Looking After Keith

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Lance took Keith to his room.
When the door closed, Lane pulled him into his arms and held him tight.
'I'm fine,' Keith assured him as he rubbed a hand in circles over his back.
'I'll never forgive her, for what she did to you,' Lance said.
Keith pulled back and took Lance's face in his hands. 'We still have a job to do,' he said, gently. 'There are so many planets that still need our help.' He pulled his mouth down to his and kissed him.
'I know,' Lance murmured, against his lips. 'I will do my job, but it doesn't mean I have to like her.'
There was a knock at the door and Lance pulled back and opened it to find Shiro. Lance stepped aside to let him in.
'Keith,' Shiro said. He pulled Keith to him. 'I thought I'd lost you this time.'
'I'm fine,' Keith mumbled, against Shiro's chest.
'You sure?'
'Yes,' Keith said.
'Okay, get some rest, both of you,' said Shiro, stepping back. 'Everyone's earned a few days' rest.'
Once he assured himself Keith was okay, he left the room, thankful Lance was with him.
'Do you want a shower before you sleep?' asked Lance.
Keith nodded, and Lance unzipped the back of Keith's suit who pulled it down to his waist.
The healing pod may heal the wounds, but it didn't get rid of the blood and Keith looked down at it, then disappeared into the bathroom and Lance listened to the water run.
Worried, Lance went into the bathroom and watched Keith scrub the blood away.
'Keith, you sure you're, okay?' asked Lance.
Keith nodded but didn't say anything.
He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower and took the towel from Lance. He dried then wrapped the towel around his waist.
'I know your worried about what happened,' said Keith, 'but right now, I just want to go to bed and not think about it.'
'Sure,' he said smiling.
Keith threw the towel on the end of the bed and slipped under the covers. Stripping, Lance joined him and turned off the lights.
Keith Iay in his arms, and god Lance wanted him, but this wasn't the time. Keith needed to rest and regain his strength. Lance closed his eyes and pushed his desire aside.
The minutes ticked by, and he couldn't help the lustful thoughts racing through his brain.
He opened his eyes when Keith turned the light on and look down at him.
'You know I can tell, what you want,' said Keith, 'your smell changes when you want sex.'
'Sorry,' Lance said.
'Don't be, but don't assume I don't want it until you try.'
A smile tugged at Lance's lips. He ran his fingers through Keith's hair and pulled him down
and kissed him.
Lance push Keith onto his back and moved between his legs and brought his knees up under Keith's thighs. He moved his attention to Keith's throat, where he kissed and sucked.
Keith wrapped his fingers in Lance's hair and panted, and gave a small groan, and another noise.
Lance froze, then looked down at him.
'Did you just purr?' asked Lance.
Keith's face turned a deeper shade of red. 'No,' said Keith. Lance continued to stare at him. 'Maybe...okay yes, I purred.'
Lance grinned. 'That's so cute, and so sexy.'
Keith studied Lance's face for any sign he was teasing him, but he couldn't see any.
Lance kissed him again and things started to heat up quickly.
When Lance sucked on Keith's nipple his back arched and he groaned deep in his throat and purred again.
The vibration when through Lance's lips causing a pleasurable shiver down his spine and a heavy heat settled in his groin.
'Mmmm...yes...so sexy,' Lance breathed.
Lance's hand went around Keith's hard length and run, his thumb around the tip.
'Oh...yes...Lance...ah...god...' Keith groaned. He started to purr with every exhale which made Lance smile as he pumped Keith's length with his hand.
When precum started to wet his hand, Lance stopped and reached for a pot of lube and coated his own erection. He then reached down and rubbed Keith's hole, and Keith bucked against his touch.
Lance pushed a finger in. Keith's back arched and he was purring with each breath in and out and it vibrated against his finger. Sliding a second, then a third finger in he prepared Keith.
Lance finally pushed into Keith, and Keith gave a low groan.
'Ready?' asked Lance.
Keith nodded.
Lance moved in him, and Keith panted on the bed beneath him, and tangling his hands in the sheets, and his purr became louder.
'Ah...Keith...yes,' groaned Lance, 'Oh...god...so good.' The vibration of his purr felt incredible around him.
Lance pushed himself up onto his hands and started moving faster. He shifted his hips and hit Keith in the perfect spot, and Keith whimpered.
Lance smiled when Keith seemed incapable of forming words and Keith's thighs tightened against Lance.
Leaning forward with his hands on either side of Keith's shoulders and thrust deep and hard.
'Breathe baby,' Lance said.
Keith took a sudden panting breath as Lance continued thrusting into him. Keith's body shook beneath him, and Lance suddenly wondered if he was okay and started to slow down.
'No...don't...stop,' Keith groaned.
'Okay, baby,' Lance said.
He thrust hard and fast into Keith, who's purring became louder, and his stomach tightened. Keith began whimpering and groaning as his back arched further off the bed, pushing down on Lance. Keith slammed a hand over his mouth as he climaxed to muffle the cry of pleasure that escaped. A purr vibrated through him causing Lance to lose control and release inside Keith. Lance pushed into Keith with every wave of pleasure, until he was spent.
Keith's body continued to shake, and Lance lent down and held him until he calmed down.
Lance reached back and grabbed the towel from the end of the bed and cleaned them up before throwing it in the corner with the clothes.
Keith moved over as Lance lay on his back then snuggled into his side.
'You're very sensitive down there,' Lance said.
'Not usually,' muttered Keith, 'that was all you.'
Lance felt heat rise in his face. He didn't know what to say to that. There was no witty remark or quick come back.
Keith pushed himself up onto an elbow and looked down at Lance and frowned.
'Is sex more intense when you love someone?' he asked. 'I've never been in love before. Is this what it's like?'
Lance could see these were serious questions to Keith, and his heart raced as Keith confirmed he loved him.
'Yes, it's more intense,' he said. 'There is a difference between sex and making love. That first night we were together, you made love to me. Most men I've been with just slammed into me until they were done and pushed me out the door. But you were attentive to my needs and wants, and you asked if I was ready for you to move in me. No-one has ever been like that with me before.'
'Then they were stupid,' murmured Keith. 'You deserve better than that.'
'I have better now,' he said. 'I have someone I love.'
Keith kissed him, and there was so much passion behind it a tear of happiness slid down his face.
Keith broke the kiss and lay down in Lance's arms, his head on his chest.
'And I do love the purring,' Lance said.
Keith gave a weak laugh.

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