ‘How do you want it?'
Keith bit his bottom lip, then said, ‘I want you to take control.’
Lance's heart thumped in his chest. ‘Stand up.’
Keith moved off him and watched as Lance lay a towel on the bed.
‘On your stomach,' Lance ordered.
Keith crawled onto the bed, looking at Lance over his shoulder. The look in Keith's eyes turned Lance on.
Lance moved onto the bed behind Keith, and ran his hands slowly up Keith's sides and to his chest. Keith leant back against Lance's chest.
‘I'm going to make you feel good,' Lance murmured in Keith's ear.
Keith gave a breathy whine.
Lance kissed the back of Keith's shoulder, the tip of his tongue brushing against Keith's skin, causing Keith to moan softly.
Lance sucked a dark mark on Keith's pale skin, and slowly worked his way down Keith's back, leaving a trail as he went. The lower Lance got, the further forward Keith leant, until he was propped up by his elbows on the bed, his knees spread wide, opening himself up to Lance.
Lance ran a finger slowly over Keith's hole, causing Keith’s body to shake, and he purred softly.
Picking up the lube, Lance squeezed some onto his finger, and rubbed against Keith's hole again, before slowly slipping it in.
‘Aahhh...’ Keith's purring became stronger.
Lance found his perfect spot, and mored his finger over the spot relentlessly. When he added another finger, he continued, and Keith lost all sense of reality. He was plunged into never ending waves of pleasure.
‘Breathe baby,' Lance instructed.
He sucked in a shaky breath, his purring becoming stronger, and tears of pleasure rolled down his cheeks.
When Lance removed his fingers, Keith whined his protest.
‘Hang on, baby,' Lance said, as he lubed himself up, and pushed into Keith.
Lance leant forward on his elbows, following Keith's body. He placed his hands over the back of Keith's, and laced their fingers together.
Lance rocked his hips, and Keith's hands tightened around Lances fingers. Lance knew neither of them were going to last long. He had drawn Keith to the edge of ecstacy, and the vibration of Keith's purring around him made it impossible to hold back. Lance rocked his hips harder and faster, as Keith tipped his head back onto Lance's shoulder.
‘Oh god…Keith…your purring…so good,’ Lance murmured in Keith's ear. ‘Keith...I can't...hold on.’
Lance shattered at the same time as Keith. Lance pushed his face into Keith's hair, desperately trying not to be loud as they rode out their orgasms.
Once their breathing settled, Lance shifted his hips and pulled out of Keith, who turned his face and rubbed his cheek against Lance's.
‘I love you,' Keith said.
‘I love you too,’ Lance said, kissing Keith's cheek.
Lance cleaned them up, and threw the towel Keith had under him in the hamper, then slipped between the covers, and pulled Keith to him as they fell asleep.

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