Galra Attack 5

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'Help me up,’ Alfor said.
‘Sir, you should rest,' Matt said.
‘Father, please listen to him,' Allura said.
‘You don't understand child,' said Alfor, as he struggled to his felt with Matt's and Jorge's assistance. ‘Ask him what has father's name is, I need to be sure.’
‘With all due respect, sir,’ said Coran, 'we are in the middle of a battle, perhaps not the most appropriate time to ask about his father.’
‘If that young man is who I think he is, ' said Alfor, 'he needs to withdraw from the fight.’
'Matt,' said Adam, signalling for him to take over the blaster.
Adam moved out of the way for Matt, then went over to Alfor.
'I can tell you Keith's father’s name,’ said Adam, ‘but you can’t pull Keith out of the fight or talk to him about his father. You can ask me questions.'
Alfor studied Adam. ‘What's his father's name?’
'Frank Kogane,’ Adam said.
‘Do you know Frank?' asked Alfor.
‘I've never met him. Keith had one photo of them together when he came to live with me and Shiro,’ Adam said.
‘Allura bring up an image of Franklin,' Alfor said.
She frowned, but did as the asked.
‘Is that him?’ asked Alfor.
The man in the photo had white hair, Altean markings and purple eyes, Keith's eyes.
Adam swallowed. ‘Y...yes, but he had black hair and didn't have markings in the photo I saw.’
‘Oh my,’ Coran muttered.
‘Oh my, indeed,’ Allura said.
‘Who is he?' asked Adam.
‘My brother,' said Alfor. ‘We were taken at the same time, but from what I can gather, Franklin was taken out of stasis thirty years ago and smuggled to Earth by the resistance. The alarm was raised before they could get me out. He was also gifted with the ability to change his appearance.’
Shiro: Allura, look out.
The Castle shook as it was hit multiple time.
Shiro: What's going on over there? You need to get your head in the game.
‘Of course,’ said Allura, 'apologies.’
‘You need to call red paladin back,' Alfor insisted.
Allura shook her head. ‘You don't understand, father. Uncle Franklin, abandoned Keith when he was a child. None of this will the welcome news to him. In fact, it could break him.’
A frown pulled at Alfor's brow as Jorge helped him to sit by the wall not far away from his own family.
Pidge: I've picked up a distress signal from the Garrison. The Galra have infiltrated the base.
Shiro: You, Hunk and Allura concentrate on the last battle cruiser. Lance, stay with Kolivan and take out the last two slave ships. Keith, follow me.
Krolia: I will help you and Keith.
Maria thought Lance was going to protest being split from Keith, but in the end he obeyed his orders.
Allura turned the Castle and headed towards the battle cruiser, Green and yellow lions just ahead of them.
Hunk: More fighters coming from the battle cruiser.
Pidge: From my scans, that's the last of them.
‘The Coalition ships are concentrating their attack on them,’ said Allura, ‘and the Galran forces are dwindling.’
Pidge: We could really use yellows strength for this one.
Hunk: On it.
Using his bayard, Hunk activated the rocket booster pack and massive claws of yellow lion. Pushing forward on the controls, yellow lion barrelled towards the battle cruiser at full speed. Swiping the massive claws, he tore a hole in the side of the ship before hitting it with the force of a battering ram. Yellow Iion went in one side of the ship, and came out the other.
Pidge followed up by firing at the breach, along with Allura. The explosion blinded them momentarily and shook the Castle as it sped past and turned toward
The Galra had become sloppy and panicked in their attacks which became their down fall. One slave ship blew up as the Castle turned and it came into view, while the final on tried to make a run for it, only to be stopped by Kolivan firing into its engines.
Allura landed the Castle near the Garrison, but remained shielded. She had many innocent lives in her care that she couldn't risk exposing them to the Galra.
The screen now showed all five lions on the ground and the paladins fighting the Galra in hand to hand combat.
Families watched in horror and awe as their children, siblings or lovers fought for Earth.
Keith seemed to be everywhere at once. Flashes of blue lightening caught their attention as Kosmo teleported Keith around the battle field, his two swords moving at incredible speed as he attacked the enemy, cutting them down before they could retaliate.
Standing on top of blue lion, Lance protected his team by taking anyone who got to close with one shot every time.
Hunk wielded his cannon with brutal efficiency, mowing down the enemy quickly and easily, while Pidge used the grapple function of her bayard to take control on the battlefield by outmaneuver her opponents and catching them off guard.
Shiro's prosthetic arm glowed as he cut down the Galra with a speed and efficiency of a machine.
Those watching from the Castle or inside the Garrison were stunned and speechless as the five paladins of Voltron fought as the perfect team. Everyone of them wanting to end this war, today.
Then, everything fell still.
The ground around the paladins were littered with bodies, unmoving and bloody.
Hunk: Oh my god, we did it.

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