Thank You For Saving Me

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Franklin's body was removed from the room, and Keith and Kosmo were put back into the pod now the power had been restored to the med bay.
Maria and Jorge had left to check on the other kids and had sent Marco back to stay with Lance.
Four hours later the pods hissed open at almost the same time. Lance caught Keith and Marco steadied Kosmo as he slipped out.
Lance hugged Keith tight to him.
Keith pressed his lips to Lance's cheek a moment. ‘I'm sorry you had to do that to Franklin,' he murmured in Lance's ear, ‘but thank you for saving me.'
‘I would fight the universe to protect you,' Lance said, softly.
Kosmo came over and nudged Keith’s leg. Keith let Lance go and dropped the one knee and hugged Kosmo.
‘Hey, boy,’ said Keith, ‘I bet you're hungry.'
Kosmo gave a small whine.
‘I'll take him to get some food,' Marco said.
‘Go on, boy,’ said Keith, ‘go with Marco.’
Kosmo trotted after Marco, happy with the thought of food.
Keith stood up and Lance cupped his face in his hands and kissed him. Lance's right hand moved to Keith's hip, while his left arm went behind Keith's neck. Keith's head fell back against the crook of Lance's elbow, and his hands rested on Lance's waist, as he melted into the kiss.
Lance pulled back in the need of air, and gazed into Keith's beautiful eyes, and nothing else existed in the universe for him but Keith.
They heard someone clear their throat and looked over to see Shiro with Molly in his arms, Adam, Jorge and Maria in the doorway.
Keith stepped away from Lance as Adam hurried to him and pulled him into his embrace, but not before Keith saw tears in Adams eyes.
‘Why are you crying?' asked Keith.
‘Because I've never seen you look at anyone, the way you looked at Lance just now,’ muttered Adam, ‘and it makes me happy.'
Keith hugged Adam back. ‘I've never loved anyone before,’ Keith said, softly. He felt Adam's embrace tighten.
They pulled apart as Lance went and took Molly from Shiro.
‘Hey, baby girl,’ Lance said.
‘Pa,’ Molly said, happily.
Keith looked down at the dried blood on him as Adam stepped away. ‘I need a shower,' he said.
‘And then food,' said Maria, 'neither of you have eaten since breakfast.’
‘Food sounds good,' Keith said.
As Keith and Lance headed towards the door, Maria pulled Keith into a hug.
‘Thank god you're alright,' she said. Keith returned her embrace. ‘Now go, I will cook you food.’ She hurried out the door wiping tears from her face.
Jorge gripped Keith's shoulder to say he was glad he was okay, then followed Maria.
Keith look perplexed and Lance laughed as he took Keith's hand and lead him to the bedroom.
‘What’s gotten into everyone?’ asked Keith.
‘That's how people act when someone they love has been through something difficult,' Lance explained, as he sat with Molly on the bed.
Keith grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom, thinking about what Lance said.
He'd never had so many people looking out for him before. Shiro and Adam were the only one's whoever took an interest in his wellbeing, and he only ever repaid them with moodiness and locking himself away from them.
He turned the shower on and stripped off his blood soaked trousers and shorts, and stepped under the warm water.
When he finished his shower and stepped out, he found Lance learning against the door jam.
‘You okay?’ asked Lance.
Keith wanted to say yes, but he knew Lance wouldn't believe him.
‘I don't understand why people like me,’ said Keith, ‘when my parents didn't even want anything to do with me.’
‘Baby, don't talk like that,’ said Lance. ‘I know Franklin was just an asshole, but you got to know Krolia.'
Keith sighed. ‘Krolia didn't want much to do with me, until she found out I could change my appearance,' he said. 'We'd been on 6 missions together before that happened, and she'd said a handful of words to me in that time.’ He frowned at his reflection in the mirror. ‘Your parents knew me a few days and welcomed me into your family, even knowing I'm an alien. Shiro and Adam have always been there for me, but I've always felt like a screw up and never gave them back everything they gave me.’
‘You're not a screw up,' said Lance. He moved into the bathroom and drew Keith into his embrace. ‘You gave them all you had to give them at the time, and they know that. I'm sorry your childhood was so shitty because of Franklin and Krolia.’
‘I'm worried I'm going to do something wrong and you'llwalk out on me too,’ Keith said.
‘It will never happen,' said Lance. ‘In the time we've been out here, we’ ve seen the best and worst of each other. We've fought with each other, and loved each other. We've building a strong foundation to our relationship that’s unbreakable.‘
Keith clung to Lance as if his life depended on it.
Twenty minutes later Keith and Lance entered the dinning room to find the table brimming with food, and Maria running around fussing over everything,
Kosmo went trotting over to them and nudged Molly's feet with his nose, causing her to giggle.
Lance put Molly on the floor and Kosmo lay down and let her climb all over him as Keith and Lance moved to the table.
‘That's a lot of food, mama,' Lance said.
‘We are all having a late lunch,' she said, ‘and Commander Iverson is coming to talk to you all about something.’
‘I wonder what he wants,’ Lance said.
It wasn't long before the others filed into the dinning room. Allura was there, but Alfor wasn't, but no-one commented on it. Allura was quiet and kept her gaze averted from Keith and Lance.
Shiro came in with Iverson and they all gathered around the table. Keith picked up Molly and placed her on his lap, while Kosmo lay behind his chair.

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