Iverson's News

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Once lunch was finish, Lance's younger siblings went to the lounge to play, taking Molly and Kosmo with them.
‘Commander, you said you had some news for us,’ Shiro said.
‘Yes,’ said Iverson, 'in a couple of weeks the Garrison wants to hold a ceremony in your honour for saving Earth. There will be a formal dinner afterwards.' Iverson shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 'Yourself, Hunk, Katie, and Lance need to come and get measured for uniforms.’
‘And Keith,' Lance said.
‘Well you see...’ began Iverson.
‘Lance,’ interrupted Keith, ‘I was kicked out of the Garrison. I don't get a uniform.'
Iverson relaxed. 'I'm glad you understand,’ he said, ‘you can wear your amour to the ceremony, and we will put you with the McClain family for the dinner. The Princess will be a guest at the main table.’
‘This is wrong,’ said Lance, ‘Keith deserves to be up there with us…’
‘Lance…’ Keith began.
‘…don't you tell me it okay, Keith,‘ said Lance, holding up a hand, ‘because without you we wouldn't have gotten in information telling us when they were going to attack, and this war would still be going on if you hadn't rescued King Alfor.’ Lance turned back to Iverson. ‘If Keith isn't treated like the rest of us then I'm not going to the ceremony or dinner.’
‘Shiro, talk some sense into him,’ Iverson said.
‘I'm sorry,’ said Shiro, ‘I agree with Lance.‘
Iverson's mouth fell open in shock. 'The Admiral is arranging everything as we speak.‘
‘Then you need to go and talk to her,' said Lance, ‘to either reinstate Keith, or cancel everything.‘
‘Now you listen to me cadet,’ growled Iverson, ‘I'm in charge not you.'
‘For how long once the Admiral finds out half the paladins...'
‘Ah, all the paladins,’ Pidge said.
‘Ok, all the paladins won't be at the nice ceremony she's arranging, or the dinner,’ Lance said.
Iverson shot to his feet and stormed out of the room and almost ran into Kolivan.
Kolivan blinked at the retreating back of Iverson before entering the room.
‘Kolivan, I'm glad you're here,’ said Allura, ‘we'll be ready to leave in an hour.'
‘But we haven't finished packing,' Keith said.
‘That is something we wanted to discuss,' said Kolivan. ‘The Princess has given her word to return you to Earth after Krolia's send off.’
Keith shook his head. ‘After everything that's happened, I don't know if I believe that.’
‘And that is understandable,’ said Allura. ‘But I give you my word, I will return you to Earth, and to ease your apprehension, I will show you how to fly the Castle, and work the teludav. You see, it is my intention to make Earth the home base of Voltron in the hopes you will all stay on as paladins.'
They all stared at her.
‘And your father?' asked Keith.
‘He will live on New Altea and help our people,’ said Allura. ‘I will return there a few times a month, while leaving the lions here on Earth. Father is correct in saying the war with the Galra is not over.' She looked down at her hands. ‘I don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am with regards to what my father did.’
‘Keith,' said Kolivan, ‘it is important you are there to send Krolia off. She may not have shown it, but she was very proud of you.’
Keith looked down at his hands in his lap. So much was happening he didn't know what to think. He had come to terms with not being a paladin any more, only now to be told they could continue and also live on Earth. And Krolia, how did he take Kolivan's word that's how she felt when she couldn't say the words to him when she was alive. Was Kolivan just saying that so he would attend the funeral, or send off as they called it.
Lance reached out and placed a hand over his, and Keith looked at him.
‘One thing at a time,' said Lance. ‘Krolia's send off, do you want to go?’
Keith thought a moment, then nodded.
That set off a flurry of activity. Hunk's and Pidge's families, except for Matt, decided to stay on Earth. Jorge and Maria wanted Veronica, Luis, Leo and Rachel to stay on Earth. Veronica couldn't wait to go home, but Luis, Leo and Rachel wanted to go as well. Luis argued it would be their only opportunity to see space. In the end Veronica was sent to stay with her abuela.
An hour later, with the Garrison assured they would only be gone a few days, they left Earth behind.
Lance watch Allura instruct Keith on how to fly the Castle, and being Keith, he picked it up without issue. However, when AIlura stood behind Keith, her body almost pressed against his, as she instructed how to use the teludav, Lance wanted to punch her in the face.
She said it was so she could take over of something went wrong. Using the teludav was diffcult to use and converted Altean energy into usable fuel to power it and because Keith hadn't used Altean energy before, she told him he probably won't be able to control it the first time. Of course, Keith being who he is, opened the wormhole and piloted the ship through.
‘Well, I've never, seen anyone achieve a wormhole their first time,’ Coran said.
‘It is indeed remarkable,' Allura said.
‘You shouldn't have told him he probably couldn't do it,’ said Hunk. ‘That's a challenge he'll take on.’
Pidge chuckled, then said, ‘That's why he's the best pilot.'
Allura continued to stand too close to Keith and Lance felt his anger grow. Unable to stand if any more he left the control room.
He was entering the bedroom when Keith caught up with him.
‘Lance, are you okay?' asked Keith.
‘Of course, why wouldn't I be?’ Lance shot back, as the door closed behind them.
‘Because you're angry about something,’ said Keith, ‘now, what is it?’
‘I…I just hated the way she stood so close to you,’ said Lance, ‘she was practically pressed up against you.'
‘Oh, I didn't notice,' Keith said.
‘How could you not notice, she was almost in you pants,’ Lance said.
‘Because it didn't mean anything,’ said Keith. ‘Besides, you're the only one who can get in my pants, and you're the only one who makes my heart race when you stand close to me.'
Lance finally turned to Keith. He felt silly for being jealous of Allura, Keith was his after all and he believe him when he said he didn't notice.
Keith looked tired. Since the fight with Franklin he'd been on the go and hadn't had a chance to rest since coming out of the pod.
‘You need to rest,' Lance said.
Keith moved into Lance's embrace and lay his head on Lance's shoulder.
‘We have an hour before we arrive at the base,’ Keith said.
Hearing that, Lance guided them to the bed and lay down. Tangled in each others embrace they fell asleep.

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