Princess Odana

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We will be landing on planet Okarina soon,' said Allura. 'They will be an important addition to the Coalition if we can get them on our side, and will be hosting a gathering in our honour tonight.'
'However, there are a couple of things we need to go over,' said Coran. 'They don't accept same sex relationships, so we need to ask you to refrain from showing affection to each other while at the palace.'
'You can't be serious,' Lance said.
'It's only for a couple of hours, my boy,' Coran said.
'I don't care,' Lance said, 'I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not.'
'We wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't important,' said Coram. 'The Okarans have been fighting the Galra in this sector for a long time now. Their war ships are impressive and could play a huge part in defeating the Galra.' When there were no more arguments he continued. 'The other thing is, Princess Odana has specifically requested to meet Keith. Apparently, the red paladin has a bit of a following amongst the women of the planet.'
Lance threw his hands in the air. 'So, I'm not allowed to show affection to Keith, but I'm expected to stand by and watch women drool over him? I don't think so.'
'If we want them to join the coalition, we need to go along with it for the evening,' Allura said.
'It's only for a few hours,' Shiro muttered, echoing Coran's words. The others all looked at him. 'I'm not saying like it, but sometimes we're forced to do thing we don't want to in order to get people on our side. It's not as if we haven't played parts before when we've needed to.'
After some grumbling, they all agreed.
They dressed in the formal wear that had been purchased by the Princess a few months ago. Black suits with different coloured shirts to match the colour of their lions, except Pidge, who to her disgust was forced to wear a leave green dress.
Adam, not being a paladin, decided to stay behind at the Castle.
'I hate this,' Lance grumbled.
'You love parties,' Keith said.
'Not this one,' he said, pouting. 'Our first party together, and I have to keep any hands off.'
Keith laughed at him. 'I'll make it up to you when we get back.
Lance's face brightened. 'Really?'
'Promise,' Keith said. He went over and kissed Lance. 'Let's get this over with.'
The Okarians looked like humans with golden skin and green hair. They were lead into a room with a high ceiling that was painted with a battle scene, and on closer inspection they saw it was gory and the victorious Okarian's stood on the bodies of the dead.
'That's creepy,' Hunk hissed.
'Princess Allura.'
They all looked in the direction of the voice.
'Princess Odana,' said Allura, smiling. 'It is wonderful to meet you at last.'
'And you,' said Odana, but her eyes were devouring Keith.
Lance's hands balled into fists at his sides. It took all his will power not to take Keith's hand and tell her to back off, as Keith shifted uncomfortably beside him.
Odana ignored the rest of them and moved over to Keith and linked arms with his and lead him away from the others.
'It's such a pleasure to meet you,' Odana said. 'You are far more handsome in person.'
'Thank you too,' he said. He glanced back over his shoulder at Lance.
She lead him through the crowd like some sort of trophy, and other women gathered around them, all being very hands on with him, and Lance watched him flinch away from them.
A steady stream of food and drink was brought out for the next few hours, and Hank tried one of everything, then went off in search of the kitchens to ask questions.
Pidge moved up next to Lance. 'Keith looks ready to explode,' she muttered.
An ever-growing crowd of women surrounded him, and had a disregard of personal space as they touched him and ran their fingers through his hair and marvelled at his pale skin.
'These women really don't hold back do they,' Lance said, testily. 'And have you noticed it's mainly women here.'
'That's because all the men go to the war,' said an old man moving up to the war. 'General Zyan,' he said extending his hand. Lance and Pidge shook his hand. 'All the young men have been sent to the war with the Galra, and many don't return.'
'That must be hard on the population,' said Pidge, 'how are you going to handle that?'
'We find strong, able-bodied men to impregnate our females, either naturally or artificially.' Lance and Pidge blinked at each other. 'Our women produce two to three babies at a time. During the first six months of life, the child grows into an adult, then the aging process slows. Unfortunately, our supply of male seed is running out and we have needed to search for suitable men to replenish our supply or impregnate our women. All young men are welcome to make a deposit.' Zyan ran his eyes over Lance as if inspecting him for his suitability.
'Sorry,' mumble Lance, 'not available.' He quickly put an arm around Pidge's shoulders.
'Pity,' Ryan said. The Generals attention was caught by someone, and he excused himself and left.
'That's creepy,' Pidge muttered. 'And you can remove your arm now.'
'What? Oh, sorry,' Lance said.
'I would have done the same thing,' Pidge admitted.
Lance looked around the room, only to find Keith gone and a bad feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.
'I wonder where Keith is?' asked Lance.
'Your boyfriend can take care of himself,' Pidge assured him.
'I know. I just have a bad feeling,' Lance said.

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