Second Heat

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On the third day after their return, Lance was woken up early in the morning by Keith in his Galra form.

'Lance...I heat has started,' Keith whined.

'What? Shit, it's come early,' Lance said. He glanced at the clock and saw it was 5:45am. The plan had been for them to go to the Castle when it started, but Romelle had gone back to New Altea and wasn't due back for another couple of days. 'Um...okay, we'll have to go out to your ship. Just wait here a minute.'

Lance dashed out the door and downstairs to the kitchen to find his parents already up.

'Lance, what's wrong?' asked Maria.

'Keith's heat has started. I need to get him out to his ship and I wanted to make sure the kids weren't up yet.'

'No, but you better hurry,' Jorge said.

Lance nodded and ran back upstairs. 'Come on baby, we need to get out of here before the others get up.'

Keith threw himself into Lance's arms and started kissing him, and grinding his body against him. Lance struggled to get him out of the room and downstairs. Lance felt the heat rise in his cheeks as his parents watched Keith try and pull Lance's clothes off, rub their erections together, and attack Lance's throat.

'Baby, please, can you just wait a minute,' Lance begged. But it was no good. Keith's mind was past the point of rational thought as his heat consumed him. He looked at his parents. 'I'm sorry.'

'Just go,' said Maria, waving him towards the door. 'No need to apologise.'

Lance was almost relieved when Keith climbed into his arms and wrapped his legs around his waist. It certainly made it easier to get him out to the ship.

Once the door closed behind them, Lance opened the door to the small sleeping compartment and ended up falling backwards onto the bed with Keith on top of him.

'Lance...I need you,' Keith whined.

'I know baby,' he said, as he stripped their clothes off them. But Lance was shocked when Keith straddled his waist and slammed down on to his hard length. 'Oh, fuck, baby...what the hell?'

'I need you,' groaned Keith as he rolled his hips. 'Please...harder.'

Lance wrapped an arm around Keith and pulled him down against his chest, and managed to turn them over on the small, single bed. Lance thrust into him, all the while Keith groaned and bucked his hips beneath him as if searching for something.

Suddenly, Keith threw his head back and screamed. Keith's orgasm exploded around Lance, making him release inside him, but Keith's own release produced very little fluid.

When Lance pulled out, Keith pushed him away and curled up at the top of the bed. When Lance tried to touch him, Keith growled, and Lance pulled his hand back shocked.

'Baby, what's going on?'

Keith didn't answer because he was already asleep. Lance sat at the other end of the bed, not knowing what to do. That was different than his first heat and Lance wondered if they were different each time.

Three hours later when Keith woke up, he looked confused. 'What's going on?'

'That's a good question.'

Keith turned to see Lance sitting on the other end of the bed.

'Why are you all the way over there?'

'Because you growled at me when I went to touch you.'


'You came down on me hard, Keith. Then when we were done, you wouldn't let me touch you.'

Keith stared at him, and even though he was still in his Galra form, he paled. Keith seemed to concentrate for a moment then frowned.

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