Keith's Acting Strange

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'I thought Keith was coming to breakfast,' Shiro said.
'He was, only he said he wasn't hungry, and he seems in pain and running a temperature, but he insists he's fine.'
'And how old is Keith?' asks Coran.
'With the time thing when he was with the Blade, he would now be 21,' Shiro said.
'Oh,' Coran said. He suddenly appeared embarrassed.
'What is it, Coran?' asked Pidge.
'Yeah, you don't normally get embarrassed about anything,' Hunk said.
Coran Iooked at Shiro. 'This would be best said without Pidge and Hunk.'
'Okay,' Shiro said slowly. 'Can you two go on patrol.'
'But we want to know,' they both whined.
'Now,' Shiro said.
The two paladins grumbled as they got to their feet and left.
Lance frowned. 'What's wrong with Keith?' he asked.
'Rest assured, he is not ill,' Coran said. 'I suspect with his Galra blood, the stress from yesterday and his age, it's likely to be Galra heat.'
'Okay, what's that?' asked Lance.
'Simply, he needs to mate,' said Coran. 'Both Galra males and females go into heat when they are ready to breed. Some Galra males, omega's and certain beta's, also possess reproductive organs allowing them to bear children. I would suggest with Keith's temperament he would be an alpha and therefore unable to have children. It's likely he was put through a test during his time with the Blade to determine his place in the pack.'
Shiro, Adam and Lance stared at him.
'Um, how long does Galera heat last?' asked Shiro.
'Anywhere up to a week for a full blood GaIra,' said Coran. 'Keith being half human would change that, and I would estimate a couple of days.'
'Right,' said Lance, pushing his plate away, having lost his appetite.
'He will also be likely to be in his Galra form, which will make his stronger,' said Coran. He became unusually serious. 'This is not something he can control. I would suggest you have a safe word, it has been known for a Galra male to severely injure a partner, or kill them.' 
'This is going to put Voltron out of commission for the time being,' said Shiro. 'It will be a good time to find a friendly planet and rest for a few days.'
Coran nodded his agreement. 'I would suggest you utilise a room on a different level of the Castle for privacy.' Coran stood. 'I will talk to the Princess about finding a friendly planet.' 
The door slid closed behind Coran and the room became quiet.
'I guess I better go find Keith,' Lance said.
'Are you okay?' asked Adam. 'That was a lot to take in.' 
Lance nodded. 'It'll be fine,' he said. 'Just don't tell the others.' 
'We won't,' promised Shiro. 'I will check on you though. I'll knock, but if you don't answer I will leave food and drink outside your room.' 
Lance felt the heat rise in his cheeks as he stood. 'Right,' he muttered. With that he left the dining room to search for Keith. First, he made a stop in Keith's room for the pot of lube he kept in the draw.
He found Galra Keith in Red lion's hanger, sitting against the wall, his knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped around his knees. Lance knelt in front of him.
'Would you believe, I've just had a Galra sex education lesson from Coran,' Lance said.  Keith turned his face away from Lance. 'Are you an alpha?'
Keith nodded. 
Lance stood, took Keith's hand, and pulled him to his feet. 'Come on,' he said.
The sudden movement caused Keith to groan with pleasure. Keith clamped a hand to his mouth and turned away, but not before Lance saw the bulge in the front of Keith's trousers.
'You should go,' said Keith, pulling his hand from Lance's. 
Lance wasn't having any of it. He took Keith's hand and pulled him from the hanger and to the lifts.
'Where are we going?' Keith demanded.
'Trust me,' Lance said.
As the lift doors closed, Keith was suddenly in front of him.
'You smell good,' Keith growled. He pushed his body against Lance and started kissing his
neck and breathing in his scent.
The lift doors opened and they stumbled out into the corridor. Keith was trying to get Lance's clothes off, while Lance steered them towards the closest room. The door opened and they fell in, crashing to the floor and the door hissed closed behind them.
'Oh...Ke...Keith,' groaned Lance. ' you word?'
'Eclypse,' Keith breathed.
Lance was plunged into a world of pleasure and pain.
A soft knock at the door, interrupted Lance's sleep. Stumbling out of bed, he pulled on his shorts, then his hoodie, which he zipped up.
He opened the door and stepped out into the hall to find Adam and Shiro holding plates of food and drink.
Shiro frowned. 'You okay?'
'Fine,' Lance mumbled. He rubbed his eyes.
'It's been two days,' Adam said.
Lance looked surprised. 'Keith, um looks normal again. I think his heat may be finished.'
'Take the time you need to rest,' Shiro said.
Lance took the food and drink from them. 'Once Keith gets some rest, and eats and drinks we'll come down.' He turned and disappeared back into the room.
'Keith is lucky to have him,' Adam said as he and Shiro returned to the lift.

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