Preparing A Feast

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By the time the paladins returned to the control room, Alfor was there waiting for them.
Keith was wiping the blood from his face, when Alfor rushed over to him. Shocked, Keith backed away until he came up hard against the wall.
‘I never thought I'd live long enough to meet an Ancient Altean,' said Alfor. ‘A feast will be prepared for tonight to honour you.'
‘Please don't…’ Keith began.
‘Nonsense, we must honour you,’ said Alfor. ‘The whole town will be there. Coran, Allura, come we have much to do.'
The three Alteans left the control room chattering excitedly.
‘Um, does anyone else think the Galra weren't just testing to see if we were active?” asked Hunk. ‘Why send two battle cruises to do that?'
‘We need to be careful,’ said Shiro, ‘and no, I don't believe it. Keith, I want you to be with someone at all times. We know Alkarah told Lotor about you, so we need to stay alert.'
‘I won't leave him alone,' Lance said.
‘You think this was all a diversion?' asked Pidge.
‘It could be,’ Shiro said. ‘Do you need a healing pod, Keith?'
Keith shook his head. ‘Just bruised, I'll be fine.’
‘Okay, go to your room and stay there until the feast,’ said Shiro, ‘after recent events, I don't trust the Castle is safe.'
‘Sure,’ Keith said.
When they got back to their room, Lance locked the door and placed his bayard in easy reach.
‘Kosmo, can you guard the door,' Lance said.
Kosmo sat in front of the door. He watched Keith's every more, knowing there was something wrong.
Keith stripped to down to his shorts and went into the bathroom to wash the blood from this face. In the mirror he saw bruises starting to show on his right shoulder and chest. He came out to find Lance sitting in the desk chair and sorting through a box.
'We might as well leave everything here,’ said Lance, ‘except for Molly's stuff.'
Keith watched him a moment. Their reIationship felt as natural as breathing. He’d never connected with anyone the way they had before. From their first night together he knew it was different. He couldn't get enough of the way Lance’s body felt against him, the way they moved together, as if they'd been lovers for years. Even to Lance calling him 'baby’. He'd never tolerated anyone using a sappy nickname before, but when Lance called him that his heart fluttered.
Now Lance had the same markings on his face as Keith, and there was no complaint from him about it. When the quintessence surrounded them and they kissed, Keith was sure he could feel Lance’s emotions in that moment. His love was overpowering and wonderful at the same time. Then he wondered if he imagined it.
‘Baby, you okay?' asked Lance.
Keith sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Can I ask you something?'
‘Of course,’ Lance said.
‘Did you…feel anything…you know, when we kissed and you got those markings?' asked Keith.
‘Yes,’ said Lance, softly. 'Emotions…but they…weren't mine. I…got the…feeling they were...yours.’
‘And I could feel yours,' Keith said.
Lance slipped from the chair to his knees in front of Keith and hugged him tight, surprising Keith.
‘I never thought anyone would ever love me like that,’ Lance said, his voice thick with emotion.
Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders. ‘I could say the same to you, I love you so much.’
Lance looked up at him, and Keith captured Lance's mouth with his, and ran his fingers though his hair. When Lance got to his feet, Keith moved further onto the bed and pulled Lance down onto him. Keith pushed his and under the back of Lance's t-shirt and pushed his hips into his.
There was a knock at the door.
‘Go away,' Keith said.
‘We need to talk,’ Shiro said.
‘Not now,' Keith said.
Keith turned his attention back to Lance when there was no reply.
Suddenly, the door opened and Kosmo growled, but moved. Shiro had used the override code.
‘Keith, we...’ began Shiro.
Lance pushed himself off Keith, and muttering curses, stalked out of the room.
Keith sat up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees he ran his hands through his hair and clasped them behind his head.
‘Damn it, Shiro,’ snapped Keith. ‘What part of not now did you not understand?’
‘I'm sorry,' said Shiro, ‘I just thought you didn't want to talk about what happened.’
‘And I don't,' said Keith, dropping his hands. ‘The decision was made, there's nothing more to say.’
Shiro closed the door and sat on the bed next to Keith.
‘You forget how well I know you,' said Shiro, softly. ‘I know when your hurting and angry about something.’
‘I know that, but I have someone to help me deal with it,’ Keith said.
‘And what if Lance isn't dealing with it?' asked Shiro. ‘He's watched you go in and out of the healing pods for months at a time.’
‘You all knew that when you voted yes,’ said Keith. ‘Don't make this about how we feel about it, when you already know the answer to that. This is about you feeling guilty, and you wanting me to tell you it's fine. I don't know if I can do that, but you, Pidge and Hunk are the ones who need to find a way to get over it and move forward.’
Keith stood, and dressed. ‘I better go find Lance.'
Kosmo stood and trotted over to him. Keith slipped his fingers into Kosmo's fur and they were gone in a flash.
They reappeared in the astronomy room. Lance stood in front of the window looking out over New Altea. Keith went to him and slipped his hand into Lance's. The town the Alteans built spread out in front of them and wove itself through the forest that covered this world. The paved square in front of the Castle was a hive of activity as they prepared.
‘This is going to be a nightmare,' Keith muttered.

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