Allura Out Voted

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Later that night, they all met in the dinning room, even Keith, because Hunk had been busy making Earth food from some of the supplies. Keith sat next to Lance, who glared at Allura, daring her to say anything.
The rest of the paladins sat at the other end of the table, leaving Allura, and the ever loyal Coran, sitting alone at the other end with bowls of goo.
Hunk loaded the table with a variety of food.
'You have outdone yourself, Hunk,' Lance said, rubbing his hands together as he surveyed the food.
'Thanks, Lance,' beamed Hunk. 'I hope I've made something for everyone.'
'I'm sure you have, Hunk,' said Adam. 'Thank you for all your hard work.'
'I also made up some bottles for, Molly,' said Hunk. 'They're in the fridge, so just need heating.'
'You're amazing, buddy,' said Lance. 'You're going to make a great uncle.'
Hunk smiled and blushed.
'Lance, you can't keep the baby,' said Allura. 'I have set the Castle on a course to a friendly planet that have humanoids on it. The child will be safe there.'
Lance frowned. 'Oh no,' he said. 'We promised her mother, that Molly would be brought up by humans.'
Allura laughed. 'A promise you can't keep, because one of you isn't human.'
'We're not leaving her anywhere,' Keith said.
'You have no choice, Galra,' snapped Allura. 'You can't take her into battle with you.'
'I will be looking after her when Voltron is needed,' Adam said.
'Why can you not see the foolishness of this,' said Allura. 'A war is not a place to raise a baby, and two men can't raise a child.'
'I have to disagree with that,' said Shiro. He looked across at Keith who gave a small nod. 'Adam and I raised Keith, and he's turned into wonderful young man.'
Allura's eyes widened.
'You don't have any say in this,' said Pidge. 'None of us are going to let you leave her anywhere.'
'If you force us to leave her anywhere, then you lose two of your paladins,' Lance said.
'Three of them,' Shiro said.
'Four,' Pidge said.
'Five,' Hunk said.
'Then be it on your head if anything happens to the child.' Allura stood, picked up the bowl and left.
Coran looked sad as he followed her out.
'Thanks for the support, guys,' Keith muttered.
'That's what family does,' said Hunk. 'That's what we all are, and we need to stick together, and trust each other.'
'Well said, Hunk,' Shiro said.
'The next question is,' said Lance. 'Who's grandpa and who's grandad?'
A chuckle went around the table.
'I'll be grandpa,' Adam said, with a grin. He reached across the table and Lance handed Molly to him. She gurgled and blew spit bubbles.
The next two hours were spent eating too much good food, and finding out that Keith had a definate sweet tooth when Hunk brought out an apple pie with whipped cream and custard.
'God it missed sugar,' said Keith, 'and coffee.'
'I found coffee,' said Hunk. 'It will be ready at breakfast.'
'I think love you,' Keith said.
'Oh no, you don't,' said Lance. 'I dont share.'
Hunk laughed. 'Sorry Keith, I'm as straight as the day is long.'
'Damn,' Keith mumbled around a mouth full of pie.
It had been along time since Keith had let his guard down and participated in playful banter, and it made the other paladins happy.
With dinner over and the dishes washed and put away, they all made their way to their rooms.
Lance lay Molly in the cot and placed a blanket over her. He stretched and yawned as Keith went into the bathroom and cleaned his teeth.
'I'm stuffed,' said Keith, as he came out of the
Lance laughed. 'I'm not surprised, you ate three servings of pie.' He then disappeared into the bathroom to clean his teeth. When he came out, Keith was stripped down to his shorts.
'You sleep near the wall,' said Keith, 'I'll get up to her tonight.'
'We'll alternate nights then,' Lance said, as he crawled onto the bed and lay down near the wall. Keith lay next to him and turned out the light. They snuggled together and fell asleep.
At 3am Molly started to grizzle. Keith got up and pulled on his trouser, and Lance mumble in his sleep about losing his warmth. Keith smiled as he picked up Molly and headed to the kitchen to get her a bottle.
Keith didn't expect anyone to be up at and his heart flew into his mouth when he saw Allura sitting at the table. Ignoring her, he took a bottle out of the fridge and started heating it in the Altean version of a microwave.
He could feel Allura's eyes burn into his back and he wished he'd put his t-shirt on.
Taking the bottle from the microwave he turned and took a sudden step back as Allura was standing behind him.
'Princess?' he murmured.
'Why did you leave me?' she asked.
'I didn't love you,' he said. 'It wasn't fair to either of us to stay together, I told you that.'
'I don't believe it,' she said. Taking a sudden step forward she kissed him. Keith pushed her away and frowned.
'What do you think you're doing?' asked Keith.
'I'd like to know that too.'
They turned to the door and saw Lance standing there. Keith moved away from Allura and went over to him. Molly squirmed in his arms, and Keith popped the bottle in her mouth.
'He can't make you happy,' Allura said.
'Well, he does,' said Keith. 'I don't love you, and you can't make me love you.'
'This is stupid,' she said. 'You spent all your time fighting, you can't love someone like him, he's a clown, I don't know why Blue...'
'Don't,' snapped Keith. 'Lance is a valved member of this team and Blue chose him for a reason, and without him there would be no Voltron. Blue would still be hidden away on Earth, and you would still be asleep and the Galra would be taking over more planets.'
Allura stared at him wide eyed.
'And you have no right to tell anyone who they can love,' Keith continued. 'I'm sorry I hurt you, but I love Lance and there's nothing you can do to change that.'
When Keith walked out of the kitchen Lance followed him. 'Who the hell does she think she is saying things like that,' Keith muttered, angrily as they entered their room.
Molly had finished her bottle on the walk back to the room and had fallen asleep again. Keith changed her and put her back in the cot. He picked up the bottle to go and wash it in the bathroom when Lance took his face in his hands and kissed him.
'Thank you,' murmured Lance against his lips. 'I've alway felt like the fifth wheel, and never as good as everyone else.'
'You're our sharpshooter,' said Keith, 'and you've gotten us out of many situations because of it.' Keith pulled him in and kissed him. When he pulled back he look Lance in the eyes. 'And you're the other half of me, the better half. Someone who is witty and caring, who can make me laugh, and who has taught me how to love.' Keith reached up and wiped the from Lance's cheeks. 'Get into bed. I'll just rinse this out.'
Lance watched Keith go into the bathroom. No-one had ever stood up for him like that or expressed love to him in such a wonderful way. He undressed down to his shorts, and slipped back into bed. A few minutes later Keith joined him and turned off the light.
Keith turned onto his left side and Lance moved up behind him, pressing his body to him and wrapping an arm around Keith's waist. It felt perfect.

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