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Monday morning was extra chaotic in the McClain household as all the kids got ready for school. Maria asked Kosmo to take Luis, Leo and Rachel to school first while she got Jaya ready for his first day school.

Jaya was disappointed that neither Keith or Lance would be taking him, and he sat outside Keith's bedroom door in his uniform and with his backpack on.

'Jaya, we need to get going,' Maria said from the top of the stairs.

'Do you think dad will be well enough to come and pick me up?' asked Jaya.

'I don't think so,' said Maria. 'But I do know he will be sad to know he missed your first day, and so will papa. Everyone is trying their best to make them better. Now, abuelo will be there to pick you up this afternoon, okay?'

Jaya got to his feet and went over to her. 'Okay.'

She took Jaya to school, leaving Molly and Enya with Veronica for the moment, then went to the hospital to see Lance.

Jorge looked up when she walked in. 'Still no change,' he said.

Lance had been moved back to his old room after the berry had absorbed into his wound.

Maria went over to him and gently ran the back of her index finger down his cheek. 'Come on, sweetheart, Keith needs you.' She sighed. 'Your family needs you.'

'How's Keith?' asked Jorge.

'Not good,' she muttered. 'I don't know how much more his body will be able to take.'

They looked up when Shiro came in. 'Has there been any change?'

Maria shook her head. She turned back to Lance and ran her thumb over his cheek. She didn't want to admit it, but she was scared she was about to lose Lance, Keith and the kits all at once.

As she ran her thumb over his cheek again, his Altean markings began to glow, but instead of a steady glow, they flashed like a torch trying to stay on. Suddenly, the alarms around him started to blare.

Michaels ran in a minute later. 'What's going on?'

'We don't know,' said Shiro. 'His markings started flashing and for some reason the alarms went off.'

Michaels hurried over and looked over the monitor next to the bed. 'His heart rate is elevated, and unstable.' He frowned as he checked Lance's pulse, which was fine. 'It doesn't make sense. Maybe there's something wrong with the machine.'

Maria took a sudden breath. 'Shiro, come with me.'

She grabbed his arm and pulled him to where Komso sat and they were suddenly standing in Keith's room.

Maria hurried over to the bed. 'Keith, sweetheart.' She moved him onto his back, but he was unresponsive, and his markings were flashing as well. 'We have to get him to Lance.'

Shiro's eyes widened as Maria pulled the sheet off Keith's naked body, threw the towel that was there aside, and wrapped the sheet around Keith the best she could.

'Pick him up and get him to the hospital,' said Maria. 'I'll be right behind you.'

Shiro did as she said and Kosmo disappeared with him, and was back within seconds for her.

When she appeared in Lance's room, Shiro was still holding Keith.

'Move Lance over, and get Keith on the bed with him,' she ordered. The men didn't dare argue with her. Lance was moved over and Keith was placed beside him.

'Turn Keith so that he's against Lance,' she said.

Shiro seemed to suddenly understand what she wanted. He moved Keith so that he could breathe in Lance's scent.

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