The Mission

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'Did you find the source at the signal?’ asked Allura.
‘It's an abandoned outpost of some description,’ Shiro said.
‘And it's been abandoned for some time,’ said Pidge. ‘We're dismantling some of the equipment to bring back to the Castle. It appears to be a database of some description, I'm hoping there's usable data about the Galra on it.’
‘Very well,’ Allura said.
Shiro wanted to ask Allura how Keith and Lance were, but he knew she would not go near them to find out.
She was stubborn when it came to Keith, and blind to the fact she was causing a rift between her and all the paladins. Ostracising Keith had an impact on tearn dynamics. Over the last few months Keith and Lance's rivalry hit new heights, which now affacted the lions, and their ability to form Voltron. With two lions out of commission it left them vulnerable to attack.
Two hours later, they were on their way back to the Castle with a mountain of electronics.
Shiro pushed Black lion to go faster. Why he thought it was a good idea to suggets Keith and Lance train together while they were gone, he would never know. He just hoped they weren't killing each other. Keith was stronger and faster now, leaving Lance little chance against him in hand to hand combat. But what if they'd decided to use weapons? A cold knot of fear settled in the pit of his stomach.
As soon as he was back and out of his armor, he ran down the the training room. He stopped outside the door and frowned. Keith and Lance were sitting on the floor talking.
Shiro was unable to understand what was going on between them.
Pidge and Hunk joined him moments later.
'Have they killed each other?’ asked Pidge.
They had obviously had the same worries as Shiro.
'Um, what's going on?’ asked Hunk as they watch Keith and Lance laugh about something.
'I have no idea,’ Shiro said.
'They're getting along,’ Pidge said in disbelief.

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