The Celebrant

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The next morning, promptly at 9:30am, there was a knock at the door.
With Molly in his arms, Lance answered the door.
‘Hi, I'm Felicity Dean, the celebrant,' said the young woman.
To Lance she looked to be in her twenties. Her long blonde hair fell around her pretty face in soft waves.
‘I'm Lance, come on in,' the held the door open as she entered.
‘And, whose this beautiful little girl?' asked Felicity.
‘Our daughter, Molly.' Lance said.
Kosmo trotted in to see what was going.
Felicity stared at Kosmo. ‘Um...what bread of dog is that?'
‘He is a cosmic space wolf,’ said Lance. ‘Keith and his mother found him as a puppy in a quantum abyss.’
She stared at him, trying to determine if he was kidding or not.
‘We're part of Voltron,' Lance explained.
Her eyes widened. ‘You helped stopped the alien invasion.’
‘Yes, come on through to the dinning room,' Lance said.
‘This is my mother, Maria,’ Lance said.
‘We spoke yesterday,' Felicity said, smiling. 'It's nice to meet you.’
‘Please, sit,' Maria said, indicating a chair. ‘Keith's just changing Jaya.’
‘Oh, you have two kids?' asked Felicity. ‘You look too young to have that responsibility.’
‘It just kind of happened,’ said Lance. ‘They both lost their parents. Jaya is Keith's half brother, they had the same mother, and Molly we found on an Earth ship that had been attacked by the Galra.’
‘That's so sad,' Felicity said.
Just then Keith came in. Felicity looked from Keith to the small kit he had in his arms.
‘Keith is half Galran and half Altean,’ said Lance. ‘Keith, this is Felicity.'
‘Hi,’ Keith said, as he sat.
Lance watch Felicity stare, not at Jaya as he'd expected, but at Keith. A faint blush spread across her cheeks when Keith looked at her.
Jaya held his stuffed dog up of Felicity to look at and gave her a gummy grin, but made a little pouty face when she didn't look. Lance would have laughted if he wasn't annoyed.
Lance cleared his throat, and she jumped.
‘Right, okay,’ she said quickly, and beat down and rummaged through her bag to pull out a foIder of paperwork. 'I've filled in some of the details provided by Maria. So, names, Lance Charles McClain, and Keith Kogane. Keith, do you have a middle name?'
‘Akira,' Keith said.
‘Unusual,' said Felicity.
‘My mother named me, and that was her father's name,' Keith said.
‘Ah, yes, now your parents, Maria was a little vague about this,’ Felicity said.
‘My adoptive parents are Takashi Shirogane and Adam West,' Keith said.
‘And your birth parents?' asked Felicity.
‘Do they have to be on there?' asked Keith.
‘It depends who you want noted on the marriage certificate,' Felicity said.
‘Shiro and Adam,‘ Keith said.
Felicity nodded. ‘Date 28 March, at 6:30pm. who will sign as witnesses?’
‘Maria and Jorge McClain,’ Lance said.
‘Vows, do you want to write you own, or do you just want a simple Lance do you take Keith sort of deal?'
‘Lance looked at Keith. ‘Just simple?'
Keith nodded.
‘Right, last thing, will one of you be changing your name?' She asked.
‘Me,' Keith said.
‘Okay, if you two sign there, I can register the marriage and have the certificate there to sign on the day. Now, I do have to let you know, that if the wedding doesn't go ahead there will be a fee for cancelling the registration and certificate,’ Felicity said.
‘Your not going to have to worry about that, but noted,' Lance said, as he sighed then handed if to Keith.
‘Unfortunately, it happens more than you think,’ she said, taking the document from Keith. ‘Do you have any questions for me?'
‘Not that I can think of,’ said Lance. ‘Baby, you have anything?'
Keith shook his head.
‘Okay, this is an invoice for my services, and you can deposit the money in the account below, I will arrive at 5:30pm to set up and answer any questions you've thought of.'
Lance watched her go back to staring at Keith, who seemed oblivious to it.
‘Let me show you out,’ Maria said, and lead Felicity outside.
‘You didn't even notice her staring at you, and the pink flush to her cheeks, did you?' asked Lance.
‘Who?' asked Keith.
Lance laughed. ‘The celebrant.’
‘No, why would I? You're the only one I take notice of in that way,’ said Keith. ‘You know me well enough to know, when I make a decision I stick with it. If I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with you, I would never have mated with you during my heat, and I wouldn't have said yes to marrying you.’
Lance stood and leant down and kissed him. ‘I love you so much, I can't help getting jealous when someone undressess you with ther eyes.'
While Lance was bending down, Molly climbed into Keith's lap with Jaya and babbled to the kit.
Lance took two small plastic bowls and put some yoghurt and half a banana into each bowl, and a plastic spoon. Putting the bowls on the kitchen floor, he put the kids down there while he made three coffee's. He returned to the table with them as Maria rejoined them.
‘She seems nice enough,' Maria said.
‘Very young to be a celebrant,' said Lance, ‘I expected someone a little older.'
‘She sounded older on the phone,’ said Maria. She took a sip of coffee. ‘What time do you need to be at the Castle?'
‘11am,' Keith said.
‘Will you be back tonight?' she asked.
Lance looked at his mug as Keith said, ‘I'm not sure if I will be. If I can, I'll need to go to the Blades base.'
Lance hated that he wouldn't be able to go with Keith. It would aslo mean he would need to fly Red, and Allura would fly Blue, when Keith was with the Blade. Would this end up being a permanent arrangement?
The Blade infiltrated Galran operations all over the Galaxy, it wouldn't be a stretch to think Keith wouldn't be around much.
‘Just be careful,' Maria murmured.
She stood and took her coffee mug to the sink.

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