The Spy

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After more tears, but this time one's of joy, the young men went to their room and the door closed behind them.
Keith locked it.
‘We need to tell Shiro what we know,’ Lance said. He hadn't said anything because Keith needed to be with him. The others knew there was something bothering him, but none of them could coax it out no matter how hard they tried.
‘I know,' said Keith, ‘I just need a moment.'
Keith was overwhelmed from everyone crying and hugging him, all talking at once.
'Come here,’ Lance said, opening his arms.
Keith hurried to him and hugged him tight, burying his face in Lance's neck. Lance held him and rubbed circles on his back to calm him down. It took a few minutes for Keith's muscles to start relaxing. Lance felt Keith lean into him and his breathing slow.
‘Hey, don't go to sleep yet,' chuckled Lance, 'you need to shower and change.’
‘No,' Keith mumbled.
‘I promise you can sleep after,’ Lance said.
Keith groaned a protest, but pushed himself away from Lance and went into the bathroom. As the water warmed up, Keith brushed his teeth, then stepped under the water.
Lance pulled out a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Keith and placed them on the bathroom sink.
Lance returned to the room and heard a knock at the door. He thought about ignoring it, until the knock came again.
Opening the door he found his father and Shiro with a tray of food and drinks. Lance wanted to take the tray from them, but there was a determination in their eyes that told him they weren't leaving without answers. He stepped back and let them in.
‘Can't this wait until he's rested?' asked Lance.
‘I don't think it can,’ said Shiro. ‘It's obvious to everyone there's something wrong, something your not telling us.'
‘And one more day won't hurt to wait,’ said Lance. ‘Let him rest...'
‘It's okay, Lance,' Keith said from the bathroom doorway.
Lance turned to him with a pained expression on his face. Keith went over to him and gave Lance's hand a comforting squeeze before sitting on the bed. He pushed himself far enough back so he lent against the wall, his legs out in front of him. Lance placed the tray on Keith's legs and sat next to him. Jorge took the desk chair, and Shiro remained standing.
‘So, what's going on?' asked Shiro.
Keith gave a small sigh. ‘There's a spy in the Blade, which is why the mission we went on, almost failed,' said Keith, ‘and this spy killed Krolia because she was trying to track them down, and she found out who Franklin really was and apparently, for whatever reason, I need to be killed because of these stupid Altean markings. Haggar's the only other Altean to have red markings. Kolivan said they are a mark of great power.'
Shiro and Jorge blinked at him in shock.
‘Not what I was expecting,' Shiro said.
‘The spy probably arranged for the Blade base to be attacked, so they could kill Keith,’ Lance said.
There was a knock at the door and Maria came in.
‘I was changing Jaya, and this book fell out from underneath the bag you had for him,’ she said, handing it to Keith.
Keith opened the book, and Lance recognised the writing as Galran. Keith frowned as he turned the pages.
‘This is Kolia's investigation into the spy,' Keith said. They stayed quiet as he flicked through the pages. ‘She narrowed it down to three members. Balik, Zatrah and...’
‘Who's the third one?’ asked Lance, when Keith paused.
Keith looked across at Lance. 'Alkarah.'
‘Wasn't he the one who stood in front of Keith's pod all that time?’ Jorge asked Shiro.
Shiro nodded. 'I think you're right, but he never tampered with the pod.’
‘He also wasn't surprised when he saw your markings,’ said Lance, ‘and what was the with the crack about just another way to be a disappointment?’
‘I assumed it was because I wouldn' know,' Keith said.
‘Wouldn't what?' asked Shiro.
Lance looked into Keiths eyes. ‘He wanted Keith,' Lance muttered, turning to look at Shiro ‘and when he didn't get what he wanted, he tried to take it.‘
‘Keith?’ asked Shiro, a rise of panic in his voice.
‘He didn't get what he wanted,' said Keith. ‘Was he hurt in the attack?'
Shiro and Jorge looked at each other.
‘Superficial wounds,’ Jorge said.
‘You saw him leave the Castle?’ asked Lance.
‘Well...we assumed he left with the others,’ said Shiro, ‘and he couldn't hide in the castle for six weeks without being seen, could he?'
‘It's possible,’ muttered Keith. ‘The Blade are taught to be stealthy.‘
‘I'll get the Princess to run a scan on the ship,’ Shiro said, and left quickly.
Maria went and sat on the edge of the bed. ‘You should eat,’ she said to Keith, ‘to build up your strength again. We will be leaving for home in a little while, you come home when you are ready.‘
Lance nodded. He was scared for Keith's life, but glad the rest of his family were leaving. What if Alkarah was still in the Castle?
Jorge stood. ‘Be careful,' he said. Maria and Jorge reluctantly left.
‘Do you think he's still here?' asked Lance.
‘I don't know, but something feels…wrong,’ said Keith. ‘It has since I came out of the pod. I just thought it was because I was in there for so long.’ He signed. ‘Why can't this just be over? All I wanted was to come home, have a family and forget all this.’
Lance took the tray off Keith and placed it on the desk. He knew Keith well enough to know he wasn't going to eat.
While he was up, he locked the door to feel a bit safer, and joined Keith on the bed again.
‘We'll get out of this and live the life you want,' Lance said. He watched Keith turn the ring on his finger with his thumb. 'I'm not leaving.’
‘I don't want to risk your life...' began Keith.
‘Look at me,' said Lance, and waited for Keith to meet his eyes. ‘I love you. I will fight beside you, I will protect you, and I will give my life for you. And make I this choice willingly and without hesitation. The same choice you made saving my life during the attack. I remember you throwing yourself over me and Jaya.'
Lance lent forward and kissed Keith. It was light, slow and full of passion. Soon Keith moved to straddle Lance and their kiss became more heated as Keith moved his hips against Lance.
‘Is this what you want?' asked Keith in a low voice.
Lance opened his eyes to find himself gazing into yellow pools of liquid gold. Lance's breath hitched.
‘Yes,' he breathed. ‘I love every side of you.’
As they kissed again, Lance moved them so Keith was underneath him. They made slow passionate love, and the world around them disappeared. Nothing existed but them as their bodies moved in time with each other. Climaxing at the same time and riding out their pleasure until they couldn't move any more. Then letting sleep drag them into sweet oblivion.

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