The Blade Base

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When the Castle landed at the Blade's base, Maria went to inform Keith and Lance. She knocked on the bedroom door and waited. After a minute of not hearing anything she opened the door and peaked in, worried she was walking in on a private moment.
They were asleep, still wrapped in in each others arms. She smiled as she moved into the room and gently shook Lance by the shoulder.
‘Five more minutes,’ he mumbled.
‘We've arrived,’ Maria said.
Lance forced his eyes open and blinked at his mother.
‘What?' he asked.
‘We've arrived,' Maria said again.
‘Oh, right,' said Lance. ‘Baby, time to get up.’
‘No,’ Keith said. He pulled Lance tighter to him and burried his face.
'Come of you two,’ said Maria, ‘as soon as this is over, the sooner you get to sleep again.’
Keith groaned and untangled himself from Lance an sat up.
‘Kolivan said you both need to wear your Blade uniforms,’ said Maria, ‘he said because Lance is your mate, he will stand with you.’
‘I'll need to get one from my room on the base,' Keith said.
‘He said to meet in the hall in an hour,’ said Maria. ‘Someone will come and collect the rest of us before it starts.'
‘Okay, thanks,’ Keith said.
She left and they got up. Lance dug around in the cupboard for the Blade uniform he used on the mission.
‘We never spoke to Kolivan about the possability of a spy being in the Blade,' Lance said, as he followed Keith out of the room, his uniform tucked under his arm.
‘We will after this,' said Keith, ‘we need to keep it to ourselves for now so we don't tip someone off with our suspicions. At this stage, Kolivan is the only one I trust 100%.’
The exited the Castle which landed a few hundred metres from the Blade base. The planet was cool and the base was nestled in the foothills of a mountain range, and reminded Lance of the rainforests on Earth, except with a purple hue to the trees and grass.
‘This is where you lived while you were gone?' asked Lance.
Keith nodded. ‘When we weren't on missions.’
Lance felt like he was finding out about a part of Keith's life he rarely talked about. Most of his missions had been top secret, but he never spoke about his life on the base either. If any ever asked, he gave a vague answer and changed the subject.
When they entered the base it was not what Lance expected. The sterile metal walls had no life to them, and everyone wore the same uniform. There was no individuality. Each corridor Keith took him down looked the same as the last, and Lance knew without Keith to guide him, he'd get lost.
He also noticed they were being stared at and whispered conversations followed behind them. Keith seemed oblivious to it. He also noticed how small Keith looked amongst the other Galra, and wondered how he managed to find his place amongst them.
When they entered the small room there was only a bed in one corner. Next to the bed were two boxes that heled his uniforms and personal items. No bathroom, no desk or chair, nothing else.
‘The Castle is luxury compared to this,’ Lance said.
‘Yeah, it's not much,’ said Keith. ‘I prefered to be on missions than be stuck here.’
Lance jumped when Kosmo appeared in the room.
Keith chuckled. ‘Hey Kosmo,' Keith said, as he patted the wolf’s head.
‘Are all the rooms like this?’ asked Lance.
Keith's smile faded. ‘,’ he said. ‘They made space for me.'
‘Made space?' Lance frowned.
‘Yes, this was a storage room before I came,’ Keith said. He went over to one of the boxes and dug out a uniform.
‘What about a bathroom?' asked Lance.
‘There's a bathroom at the training centre,’ Keith said.
‘And that's close by?'
‘On the other side of the compound.’
Lance watched Keith throw a uniform on the bed next to his. His heart broke for Keith. He came looking for his mother and was treated as an outcast. Keith really didn't know what it was like to be accepted. No wonder he was confused about how his parents welcomed him to the farmely so easily.
‘We should get ready,’ Keith said.
In silence they changed in to their Blade uniforms. Keith pulled out a bag and put their clothes in it.
He held it out to Kosmo. ‘Can you take this to our room, boy. Then go the Shiro.'
Kosmo took the bag and disappeared.
When it was time to they made their way down to the hall, and again many watched them pass and whisper to each other.
A large male stepped in front of them and they stopped.
‘Alkarah, what do you want?’ asked Keith.
‘Someone said you had Altean markings, I wanted to see for myself,’ Alkarah said.
‘Well, now you've seen, so move,' Keith said.
‘So, the little bastard boy isn't human after all,’ said Alkarah, 'just another way to be a disappointment.'
‘I don't have time for this,' Keith said.
Alkarah ignored Keith and turned his attention to Lance with hungry eyes.
‘Perhaps your friend here will be more accomodating than you were,’ said Alkarah. ‘What's your name pretty boy?'
Lance had seen that lustful look before and tried not to grimace at the insinuation he’d tried to get Keith into bed.
‘Sorry, not interested,’ Lance said.
‘How do you know until you try?’ asked Alkarah, stepping closer.
A crowd started to gather around and watch.
Keith drew this blade and held it to Alkarah's throat.
‘Step away from my mate,' Keith growled.
Lance stepped behind Keith knowing it was better for him to handle Alkarah than himself.
Anger flashed in Alkarah's eyes. ‘Why would you choose him over me?’
‘For fuck sake, I'm not doing this,' said Keith. ‘Get out of the way.’
‘I want an answer,’ Alkarah said.
‘Because I have no feelings for you, how many times do I need to say that?’ asked Keith.
‘Alkarah!' The Galran turned and saw Kolivan walking down the corridor. ‘I've told you before, leave Keith alone. The rest of you go about your business.'
The corridor cleared quickly.
‘Keith go to the hall, Alkarah, I will talk to you later,' Kolivan said.
Keith took Lance's hand and lead him down the corridor.
‘Um...just how into you is he?' asked Lance.
‘Just ignore him,’ Keith said.
‘Did he try anything?'
‘Don't worry about it.’
Lance stopped and pulled Keith to a halt. ‘Did he try anything?' Lance asked again.
‘A few times,’ Keith said, shrugging but not meeting Lance's eyes.
‘Keith, be honest with me,’ said Lance. ‘Did he rape you?’
Keith looked up at him. ‘No, but he tried.' A pained expression crossed Lance's face. ‘I promise you, nothing happened. I just want to get this done and leave.’
Lance stepped closer to Keith and kissed him. He didn't care where they were, or who saw them.

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