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That evening Lance helped his mother prepare dinner, having sorted out all his art supplies. He threw out everything that was no good, and made a list of what he needed to buy.
They decided to have a barbecue and invited Shiro and Adam over. At 4pm everyone started to return home from school and work.
Jaya and Molly played outside as Lance set up the tables and stacked wood in the firepit. The two kids laughed as they tried to jump on the trampoline, but kept falling over.
By 5:30pm, the McClain household was full of energy and laughter. Rachel and Leo played with Jaya and Molly, while Luis got some homework done before dinner.
At 7:30pm, Shiro and Adam arrived in Black and carrying dessert.
‘What have you got,’ asked Lance.
‘Tiramasu for the adults, and creamy cupcakes for the kids,’ Adam said.
‘Oh yum, it's been forever since I had tiramasu,’ Lance said, taking them from Adam.
Molly and Jaya came running, and were instantly scooped up by Shiro and Adam.
Lance went in and placed the desserts in the fridge.
‘Take this to papa on your way back,’ Maria said, handing Lance a huge tray of meat.
‘Sure, mama,' Lance said.
When he went back outside he saw a car coming up the driveway.
‘You expecting someone, papa?’ asked Lance.
‘No,' said Jorge, turning. ‘What are they doing here?'
‘Who is it?’ asked Lance.
‘Esther and Roberto,’ said Jorge.
Lance knew Jorge didn't get along with his sister, Esther. She'd married for money, and the thought of having kids horrified them.
‘You put the meat on to cook, and I'll try to get rid of them,’ Jorge said.
‘Your father doesn't look happy,' Shiro said, joining Lance at the barbecue.
‘It's his sister Esther and her husband Roberto,’ sad Lance. ‘They're kind of...stuck up. They think they're better than us because they have money.'
‘So do you now,’ Shiro reminded him.
‘True, and a hell of a lot more than they do,' Lance said.
While Shiro and Lance cooked, Adam helped Marco set up a small outside theatre for the kids, with blankets, cushions and beanbags.
Jorge waited at the top of the driveway for the car to stop, lent on the door and looked through the open window.
‘Esther, Roberto,’ he said by way of a greeting. 'Tenemos invitados esta noche...' (‘Esther, Roberto,’ he said by way of a greeting. ‘We have guests tonight…’ )
'Está bien,’ interrupted Esther, ‘no nos importa.’ Abrió la puerta, empujando a Jorge hacia atrás. (‘That's fine,’ interrupted Esther, 'we don't mind.’) .
She opened her door, pushing Jorge back.
'Pero yo sí,’ said Jorge. ‘Puedes venir a almorzar el fin de semana.’ (‘But I do,' said Jorge. ‘You can come for lunch on the weekend.‘)
'Tenemos que hablar,’ said Esther, 'mamá nos llamó y expresó su disgusto por cómo la trataron.‘ (‘We need to talk,’ said Esther, 'mama called us and expressed her displeasure about how she was treated.’)
'No voy a entrar en esto con invitados aquí', said Jorge. 'En realidad, sabes qué, no voy a entrar en eso en absoluto. Lo que pase en esta casa no es asunto de nadie más que mío y de María, y no permitiré que vengas aquí pensando que puedes entrometerte en algo que no es asunto tuyo’. ('I'm not going into this with guests here,' said Jorge. ‘Actually, you know what, I'm not going into it at all. What happens in this house in no-one's business but mine and Maria's, and I will not have you come here thinking you can interfere in something that's none of your business.’)
'Olvidas que mamá es la cabeza de esta familia', Esther snapped. ('You forget, Mama is the head of this family,’ Esther snapped.)
She and Roberto strode towards where the family gathered for dinner.
‘Look out,' said Shiro, ‘you may want to go put on your amour.'
Lance chuckled. He glanced over his shoulder at Esther and Roberto, as they frowned at the two metal lions. Their frowns deepened when they looked at Lance, it was almost as if they didn't recognise him.
‘Before you start,’ said Lance, 'speak English, our guest don't speak Spanish.’
Esther's eyes narrowed.
‘Then maybe your boyfriend should learn,’ Roberto said glaring at Shiro.
Lance started laughing. ‘Esther, Roberto, this is Shiro and that over there is his husband, Adam. They're Keith's parents.’
'Oh,' said Roberto, 'where's this fiance of yours?’
‘Working,’ Lance said.
‘Keef,’ Jaya said.
Esther looked down and let out a squeal of fright at Jaya standing next to her.
Jaya jumped and started to cry.
Lance bent down and scooped him up. ‘Hey, you're okay,’ he said, gently. Lance looked at Esther. ‘Don't scare him like that.'
‘Don't scare him, what about me?’ she demanded. ‘What is that ugly thing anyway?'
Jaya turned his face into Lance's neck and cried harder.
‘Don't be so nasty,' said Lance, ‘he's not ugly, he's beautiful, and he's just a baby.’
‘That was uncalled for,' said Jorge. ‘Lance, you got take care of Jaya.’
Lance cuddled Jaya to him and walked away. It was obvious the small kit could understand more than anyone thought he could. Moving away from everyone, Lance sat down on the grass.
‘Don't listen to what people say,' he said. ‘Your perfect the way you are.’
‘Ugly,’ Jaya sobbed.
‘No, beautiful,’ Lance said, as he rubbed the kits back.
Lance stared up into the dark sky, wishing he knew what to say to calm Jaya down. As he stared, a light appeared in the distance. The longer he watched the more convinced he was the light was head in their direction.
His heart raced, knowing it had to be Keith.
‘Look,’ Lance said, pointing to the light.
Jaya turned. ‘Keef?'
‘I think it is,’ Lance said.
They sat and waited for the ship to land. When the ramp came down, Lance put Jaya on the ground and the kit went running towards the ramp.
‘Keef,’ called Jaya. ‘Keef.'
Keith hurried down the ramp, and sat on the and as Jaya ran into his arms.
‘You're talking,’ Keith said.
‘Ugly,' Jaya said, and buried his face against Keith's chest.
Keith frowned, as Lance sat next to him and quietly explained what happened.
‘Jaya, look at me,' Keith said, as he turned into his Galran from.
Jaya looked up at him. ‘There's nothing wrong with how you look,' Keith said.
The kit reached out and touched Keith's face, then his own.
‘You're as beautiful as your brother,’ Lance said, putting an arm around Keith's shoulders.
Jaya touched Lance's face then Keith's. ‘Love?'
‘That's right, little man, I love Keith,' said Lance, ‘and we love you and Molly.’
The kit smiled, and they could see his little fangs starting to poke through.
‘Da,’ Molly called. She ran towards the ship with Adam watching on. When she got to them she jumped into Keith's arms and kissed his check.
‘Hey, little girl,’ Keith said cuddling her.
‘Aya, food,' she said, and pointed to where the other kids got ready to watch a movie.
‘Go on you too, go eat,' Lance said.
They hurried back to Adam hand in hand.
‘Good timing,' said Lance, ‘but I didn't expect you back until tomorrow.’
‘I figured being the head of the Blade, and having a ship I can create a wormhole with, means I can come and go as I want,’ said Keith. ‘Besides, between me and Pidge we managed to configure my datapad to send and receive subspace communications.’
‘So, you're kind of an call,’ Lance said.
‘Better than being away all the time,' said Keth. ‘Malay is in charge while I'm not there, and she can contact me whenever.’
‘Your smart as well as beautiful,' Lance said. He lent forward and kissed Keith, who dropped his head back against Lance's arm and melted into the kiss.
Lance pulled back, breathless, and looked into Keith's eyes.
‘I've missed you,' Lance murmured.
‘I missed you, too,’ said Keith. ‘I'll show you how much later, but first I need a shower, and that barbecue smells so good.’
‘Sure, baby,' said Lance, ‘anything you want.’

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