The Rebels Are Coming

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The Castle of Lions landed on the planet Xantal for the meeting of the rebels in the area.
‘We don't won't the rebels wandering through the castle,’ said Shiro, so we will hold the meeting in what used to be the ballroom, because it is close to the entrance.‘
His eyes then flicked to the Princess.
‘The Princess and Coran will handle the negotiations, while myself, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance will be in armour showing a presence. Keith will keep the control room secure.’
'Why?’ asked Pidge. ‘Keith is a paladin and should be with us.’
‘Word of his being Galra is spreading,’ Allura said.
‘But, we're the only one's who know that,’ said Pidge. She frowned and stood. ‘What have you done now? Why do you have to be such a bitch?’
'His kind killed my people,‘ Allura hissed
‘Ten thousand years ago, neither Krolia or Keith's father weren't even alive, they weren't involved in Zarkon's distraction of Altea, and Keith certainly wasn't. Somehow, Krolia ended up on Earth and had sex with a human and Keith was conceived. He had no idea who his mother was, and by all accounts his father was an arse who told him nothing.’ No-one felt the need to stop Pidge's rant at the Princess, and all kept their mouths clamped shut. ‘Any sane person would use their brains to realize their actions are stupid and totally out of line. Keith is a paladin of Voltron, and if Red still considers him worthy of being her paladin, even with Galran heritage, I don't see how you can object to him being on the team. You are the only one out of all of us who has a problem with him. You telling people about him is hurting your chances of bringing the Galra down because you are turning people against Voltron.’
Pidge crossed her arms and sat back down with a plop.
The room was quiet as they waited for something to happen.
Coran cleared his throat. ‘You make many valid points, Pidge,’ he said, ‘but with this information out, it may be dangerous for Keith to attend the meeting. Some of the rebels attending are cut throats who will kill any Galra they meet.’
Shiro's eyes flicked to Keith. 'In light of this news, I think it best you stay in the control room. Now, they will they be arriving in an hour, so meet back here in 50 minutes in your armour.’
The young paladins stalked out of the room, glaring at Allura on the way past, and she had the good sense to look away.
When the door close Shiro glared at Allura.
‘If anything happens to Keith, I will hold you responsible,’ he said, stabbing his finger in her direction. ‘How could you be so irresponsible as to put Keith's life in danger and Voltrons mission in jeparody?’
Shiro strode out of the room with Adam on his heels.
Allura turned to Coran. ‘The nerve of them telling me I've been irresponsible when it comes to a Galran.’ When Coran remained silent, she frowned at him. ‘Coran?'
‘Princess,’ he said, ‘I will alway be loyal to you, but I will not always agree with you, and when it comes to Keith, I strongly disagree. He has never given anything but loyalty to your cause. He has put his life on the line many times, either with the Blade fighting from the inside or with Voltron destroying what the Galra throws at us.’ Coran sighed. ‘He doesn't deserve what he's been forced to endure the past few months. It's probably the only time I have been disappointed in you.’
Allura was on the verge of tears when Coran left the room.

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