Galra Attack 2

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Keith moved away from Lance when the lights went out. It was so dark Lance couldn't even see his hand in front of his face.
Suddenly, two yellow eyes appeared in front of him, and he jumped back.
He heard Keith chuckle. ‘Damn it. Keith, warn me when you're going to change. You scared the shit out of me,’ Lance snapped.
‘Sorry,' Keith said.
‘What the hell,' Marco gasped.
‘It's okay, said Lance, ‘Keith's half Galran.‘
‘How can that be okay,' snapped Marco, 'you're fighting the Galra.'
‘Well, yeah, but we're not fighting Keith,’ Lance said.
‘How the hell will you explain this to mama and papa?’
‘They already know,’ said Lance. ‘I need my armour.’
‘Here, stand still,’ Keith said. Being able to see in the dark, Keith dressed Lance in his armour then put his own on. The only things he couldn't wear was the helmet because it hurt his ears, and his gloves because of his claws.
Lance pulled his helmet on and heard Shiro in the comm.
Shiro: Keith, Lance can you hear me?
'I hear you, Shiro,’ Lance said.
Shiro: Keith?
‘He's here, he can't get his helmet on over his ears,' Lance said.
Shiro: Get Keith to lead you all back to the control room. Don't use your torch. There is someone in the Castle and we have no idea where they are.
'Copy that,’ said Lance. ‘Keith, did you hear?'
‘Yes,’ said Keith. ‘Adam, wear my helmet so you can hear what's going on.’ Keith placed the helmet in Adam's hands and he pulled it on, and push his gloves under his belt. ‘Join hands, we don't want to lose anyone.’
Keith place Marco between Lance and Adam, who brought up the rear, before slipping his own hand into Lance's free one and leading them to the door, then out into the corridor.
They moved quickly and quietly along the corridor. Keith listened for any sound that would give away the position of the intruder. They were almost to the control room when he smelt it. Two scents that wasn't of any of his companions.
He stopped and only Lance's instincts stopped him from walking into Keith.
Keith was about to tell them to go back, when he picked up another scent behind them.
To his left was a supply room. Keith let go of Lance's hand and moved to the door. He slammed his claws into the metal door and they pierced it easily, and he slid the door open enough to push the other three in.
‘Keith, no,’ Lance cried, as Keith pulled the door close behind them.
Shiro: What's going on?
‘Keith has gone after the intruder,’ Lance said.
Shiro: Where are you?
Lance turned on his torch. ‘A supply room, he's closed us in. We need the power back on now.’
Shiro: It's being worked on.
‘Then work faster,' Lance snapped.
Pidge: We're doing what we can.
‘I know,' Lance sighed, 'I'm sorry.’
Hunk: Hang in there buddy.
Lance lent his head on the door. ‘I'm going to kill him,' he muttered. this heart pounded uncontrollably in his chest, scared for Keith's life.
In the corridor, Keith drew his blade from the sheath at his back. He stood in the middle of the corridor.
A laugh echoed down the corridor. ‘The little half breed thinks he can fight us,’ came a woman's voice from Keith’s left.
‘It will be too easy to kill him,' replied a man from his right, ‘then we can have some fun with his mate before we kill him.
Keith kept his feelings to himself. This was not the time to lose his cool, but he was damned if he'd let them lay a finger on Lance.
‘Nothing to say little one?’ taunted the man.
In his left hand Keith held his bayard sword, and in his right was his blade that extended into a sword.
‘Ooo, scary,’ the woman said, sarcastically. ‘I doubt a little thing like you would have the ability to use them both at once.’
The man laughed. ‘This is going to be too easy.'
The man launched the attack first, just as Keith anticipated he would.
Keith brought up his right sword and blocked the downward arc of his attackers blade, then swing his bayard and the top of the sword sliced through the man’s clothing as he jumped back.
Then both intruders attacked at once. Keith blocked the man's sword again and side kicked with his left leg, slamming into the woman's stomach and sending her flying down the corridor with a squeal.
The man rushed Keith thinking to catch him off guard. Keith stepped forward and turned bringing his sword down across the man's back, earning him a howl of pain.
The man fell to the ground face first. Keith brought the tip of his bayard down and if struck the floor where man had been moments before. The man rolled and sprang back to his feet with seconds to spare,
Now Keith had both his assailants in front of him.
‘I've had enough of this fucking shit,’ spat the woman, 'let's kill the little prick.'
The two of them launch their attack simultaneously. Swords clashed, the noise echoing around the dark corridor. Keith ducked and weaved between the blades, and swung his own effectively, and more often then not, finding his mark.
Lance's head snapped up when something or someone thumped against the door followed by the sound of swords connecting.
‘Shit, shit, shit,’ Lance muttered. He pulled off his helmet so he could hear better.
Shiro: Lance, what's wrong.
'How much longer to get the door open?’ asked Adam.
Shiro: We're working on it. Wait, what, Adam?
‘I have Keith's helmet on,’ Adam said.
Shiro: Oh, right. What's going on, why's Lance panicking?
‘Fighting outside the door,' said Adam, ‘and it sounds intense.'
Pidge: We're almost there.
The lights came on as she spoke, but the door took a little longer to respond. When it finally sIid open they rushed out into the corridor. At the other end, people filled the control room door way. Between them, Keith fought the intruder's.
Alarms began to sound.
‘Wormhole opening,’ Allura said, over the speaker.
Lance stepped intothe middle of the corridor.
‘KEITH, DOWN,' he yelled.
Keith dropped to one knee. Lance got off two shots and the intruders were dead before they hit the floor, each with a blaster shot to the head.
Keith stood and looked at him pouting.
‘Don't look at me like that, Mullet,' said Lance, ‘you're lucky I didn't shoot you for locking me in a damn supply room, so stop your pouting because I spoilt your fun.'
‘Oh my god, he's one of those disgusting monsters,' Veronica said.
‘Veronica, shut up,' Maria snapped.
‘Get to you lions,’ Shiro ordered.
Keith went and collected his helmet from Adam, and Lance picked his up.
Lance grabbed Keith's arm and pulled him closer and stared into his yellow eyes.
‘Don't scare me like that,' Lance murmured. He pulled him into a kiss.
Pulling away, Lance watched Keith turn back into his human form and they followed the other Paladins to their lions.

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