Taking A Chance

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'We'll be at the space mall for a few hours,’ said Shiro, 'and when we finally went through all the supplies from the Earth ship we found a chest of GAC (Galra Authorized Currency), so Coran will give some out to everyone.’
‘Cool,’ Lance said.
Once Coran gave out 200 GAC to each of them, they went to the hanger and beared the shuttle. The Princess decided to stay behind which no-one argued about, and she looked hurt at this, only none of them were going to cut her any slack because of everything she had done lately, and Coran stayed with her.
When they arrived at the space mall, they split off into three groups, Pidge and Hunk, Shiro and Adam, and Keith and Lance with Molly.
Keith and Lance ended up outside a shop that sold Earth products.
‘Do you think they got all of this off a ship like what Molly was on?' asked Lance.
It was horrible to thinkall the item it the shop came from ships that were attacked and whole families slaughtered. He'd often wondered how the space mall eneled up withuman items, but it never occured to him it would be like that.
‘It's possible,’ said Keith. ‘But let's not think about it, there's nothing we can do for them now.’
‘True that,' said Lance. ‘I can't believe in three months we get to go home, see our families.’
Keith didn't say anything and Lance frowned as the continued past the shop, unable to bring themselve sto walk in there.
‘I know Shiro and Adam are your family, and that you don't have anyone else on Earth, so I want you to come and see my family with me, you and Molly.’
‘I don't know,’ said Keith. ‘They want to see you…’
‘Keith, you and Molly are my family, so it's only natural I want my boyfriend, and the baby we will raise as our daughter to come with me.’
Keith was quieta moment as he thought. ‘If you want me too, then I will,' Keith said.
Lance grinned and it melted Keith's heart to see such a genuine smile on his boyfriends face. He was also nervous. He'd never met anyone's parents before. What if they didn't like him, or accept him as part of Lance's life?
All his old demons started whispering in his head that he wasn't good enough for Lance, and that he would choose them over him if they told him to walk away.
‘Oh, look,' said Lance pointing to a shop that had kids dresses in the window. Lance grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him towards the shop and Keith's worrying thoughts slipped away.
They shopped for the next two hours and had bags full of thing mainly for Molly and were headed to the food hall to meet up with the others.
‘Keith, I'll catch up with you in a minute,’ said Lance, ‘I just saw something I wanted to look at.’
‘Meet you at the food hall,' Keith said.
Lance waited until Keith was almost out at sight before hurrying into the shop next to him.
He walked throught the door of the brightly lit jewellery shop and looked in all the cases, but got increasingly frustrated when he couldn't find what he wanted.
'You seem distressed,’ said the alien behind the counter. She was tall and thin, with bright pink skin and and long skinny arms.
‘Do you have any gold rings?’ Lance asked.
The woman grimaced. ‘Why would you want an inferior metal for a ring? We have a beautiful...’
‘I really want gold,’ said Lance. ‘Were I'm from it is a highly prized metal.’
‘Wait here,’ she sighed. She disappeared into the backroom and returned with a dusty box. Placing it on the counter she removed the lid. ‘This is all we have.’
Lance went and looked in the box at the assortment of gold rings that had been thrown in there.
Lance tipped them out into the lid and put the unsuitable ones back in the box. He was beginning to dispair until he saw two rings. Two gold bands, one inlayed with ruby chips and the other with aquamarine chips.
He picked up the aquamarine one and slipped it on his finger, it was perfect. The ruby one was slighty smaller, which was perfect because Keith's hands were smaller.
‘These two,' he said, holding them out to the woman.
‘Are you sure?’ she asked, doubtfully.
‘Yes,’ he said.
The woman shrugged. ‘20 GAC.’
Lance handed over the money and she dropped the rings in a small leather pouch and handed them to him.
Lance turned around and jumped in fright, almost dropping the pouch.
‘Damn it,’ he snapped, ‘You scared the life out of me.’
Shiro and Adam grinned at him.
‘Let us see,' Shiro said.
Lance's face turned bright red. He opened the pouch and tipped the rings into his hand.
The other two men huddle round and Iooked at them.
‘They're perfect,’ Adam muttered.
‘Yes they are,’ agreed Shiro.
Lance slipped them back into the pouch and pushed them into his jeans pocket and followed them out of the store.
‘Um…is it…you know…okay with you two that I ask him?’ asked Lance.
Adam and Shiro stopped and turned to him.
'I think we'd be disappointed if you didn't,’ said Adam. ‘You have proven yourself over and over again your the person Keith needs in his life.’
‘I've never seen him fall for anyone the way he has for you,’ said Shino. ‘I will admit to having my doubts in the beginning, but where you proved yourself to me was during his heat.’
Lance looked at the floor at his feet. ‘I'd do anything for him,’ he murmured.
‘We know that,' Adam assured him.
They met up with the others at the food hall.
‘Did you find what you wanted?’ asked Keith.
‘Yes,’ Lance said.

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