We don't stand a chance

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Once the dinner was over, the press were suddenly alert again.
‘So, Princess,’ said the Admiral. ‘We should go down to the table, and sign the treaty between out two worlds.’
‘I would like to wait a little longer,' Allura said.
‘What?' the Admiral demanded.
‘You see, some new information has come to my attention about Kolivan's death,' Allura said.
‘How does the death of a Galran impact the treaty?' asked Admiral Sandra.
‘Kolivan wasn't just a Galran,' said Allura, ‘he was a trusted ally, and I don't think I can sign a treaty with a woman who ordered his death. Or with someone who is conspiring with the Carandians.'
‘I can tell you right now, your informant is wrong,' Sandra said.
‘I don't believe so,’ said Allura, ‘and neither does Rear Admiral Collins.'
‘My office, all of you,’ Sandra snapped.
She stood and strode out of the hall, leaving very confused guests and press in her wake.
Iverson hurried to catch up with her, while the others followed behind.
When they all filed into her office, she fail to notice Collins follow them in. He stood behind Shiro, almost inconspicuous.
‘This is your doing you little bastard,’ Sandra shot at Keith. ‘You and your GaIran friends making up lies.’
‘Admiral, the fact you didn't ask who the Carandians were, tells me you know about them,’ said Allura. ‘We have been all over the universe for the past 2 years, and we've only recently heard about them. Do you care to explain that?'
‘How can you trust the word of that thing,' she said, pointing to Keith. ‘He's a nobody who got kicked out of the Garrison for anger issues, he will say anything to get back at us.'
‘Keith is not a vindictive type of person,' said Allura. ‘In fact, he's quiet the opposite, forgiving people ever when they don't deserve it.’
‘Don't be so niave,' snapped Sandra. ‘You're a stupid little girl…’
‘I would suggest you don't finish that sentence,’ Coran said.
‘I would agree,' Collins said, stepping out from behind Shiro.
‘Rear Admiral, what...what are you doing here?’ asked Sandra.
‘Checking on the allegations that have been leveled at you,' said Collins. ‘From the performance just now I believe every word.’
‘But, sir…’ she began.
‘You're relieved of command, Admiral, along with Iverson and Griffith,’ said Collins, and he turned and opened the office door to reveal MP's, with Griffith. ‘Take them away.’
Once they were gone, Collins closed the door and moved behind the desk.
‘All I can do is apologize to all of you for her actions, and her words,' said Collins, ‘which hardly feels enough considering what she has done, but please be assured, Princess, the leaders of Earth don't condone what she has done.' He sighed. ‘She has put us in a difficult situation when it comes to the Carandians…’
‘Sir,' said the Princess, 'we Alteans still wish to have a treaty with Earth, which, in turn, will bring other treaties to both our worlds. This world is home to the Paladins of Voltron, a team that has brought hope to so many worlds, and saved so many. I would never disrespect them or their world by not signing the treaty. The Carandians are decimating many worlds, and we need to stick together if we are to fight back.’
‘Thank you,’ Collins said, humbly. ‘Can I suggest we sign the treaty we have for the press, then have it redrawn with my name and sign again in private in a few days.’
Allura smiled, and nodded.
They left the office and headed back to the hall.
If anyone had any questions as to why Collins was there, or why he was signing the treaty, they weren't voiced. With the treaty signed, the press were escorted from the hall and everyone could relax and the Paladins were accosted by other high ranking officers asking questions about their time in space and the aliens they met. Naturally, Shiro and Keith attracted the most attention, something the others were grateful for.
Lance was returning from the bathroom when he saw Keith's ex, Greg talking to someone.
‘God, I'd give anything to top that,’ Greg said.
Lacne stopped to listen when he saw them watching Keith.
‘Yeah right,' said the other cadet. ‘Any sane person knows, Kogane is never topped. Besides, he nearly ripped your balls of for just suggesting it.’
‘Don't remind me,' Greg said.
Lance frowned and continued past them and back into the hall. It was nearly midnight, and the events of the day were beginning to catch up with him. His parent had taken the kids home an hour ago, and only Marco and Veronica, who had been speaking with Matt all night, remained.
Lance went and pulled a chair to one side and sat with a sigh. A few minutes later Keith joined him, and sat heavily in a chair next to him.
‘I need sleep,' complained Keith.
‘God, yes please,’ Lance said. He glanced across at Keith thoughtfully.
‘What?' asked Keith.
‘Nothing,' Lance said. ‘Actually, no, I do have a question. I just overheard a conversation between Greg and some other cadet. They made a comment that you never let anyone top you. Why would they say that?'
Keith's face clouded over briefly. ‘Would you agree that topping someone means you have control over them, their body, their emotions?'
‘I guess so, yeah,’ said Lance. ‘I mean, you want to make it good for the other person.'
‘I think…in a lot of ways, Andy took that control away from me,’ said Keith, quietly. ‘I didn't want that feeling of helplessness again, so I never let any one control my body.'
‘Oh god, baby. I never…’ Lance began, but stopped when Keith turned in his seat to face him.
‘The first time you wanted to take control, I…didn't get the wave of uncontrollable fear I usually felt, so I let you,’ said Keith. ‘I trusted you with the one thing that's really mine, my body.’
Lance was going to say something until he saw Greg headed towards them.
‘Look out,’ Lance muttered.
Keith turned as Greg stopped next to Keith's chair.
‘Thought we might, ah, get together tonight,' Greg said.
‘No thanks,’ said Keith. ‘I doubt my fiance would like that.’
Greg laughed. ‘Fiance, come of it Keith, no-one could ever trap you into marriage.'
‘I didn't need to be trapped,’ sighed Keith, standing. 'Come on Lance, let's go home.’
‘Sure, baby,' Lance said, as he stood. Taking Keith’s hand they headed back towards the others.
‘Hey, McClain,’ Greg said.
Lance turned, only to have Greg slam is fist into his face, and send him crushing to the floor. Keith grabbed the front of Greg's jacket with both hands, picked him up and threw him across the room, and into a table, as if the big man weighed nothing.
The other Paladins came running over, having witnessed everything.
‘Buddy, you okay?’ asked Hunk.
‘Ow,’ Lance groaned, as Hunk pulled him to his feet. Lance wiped the blood from his nose and mouth with the back of his hand.
Shiro grabbed Keith's arm as he went after Greg.
'Nope, don't even think about it,' said Shiro. ‘Get Kosmo to take you Lance home. I'll bring Marco and Veronica.’
'What's the meaning of this cadet?' Collins demanded.
‘Shiro,' called Allura, from across the room. ‘The Carandians are headed this way.’
Keith gave a shrill whistle and Kosmo appeared. ‘Take Veronia and Marco home, them come back.’
The top brass that were left watched the paladins run out of the hall, and looked wide-eyed as Allura lifted her skirts, and run towards the Castle with Coran and Adam.
‘General Alexander,’ said Collins, ‘you’re in temporary command of the Garrison for the forseeable future.’ He then dashed after Allura and Coran.
Not wanting to be left out, a number of top brass followed. If anyone found it odd for them to be there, they didn’t say anything. The paladins slipped into their seats as Allura piloted the Castle. Kosmo appeared beside Keith and lay on the floor.
'They're just passing Saturn,' said Pidge. ‘I've scanned their ship and estimate they have 4000 fighters in the cargo hold.'
‘Five lions against that many fighters,’ said Hunk. ‘We don't stand a chance.'

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