Bad News

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By the time everyone had returned home for the day, they had confirmed and paid for the flowers, written out a rough menu, and Maria had found a celebrant in the next town over willing to marry a gay couple. So an appointment was made for her to come out to the house tomorrow to meet them, and settle final plans.
They were about to settle down to dinner when Kosmo appeared with Hunk, who carried a large, plastic box.
Lance grinned. ‘Hunk, buddy your back.' Lance's grin faded at the solenm look on his face.
‘What's happened?' asked Keith, joining them.
‘Kolivan was killed,' said Hunk. ‘This box was brought to the Castle for you, Keith.’
Lance looked back at Jaya sitting in Maria's lap. He then followed Keith and Hunk into the loungeroom. They were soon joined by Maria and Jorge.
Keith took the box from Hunk and placed it on the floor at his feet. He removed the lid and the first thing he saw was a letter. Picking it up, Keith read it.
‘What does it say?' asked Lance, when Keith refoIded it.
‘He was us to keep Jaya,’ said Keith. ‘He wants him brought up away from war. Apparently, the cleared it with Admiral Sandra before we went to the base for Krolia's send off.‘
Inside the box, were an assortment of toys and clothes for Jaya. In on one side was another box, whick Keith removed. When he opened the top, lots of trays and compartments folded open. On the top was a book.
Lance took the box so Keith could read the book.
‘These are medicines for Jaya,’ said Keith. ‘What amounts for what illness, and what to combine. Most of the stuff can be found at the space mall in the apothecary shop.'
‘So, will these work for you as well? asked Lance.
‘I assume so,' Keith said.
‘Hunk, did they tell you how Kolivan died?' asked Keith.
‘Only that he was on a mission,’ said Hunk, as he looked nervously at Lance. ‘A Blade ship was brought to the Castle, and Allura is having it refitted with a teludav so you can come an go without having to rely on her being here. Pidge is fitting it with subspace communication. You'll be able to contact the Castle and the Garrison without opening a wormhole.’
‘Woah, why would he need all that?’ demanded Lance. ‘What aren't you telling me?’
‘There was more in the letter,’ said Keith. ‘I'll fill you in later...’
‘No, you tell me now,’ Lance snapped.
‘Kolivan arranged with he Admiral for me to take over the Blade,’ Keith said.
‘No, not happening,’ said Lance. ‘They can't do this.'
‘The Admiral and Kolivan want the Blade to remain under the control of Earth,’ said Keith. 'With Kolivan gone the Blade will be in disarry, we can't risk them being lead by someone who will give them back to the Galran Empire.'
‘You want to do this?' asked Lance.
‘Of course I don't,’ snapped Keith, ‘but I don't have any choice, we work for the Garrison and have to go where they say.'
‘We shouldn't be working for them,' Lance growled. He shot to his feet and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind him. Jorge followed him out into the yard.
‘Sorry, Keith,’ murmured Hunk. ‘I know this isn't the news you wanted.'
‘It's not your fault, Hunk,’ Keith said.
Hunk stood and Keith called Kosmo over to take Hunk back to the Castle.
When Kosmo returned he had another box with his Blade uniforms in it.
Keith looked at all the stuff around him. In the bottom of the box with Jaya's things, he took out Kolivan's blade, which would go to Jaya when he was older. Keith felt his throat tighten. Kolivan had taught him so much, and was one of the few Blade members to treat him as an equal.
Why Kolivan thought he would be able to lead the Blade was beyond him, but Keith knew he was going to have to prove himself more than once.
He sighed, and replaced the blade back in the box.
‘I'm sorry you had to lose Kolivan so soon after losing Krolia,' Maria said.
‘Thanks,' murmured Keith. ‘I will translate the book of medicine in case I'm not here when Jaya gets sick.' He picked up the boxes and headed upstairs.
‘Come and eat,' Maria said.
‘I'm not really hungry,' he said before disappearing.
Maria took Jaya into the dinning room. The others sat quietly, having listened to the arguement.
‘Marco, can you please feed Jaya for a moment,' Maria said.
‘Yes, mama,’ Marco said.
She went outside to where Jorge watched Lance paced angrily back and forth.
‘Lance, stop,' ordered Maria. Lance turned to her. ‘I understand you're angry about this, and I understand why, but in a short amount of time, Keith has lost his mother and now the man he looked up to. Your energy would be better off channelled in to looking after him, than being angry about something neither of you can change.’
Lance looked stricken and immediately ran inside. When he didn't find Keith in the loungeroom or dinning room he ran upstairs.
Keith stood in the middle of the room holding the boxes, looking lost. Lance took the boxes and put them on the desk, then drew Keith into his arms.
‘I'm sorry,' said Lance. ‘I was being selfish and stupid.'
Keith lent into Lance, but remained quiet.
Lance held Keith, slowly rubbing circles over his back.
'At least we get Jaya,’ said Lance. ‘He won't have to go to someone he doesn't know.'
Keith finally put his arms around Lance and hugged him. ‘Two kids down, four to go,’ Keith said.
Lance chuckled. ‘Come on, let's get some dinner,' he said.
Eager faces looked at them as they entered, and soon relaxed when everything appeared to be settled between them.
They sat down and Lance served them. They were about to take their first mouthful, when the ground shook.
Keith sighed. ‘Shiro,' he said,
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, before it was opened.
‘In the dinning room, Shiro,' Jorge called.
Shiro came in with the Admiral.
‘Apologise for the intrusion,' said the Admiral. ‘Keith, can we speak?’
‘Sure,’ Keith said, but made no move to stand.
‘Perhaps alone,’ the Admiral suggested.
Keith still made no move to stand.
‘I trust you heard about Kolivan,’ the Admiral said.
‘Yes,' Keith said.
‘I want to impress on you how important this position is to Earth,' she said, ‘tactically it is important to keep the Blade of Marmora under our control.'
‘Don't you mean, they're important to help us in our fight against the Galra?’ asked Keith.
‘Yes, of course,’ said the Admiral. ‘I trust I can rely on your co-operation to do what's right for Earth.'
‘As long as it doesn't compromise the Blade,’ Keith said.
‘Kolivan assured me, you could make hard decisions when needed,' she said.
‘I can,’ he said.
‘Good, I'm glad we understand each other,’ she said, as she turned to Shiro.
‘Why don't you let Kosmo take you home,’ Keith said.
The Admiral smiled. ‘Thank you.'
Keith gave a hand signal to Kosmo who trotted over to her. ‘Push you fingers into his fur,’ Keith instructed.
She did that, and was gone in a flash.
‘Since when did you become her chauffer?’ asked Keith.
‘Don't start with me, Keith,' Shiro sighed.
Jorge brought an extra chair to the table for Shiro, who sat down with a groan.
‘She's bad news,' Keith said.
‘Why would you say that?' asked Lance.
‘Because she is trying to get control of the Blade for her own use,' said Keith. ‘Can you imagine what she could do with trained assassins under her control.’
‘And Kolivan knew you wouldn't let that happen,' said Lance. ‘The hard decision is to say no to the Admiral.' Keith nodded. ‘This is not going to be pretty.'
‘That is an understatement, Lance,’ Shiro said.

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