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At 4am Lance was woken by a touch to the arm.
Keith was flushed and perspiring. ‘Something…is wrong,’ he groaned, ‘my back.’
Lance got up and went around to the other sice of the bed. He leant Keith forward and was shocked to see his wounds covered in yellow pus and his skin looked grey, and he was burnng up.
He lay him back. ‘I'll be back,’ Lance said, hurrying out the door and down to his parent room.
He slipped in and placed a hand on Maria's arm. ‘Mama,’ he whispered.
‘Mmm, Lance?' she muttered, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
‘Mama, I need your help, something's wrong,’ Lance said.
Maria nodded and followed Lance out of the room.
‘Look,’ Lance said, leaning Keith forward again.
‘His wounds are infected,' she said. ‘I will call Shiro to get the doctor back here.’ She hurried from the room to get her phone.
‘It's okay, baby,’ said Lance, ‘we'll get this sorted.'
When Keith tried to sit up, Lance grasped his arm and helped him. Moving onto the bed, Lance pulled Keith onto his lap, chest to chest. He crossed his legs under Keith and let him lean into him.
‘How do we always end up like this?’ asked Lance. Tears stung his eyes as Keith wrapped his arms and legs around him. ‘Please don't leave me.'
‘Our lives are intertwined,’ mumbled Keith, ‘and there is not one without the other. You're my soulmate.'
Lance looked up when his mother touched his arm. ‘They're on their way.’
Maria removed the disgusting pad from the bed and placed it in the bin before leaving the room again. A few minutes later, Jorge hurried in.
'Oh no,' Jorge said, when he saw Keith's back. ‘How could his wounds get so infected so quickly?'
Maria came back with a cold pack she put on the back of Keith's neck to try and bring his temperature down.
It took almost an hour for Shiro to arrive. He came in with Michaels, Admiral Sandra and Adam.
‘I don't understand,’ said Michaels, as he sat on the bed behind Keith. ‘It's impossible for an infection to take hold so fast.'
‘Yet it has,’ the Admiral said.
‘Is it because he's part Galran?' asked Lance. 'Could he have had a reaction to the antibiotics?’
‘But, he's used antibiotics before,' Adam said.
‘Yeah, before his Galra side came out,' said Lance. ‘Until then he could eat goo, but afterwards he couldn't.’
‘It's possible,’ said Michaels, ‘and if that's the case, we can't be sure anything we try won't make it worse. We may have to wait for the healing pod.'
‘We can't,' said Lance, ‘the pods don't heal sickness, only injuries. So even if we heal the wounds, the infection will remain.’
'Then I don't know what to do,’ said Michaels, ‘I know how to treat humans, not aliens.’
'You better work something out,' Shiro snapped, and stormed out of the room.
Adam hurried after him.
Michaels looked up at the Admiral. 'All I can do for the moment is clean the wounds,’ he said, ‘if I use saline…’
‘No,’ Keith said.
‘Baby, we have to try something,’ Lance said.
‘Take me outside,' Keith said.
‘Baby?' asked Lance.
‘Trust me,' Keith said. He couldn't stop the groan of pain that washed over him.
Lance swung his legs over the side of the bed, and holding Keith under his bottom stood up.
‘You need to let me look at him,’ Michaels argued.
Ignoring Michaels, Lance left the room with Keith and hurried down stairs.
‘What's going on?' Shiro demanded.
‘Keith wants to go outside,’ Lance said.
‘What, why?' asked Shiro.
Lance pushed past everyone and out the front door. He ignored the orders and arguing as he strode onto the front lawn.
‘Sit here,' Keith said.
The sun was starting to lighten the horizon as Lance sat cross legged on the grass and continued to hold Keith as he had upstairs.
Black lion shocked the others by roaring, but Keith and Lance remained sill.
Putting his hands on Lance's shoulders, Keith pushed back and sat up straighter and looked into Lance's eyes.
‘Do you trust me? asked Keith.
‘With my life,’ Lance said.
The first rays of sunlight touched the ground near them.
Keith's eyes began to glow, then Lance's. At the same time their Altean markings grew brighter. Keith cupped Lance's face in his hands and they stared into each others eyes.
Lance felt Keith's power flow into him and around him as Keith pulled quintessence from the ground and trees that surrounded them. Lance feIt Keith's heart beat in time with his, along with his love, and his pain.
Keith leant slowly forward and touch his lips to Lance's. The golden light of the quintessence flared in Lance's vision moments before he closed his eyes. Their kiss became more passionate and all thought of the world around them fell away to blackness.
As the others watched, Keith’s and Lance's wounds healed, then the light flared, and Lance and Keith lost conciousness and fell to the ground.
Lance's eyes flickered open and he looked up at his father's concerned face. He realised he was in his room and turned to see Keith next to him, still unconcious. Shiro sat on the edge of the bed next to Keith, while Adam sat in the chair from the desk.
‘Is he okay?' asked Lance.
‘His wounds have healed,' said Shiro, ‘but he's not showing any sign of waking up.’
‘The magic took a lot out of him,’ Lance said.
Lance sat up and a wave of dizziness washed over him.
‘You should rest,' Jorge said.
‘I'm fine, Papa,’ Lance said, smiling. ‘It just been a while since we last ate.'
‘Your mama will be angry to hear that,' said Jorge. ‘I will get you something.'
‘Thanks, Papa,' Lance said.
Lance turned and reached out and ran his fingers through Keith's soft hair. As he did, Keith stirred and his eyes fluttered open and met Lance's.
Marco appeared in the door and gazed at Lance as if to make sure what his father had told him was true. The rest of he household were woken up when Black lion roared. They had run downstairs and watched everything through the loungeroom window.
For the next half hour people came in and out of the bedroom all talking at once, and asking questions as Keith and Lance ate their fill. Once they had, Maria ordered everyone out of the room.
‘They need their rest,’ said Maria, shooing them from the room. ‘If you have more questions, you come back tomorrow.’
Even the Admiral had the good sense not argue with her. Before Maria pulled the door closed, she turned and tapped her finger on the edge of the door.
Lance frowned until he noticed a barrel bolt had been fixed to the door. Maria pulled the door closed and Lance went and slid the bolt in place. He silently thanked his parents for the privacy it offered.
Lance returned to the bed only to have Keith pull him down on top of him, and kiss him eagerly, which he was all to happy to return. Since their makeout session on the lawn, they had wanted each other.
Keith pushed Lance onto his back and climbed into his lap and started grinding against Lance as he moved his attention to Lance's neck, biting, kissing and sucking.
‘Ahh...Keith,’ Lance breathed, as he grabbed Keith arse with both hands, and passed his hip up against Keith.
Keith made his way down Lance's chest and sucked on one taught nipple while rubbing the other one between his finger tips.
‘Ngh...I can't wait,’ moaned Lance, ‘I need you.’
As much as Keith wanted to draw this out, he knew he couldn't wait either. He moved and pulled Lance's shorts off, then his own and moved between Lance's legs using his own to push Lance's further apart.
Removing the lube from be bedside draw, Keith squeezed it on his fingers and coated his own erection. He then rubbed Lance's hole, making Lance groan. Keith pushed a finger in Lance who arched his back off the bed. It wasn't long before Keith added a second finger, then a third. Keith was impatient to push into Lance, but he made sure Lance was well prepped.
‘Keith...please...now,' moaned Lance.
Keith pulled his fingers out, lined himself up and pushed all the way in as Keith captured Lance's mouth with his to stop him crying out.
Lance was panting when Keith pulled his mouth away.
‘You okay?' ask Keith.
‘Yes, move...now…hard,’ Lance said.
With his elbows on the bed either side of Lance's shoulders, Keith did as Lance asked, rolling his hips and hitting the perfect spot with every thrust. Lance's pain quickly turned to pleasure as Keith slammed into him.
Holding onto the back of Keith's shoulders, Lance gasped, ‘H…h...harder.'
Keith pushed himself up onto his hands and thrust harder, tipping his head back and groaning.
Lance arched his back. 'Ahhh...ahhh…I'm…close,’ Lance panted, desperately trying to keep his voice down.
‘Cum for me, sweetheart,' Keith said, looking down at Lance.
Lance slammed a hand over his own mouth as a scream was ripped from his throat as he released all over the two of them. Lance tightened around Keith suddenly, making Keith lose control and releasing inside Lance.
Lance’s hand dropped away from his mouth. 'Holy…shit,’ he panted. ‘That was…so fucking…good.'
Keith gave a small chuckle. ‘I aim to please.’
Lance smirked. ‘Is that right?’ he asked, pulling him down into a kiss.
Keith shifted his hips and pulled out of Lance. From the draw he got the lube from, Keith removed a wet wipe and cleaned them up before laying next to Lance.
Turning onto his side, Lance snuggled into Keith and they fill asleep.

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