To Leave, Or Stay?

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Shiro and Kolivan shot into the air with their own jetpack and watch Keith and Lance fall in horror.
‘No,’ Shiro muttered, his voice breaking.
From inside the Castle, the lions roar. It was so loud they clamped their hands over their ears. A flash of red shot past them as Keith's lion caught the falling boys in its mouth. The Garrison staff on the ground fled as Red landed near the Castle.
Suddenly, all the lion were in the air and Shiro's eyes widened in amazement. He'd never seen them all act on their own before.
The lions formed a circle around Keith and Lance, who now lay on the grass.
Shiro and Kolivan landed next to the others when they ran out of the Castle.
‘What's happening?’ asked Shiro, removing his helmet.
‘I'm not sure,' said Allura. She looked up at him. ‘Keith…he…he cused all his quintessence to save you all.’
Shiro's helmet fell from his numb fingers. He gazed between two of the lions and saw Lance kneeling next to Keith, and crying. Shiro let his own tears fall.
‘Look,’ Coran said.
The lions eyes glowed yellow, then they began making a sound. Shiro could only describe it as a cross between a growl and a purr. It vibrated the ground and worked its way up his legs.
The ground at the lions feet glowed yellow. Then yellow fingers of light crawled along the ground and cocooned Keith.
‘Ohhh,’ breathed Allura. ‘The lions are giving Keith quintessence. This is amazing, I've never seen or heard of anything like this happening before.’
‘Nor have l,’ Coran said. He had the same sound of wonder in his voice as Allura.
The lions tipped their heads back and roared once again, and again everyone had to clamp their hands over their ears, but it made no difference, it was if the roar was in their heads.
They heard the lions say in their heads, 'He is with us, the Ancient Altean.’
Then there was silence. Through the lions legs they saw Keith and Lance stand. They embraced each other and kissed a deep, passionate kiss. The remaining glow of quintessence wrapped around both of them and faded into them.
‘What's an Ancient Altean?' asked Hunk.
‘Every 5000 years an Altean child is born with extraordinary powers,’ said Coran in a shaky voice. ‘I've never heard of it being a half breed.’
The lions took to the air and returned to the Castle.
They all ran to where Keith and Lance were and stopped in surprise when Lance turned to them. He had red Altean markings and Keith's Galra markings.
'I guess we really are meant to be together,' Lance said.
Shiro stepped forward and hugged them both.
'Does this mean Lance will live as long as Keith?’ asked Pidge.
‘I believe it does,' said Allura. ‘Altean's can live 700 years, sometime a bit longer.’
‘Wow,' Hunk said.
Shiro finally let them go and the others rushed forward to hug them as well. Shiro looked around when Kolivan clamped a hand to his shoulder.
‘I have never met anyone who is so selfless with their life than Keith,’ Kolivan said.
'He's going to be the death of me,’ Shiro muttered.
‘Krolia said the same thing,’ Kolivan said.
Shiro gave a tired laugh.
A flurry of activity happened around them. Commander Iverson was headed in their direction with Admiral Ellen Sandra. She stopped in front of Shiro.
‘Captain,' she said by a way of greeting.
‘Admiral,’ said Shiro. ‘This is Kolivan, head of the Blade of Marmora.'
She nodded in Kolivan's direction. Then look at all the others as they gathered behind Shiro and Kolivan.
‘Is there somewhere we can talk?' asked Admiral Sandra.
‘Admiral, it's nice to finally meet you in person,' said Allura. ‘We can go into the Castle to talk.’
‘Thank you, Princess,' said Sandra.
They were all quiet as they went inside and gathered around the dining table.
‘I wanted to start of by thanking all of you for everything you've done to protect Earth,' said Sandra. ‘We will go ahead with the ceremony that was delayed due to the injuries sustained on your last trip, in two weeks.'
‘What about Keith?' asked Lance.
‘Cadet,' snapped Iverson, ‘you are in no…’
‘Commander,' said Sandra, 'I will handle this.’
Iverson nodded. A smirk crossed his face.
‘Keith will be reinstated, and his expulsion removed from his records,’ said Sandra. Iverson's mouth fell open. ‘I have also been authorised by the government to reward you for your part in saving Earth.’ She picked up a briefcase from the floor and placed it on the table. Opening the lid she withdrew five folders and handed them one each.
They all frowned and open their folders. Suddenly, their eyes were huge at the amount of money they were being given.
‘That a lot of money,' Hunk muttered.
‘For two years of service, and for saving Earth, it is certainly justified,’ said Sandra. From her briefcase she removed five envelopes. ‘In these envelopes is the offer of a yearly salary to remain as the Paladins of Voltron, to continue to keep Earth safe, and act as ambassadors to Earth.’ She removed one more envelope from the briefcase. ‘In this envelope, Princess, if what Earth will pay you for the use of Voltron. As long as you remain on Earth, this is what you will received each year.'
She handed out the envelopes. When no-one opened them she frowned.
‘Is there an issue?' asked the Admiral.
‘The paladins had decided before leaving for the Blade's base, that they would not continue in that roll,' said Allura. ‘I did ask them to stay on, but this has not yet been discussed.’
The Admiral frowned. ‘I want to urge you all to reconsider that decision,’ she said. ‘Earth needs you. This world is inexperienced when it comes to other life forms. We need your experience. It has been decided to open Earth up to other races and we need to know we're safe.’
There was silence around the table.
‘Admiral,' said Shiro, ‘can we have a few days to discuss this between ourselfs and our families?’
‘Of course,' she said. She sighed. ‘You have done so much for us already, and I know I'm asking a lot from you all. I've seen how well you work as a team, and I don't want to lose that. Let me know your decision in two days.'
She and Iverson stood and left the room.

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