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Seconds later, he appeared in his ship and stepped up to the controls. As soon as the ship powered up, Romelle appeared on the screen.

'Keith, Dr Michaels just informed me about what's going on,' she said. 'Let me know if you need us to do anything.'

'Thanks, Romelle,' said Keith. 'Just let us know if there's any change in his condition while we're gone.'

'Of course. Malay and Naran were about to leave, do you want them to follow you?' she asked.

'I'll send Kosmo to get them,' Keith said. Kosmo disappeared without being asked as Keith powered up the ship. When he looked out the window, he saw Jaya standing on the front step watching the ship.

'Hang on,' Keith said.

He lowered the ramp and strode over to Jaya.

'Hey,' said Keith, dropping to one knee in front of him. 'I need you to look after Molly and Enya for me, okay.'

Jaya nodded. 'Papa's really sick, isn't he?'

'Yes, but we're going to do everything we can to make him better again,' said Keith. 'I promise to do my best.'

Jaya hugged him. 'Okay.'

Maria came out and took Jaya's hand as Keith hurried back to the ship. Malay and Naran were there, and they took to the air and they were glaring at Greg who was standing as far away from them as he could get.

That reminded Keith, he'd never asked Malay what they'd done to him after he attacked Lance.

As soon as they cleared Earth's atmosphere, Keith opened a portal and they shot through.

Shiro went and stood next to Keith.

'Do you know where exactly we were before?' asked Shiro.

'Yes,' said Keith. 'You better sort out who's doing what before we get there, I don't want to be here any longer than necessary.'

'I'll collect the samples,' said Shiro. 'Greg has one energy assault riffles, and here's another one.'

'I will take that,' Naran said. As he took the riffle from Shiro, he eyed Greg with a menacing look.

'Are you sure your pet cat should have a riffle?' asked Greg.

'Cadet, I suggest you keep your mouth shut unless you have something sensible to say,' Shiro warned. He placed himself between Naran and Greg to stop a fight erupting when Naran move towards him. 'We're not here to fight each other, were here to try and same Lance.'

'McLame?' grimaced Greg. 'If I'd known that I wouldn't have come.'

'I swear to god, I'm going to throw you down to the planet for bait,' Keith snapped.

'Hey, kitten, there's no need to be like that,' Greg smirked playfully. 'I can show you a good time when he's not around.'

They came to a sudden stop above the planet and Keith went for Greg. Shiro wrapped his prosthetic arm around Keith's chest and pulled him back. Kosmo was next to Keith barking and growling at Greg.

'Let me go or I'll rip your arm off and use it to beat him with,' Keiths growled.

'Calm down,' said Shiro. 'This isn't going to help Lance.'

Keith stopped struggling and when Shiro let him go he went back to the control panel, calling for Kosmo to follow him. 'Fine, but you wanted him here, so you deal with him. If he falls out of the ship, I'm not going down for him.'

Shiro grabbed Greg by the collar and almost threw him towards the ships door. 'Stand there and shut up, and if you call Keith that again, I will gladly throw you out myself.' He turned back to Keith. 'Take us down so we can get what we need.'

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