Heading Back Home

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Keith and Lance swung by the kitchen and grabbed some leftovers then went back to their room. Lance could see Keith was still a little shaky on his feet and made him sit as soon as they got there.
Lance locked the door and sat on the bed next to Keith.
‘You okay?’ asked Lance.
Keith nodded as he ate. ‘What's with all the art stuff in the bedroom?’ he asked.
‘I need something to distract me when you're away,' said Lance. ‘Mama suggested I take up painting again. You know the painting by the front door, that's one of mine.'
‘I love that painting,' said Keith. ‘Oh my god, that's wonderful.'
‘I thought, if you were okay with it, I would get a small studio built in the house,' Lance said.
‘Of course it's alright, you don't have to ask me for permission,’ Keith said.
‘Is there anything you want built?' asked Lance.
Keith stared at his food.
‘Um...well…maybe an office,’ Keith said.
‘Okay. For your Blade stuff?’
‘No,’ Keith said. He stood and placed his plate on the desk and went the the wardrobe and removed the box he'd sent back with Kosmo from the Blade base, and placed it on the desk chair.
‘You promise you won't laugh?' asked Keith, his cheek flushing red.
‘I promise,' Lance said, frowning.
From the box, Keith removed a leather bound note book, and sat next to Lance.
‘Um...you see while I was away on missions for the Blade I began writing down what was going on,’ said Keith. His cheeks darkened ever more. 'It just seemed to evolve.' Keith hesitantly held be book out the Lance.
Lance opened the book. The first few pages were scribbled notes, but when he turned to the next page, it changed. Lance found himself reading a novel, about a half human, half Zalian named Yurak, who joined a group of assassins.
‘This is about you? asked Lance.
Keith nodded. ‘I've changed the names, Yurak is what Krolia wanted to name me, and made a few embellishments, but basically it is.'
Some places in the book were detailed notes, there were even sketches of the places described. Lance stood and looked in the box, guessing there to be at least 30 books.
‘You think it's stupid,' Keith said, disheartened when Lance stared into the box.
‘I think, it's amazing,’ said Lance. ‘From what I've read, and seen of this one, you have a serious talent for writing.’
‘I...I was thinking of trying to get published,’ Keith said.
‘Hell yes,' Lance said, sitting back down. ‘I could paint some of the scenes you describe. One might even get used in the book.’
Keith put an arm around Lance and kissed his cheek.
‘Thank you for not making fun of me,’ Keith said.
‘Baby, I'd never do that,' said Lance. ‘I'm glad you have something like this to distract you. Why would you think I'd make fun of you?’
‘Someone I went out with once, found a story I sent in for a competition,’ said Keith. ‘They said it was a pansy thing to do, and the story was rubbish.’
‘That's sad,' said Lance. ‘How did the story and up doing in the competition?’
Keith went bright red. ‘It was published in a magazine.'
'That's excellent,’ said Lance. ‘Can I finish reading this book?'
Keith nodded.
They both moved back and lent against the wall as they waited to return to Earth. It wasn't long before Keith lay his head on Lance's shoulder and fell asleep.
An hour later there was a knock at the door. ‘We're about to go home,' Shiro said through the door.
'Thanks,' Lance said.
Next to him Keith didn't stir, so Lance went back to reading. It was like opening the door on Keith's life. This was about his first Blade mission, and his struggle to fit in, and how he was treated. Parts of it was heart breaking, and inspiring, and showing how determined and resilient he was.
When he felt the Castle land he nudged Keith awake.
‘Let's go home, baby,' Lance said.
‘Mhm,’ Keith said, grogily.
Lance put the book in the box, and picked it up. ‘Let's go home in Blue. You can get your ship after we've been to the Garrison.'
Keith nodded.
They met the others in the corridor.
‘Remember, 10am at the Garrison,' Shiro reminded them.
‘We'll be there,' Pidge said.
They all want their separate ways.
It was 3am by the time Lance landed Blue at home, and they found the front light was still on for them.
They turned the lights off as they entered and made their way upstairs. Taking off their armour, and stripping to their shorts, they crawled into bed, exhausted and were asleep in minutes.
Lance cursed the alarm that went off at 8:30am, and slammed his hand down on his datapad to stop it.
Ten minutes later, Maria came in with two mugs of steaming coffee.
‘I thought you could use these,' she said.
‘Thanks, mama,' Lance murmured, and forced himself to sit up. Next to him, Keith was laying on his stomach, sound asleep still. ‘Wake up.’ He shook Keith's shoulder.
‘Nooo,' Keith groaned.
‘There's coffee,’ Lance said.
‘I'm up,’ Keith said, turning over and sitting up.
Maria handed them the mugs. ‘Go shower, and I will get you breakfast.'
Twenty minutes later they came downstairs showered, dressed and full of coffee.
The kids were playing together on the floor in the loungeroom.
Maria placed plates of food in front of them as they sat.
‘Are you still going shopping with Shiro and Adam today?' she asked.
‘I think so,’ said Keith, ‘if that changes we'll let you know. We should take the kids with us, get them an outfit each for the day.’
Lance nodded. ‘Good idea.'
'You might want to get an assortment of clothes for Jaya,' said Maria. ‘I swear he's grown an inch since yesterday, the clothes he was wearing are almost to small.’
‘How fast does a Galran kit grow?' asked Lance.
‘Fast, 'said Keith. ‘If I'm right, he will be as tall as a 4 year old by the time he's one.’
‘Wow, that's fast,’ Lance said.
‘How about his learning? 'asked Maria. She joined them at the table with a cup of coffee. ‘He's picking up more and more words everyday, and his understanding and comprehension is incredible.'
‘Yeah, we'll have to work out what we're going to do,’ said Keith. ‘I worry about putting him in school.’
‘He’d learn everything to fast,’ said Lance. ‘I suspect a term in each grade and he'd be done. We need to look into tutors for him, either online or face to face. We should get an extra laptop for him when were in town, and he should go with you to the base sometimes so he can learn to be Galran as well.’
‘There are two other kits there his age,' Keith said.
‘Perfect,’ Lance said.
‘Oh, and be the aware, last night Jaya asked to use the bathroom rather than use his nappy,’ Maria said.
'Wow, already,’ said Lance. ‘Do they even make underwear that small?'
‘You'll have to look in town,’ said Maria. ‘I can easily adjust them if I have too, but buy an assortment of sizes because of the rate he's growing.’

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