Romelle (changed and updated)

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Allura had wasted no time talking to Collins about two new paladins. This set off a frenzy of phone calls, in one of which Shiro informed him they were all leaving. The Carandian ship was moved to a hanger at the Garrison, and by nightfall, all the rooms were packed into boxes and the paladins were gone. There was no trace they'd ever been in the Castle at all. Hunk had even stripped out all the Earth supplied that had been in the kitchen.

Allura stood in the quiet, empty corridor between the rooms they used, broken and dejected.

Coran came up behind her. 'Princess, your father has requested you come to New Altea immediately. Rear Admiral Collins has been informed.'

She turned to say something to him, but he was already walking away from her.

Less than an hour later, Allura and Coran stood in front of Alfor.

'What were you thinking?' Alfor demanded.

'It's for the best,' said Allura. 'Father...'

'The best for Voltron, or the best for you?' asked Alfor.

'Father?' She blinked in surprise. 'I did what I thought was right...'

'I know you spoke to Keith just before you fired him and Lance,' interrupted Alfor. 'I also spoke to Keith, and while he refused to say what the argument was about, I think I can guess.' He sighed, and rubbed his forehead. 'I know from recent experience, you can't let your feelings dictate your actions. What I am about to do is done for tactical reasons.'

Alfor signaled to the guard at the door. It opened and a woman entered.

'Cousin Romelle,' cried Allura, smiling. Then her smile faded and she turned to her father. 'Father, please, no.'

'Romelle will return to Earth with the lions, and you will stay here,' said Alfor. 'She will oversee the new team. Romelle has chosen an advisor, and Coran will stay in the Castle for a month to get them familiar with all the systems, before returning back here.'

'What am I to do?' asked Allura.

'You will marry,' said Alfor. 'You have 3 men to choose from...'

'No,' she cried, 'I love Keith. Please, let me go back to Earth, I can change his mind.'

Alfor's face fell. 'He is marrying Lance at the end of the week.'

'But I...' she began.

'No,' said Alfor. 'Keith made it clear he doesn't want to have anything further to do with you. He will, however, remain head of the Blade, and will liaise with Romelle or myself.' He sighed. 'I'm sorry for your heartbreak, but Keith is out of your reach, and you need to let him go.'

Allura burst into tears and ran from the room.

'Romelle, can you please ensure Keith gets his blade ship back,' said Alfor, 'and that the other paladins are given ships for their own use. Once they are all aboard the Castle, can you please head to Earth.'

'Yes, uncle,' she said, and left the room.

'Coran, if you can, please get Keith and Lance to come here for a union ceremony,' said Alfor. 'They are princes of Altea and they deserve a ceremony.'

'I'll try my best,' Coran said.

'And Coran, thank you for looking after Allura for me,' said Alfor. 'It meant a lot to me that you could be there for her.'

Coran nodded. 'I'm only sorry I couldn't prevent this from happening. I'm going to miss them all.'

'I know, old friend,' said Alfor. 'Today is a sad day in Voltron's history, and I sense the lions are feeling the loss as well. It's not going to be easy to find new paladins for them and in this time of uncertainty it was the last thing we needed to happen.'

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