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Before they left, Lance changed into his armour and Kosmo teleported them to the Castle at 11am, and they found the others in the control room.
‘It's the only thing that explains the anomaly,’ said Pidge, ‘a ship must have followed us back through the wormhole.’
‘The question is, who and where are they now?' Allura said.
‘If they followed us back from New Altea, I would suggest it has something to do with Keith,' said Pidge, ‘from the signature of the ships engines, it has to be Galran.’
‘He did stop Lotor's plans, and destroy his ship,' said Hunk. ‘I doubt he's going to let Keith get away with that.’
Shiro looked over his shoulder and saw them.
‘How'd everything go this morning?' asked Shiro.
‘Oh, hi guys,' Hunk said.
‘Good,' said Keith, ‘everythings arranged.'
'What's arranged?' asked Pidge.
'The wedding,' said Lance. ‘Marco is doing up the invites and will be sending them out.’
‘You set a date?’ asked Pidge, excitedly.
‘In three weeks, the 28th,’ said Lance. ‘Hunk, we'd love you to do the cake.'
‘YES,’ Hunk yelled.
‘This is indeed a marvellous day,' Coran said. He suddenly appeared in front of them and wrapped a tape measure, that seemed to come out of nowhere, around Lances head, then Keith's.
‘What are you doing?' asked Keith, trying to pull away.
‘Measuring you for your crowns, dear boy,' said Coran. ‘After a short Altean union ceremony, you will be present with your crowns.'
‘Wait, what?' Lance said.
‘You will both be prince's of Altea, therefore you get a crown,’ Coran said.
'Can we get back to the Galran ship,’ Keith said.
Pidge chuckled. ‘It was a faint signature we almost didn't pick up.’
‘Lotor,’ Keith said.
‘Why do you say that?' asked Shiro.
‘Because he threatened to kill me before he got away,’ Keith said with a shrug.
‘And you're telling us this now,' said Shiro.
‘Forgot about it until now,' said Keith. ‘Did you track the ship to Earth?'
‘No, we lost track of it near the moon,' Pidge said.
‘We should go and check it out,' said Shiro. ‘Pidge, you and Hunk keep working on trying to pinpoint a location, while we go and check it out. Keith, get your armour on.'
They were soon passing out of Earth's atmosphere and heading towards the moon.
Pidge: The ships signature diffinitely stops at the moon.
‘Could he have taken refuge in one of the destroyed battle cruisers?’ asked Lance.
Shiro: The Garrison has cleared all the debris away, and taken any ships or technology they found back to Earth to study.
Hunk: Being in a small range fighter, he wouldn't last long out here.
Keith: Scan the moons surface.
Pidge: Now that's odd. I'm picking up faint energy readings from the surface.
Keith: That makes sense. When I took over Lotor's ship, I found a fiIe call 'lani giro’.
Allura: That's Galran for Luna base.
Keith: Exactly.
‘How long have the Galran known about Earth then?’ asked Lance.
Keith: Long before Earth ventured into space. The file I accessed was old, which is why I didn't think anything of it. The only way they'd be able to build a base here, would be before we started sending probes out into space.
‘But that's like 100 years ago,’ said Lance. ‘They've been watching us all this time? Why?’
Coran: Waiting for Earths technology to be advanced enough. A planet full of people with limited technical knowledge would be useless to the Galran. The majority of the technology they have was stolen from other worlds.
Keith: I think the base has been abandoned for a while. As a race humans were to slow to discover their potential.
Pidge: There's a stronger signal coming from the dark side of the moon. He could be monitoring your approach.
Shiro: Let us know if you detect a change.
Hunk: I've magnified the moons surface and there's, what appears to be, an access port near where you guys are. I've sent you the coordinates.
Shiro: Thanks, Hunk. Follow me in.
They followed Shiro and a knot of fear tightened in Lance's stomach. Lotor wanted to kill Keith, and here they were flying to a hidden Galran base where Lotor was probably hiding. It was insane, the whole thing of them still being paladins was insane. God what were they thinking?
He landed next to the others, and activated the face shield on his helmet before joining them on the moons surface.
Using their jet packs, they flew to the coordinates Hunk gave them. They stood onthe cage of a crater and looked in.
'Must be down there,’ Shiro said.
The crater was deep, but didn't look natural now they were closer. With one step, they were descending down into the crater, weapons at the ready. Their feet set down on the metal floor at the bottom, to their right was a large metal door.
‘Can you get us in, Keith?' asked Shiro.
‘Should be able to,’ Keith said, as they made their way to the door.
It was obvious the base hadn't been used in a while. Moon dust coated everything from the floor to the control panel.
Keith wiped the panel clean and it activated under his touch and the door slid open. Beyond was a chamber with another door. They stepped in and the door closed behind them and all they heard over their headsets was static and they turned them off. The chamber was suddenly filled with a gust of air, and the other door hissed open.
Shiro looked at the reading on his gauntlet. Then tapped his helmet, without their headsets the others wouldn't be able to hear him. They deactivated their face shields.
‘I guess we're on our own with the comms out,' Lance said.
‘Yes, I want us to stay together,’ said Shiro. ‘No heroics and running off on your own.’
They both looked at Keith.
‘Hey, not fair,’ Keith complained.
‘Aha, sure, real unfair,’ said Lance. ‘I'll tell you this right now, baby. You put yourself in unnessessay danger, and I will kill you.'
‘Aha, sure,' Keith mimicked.
‘Don't sass me,' Lance said, poking the end of Keith's nose.
Keith poked his tongue out, then moved down the corridor.

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