The Castle Divided

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Lance's eyes open as the healing pod door swing open. He fell forward and was caught by Hunk.
'Hey, buddy,' Hunk said.
'Hunk, what happened?' asked Lance.
'We got you off Lotor's ship,' Hunk said.
'Keith?' ask Lance. His heart leapt into his throat.
'He's still in a healing pod,' Hunk said.
'He...he's...alive?' ask Lance.
Hunk nodded and pointed to the other pod.
Lance pushed himself away from his friend and over to the pod. Keith was still in his Galra form. He placed his hands on the pod and stared at his boyfriend.
'How long?' asked Lance.
'You've been in there a week,' said Hunk. 'Keith was badly hurt, and almost dead by the time we got him back. Coran isn't sure how long it will take for him to heal. He said anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.'
'Allura shot him,' Lance said.
Hunk was silent and Lance turned to him. Hunk was tapping the ends of his fingers together, a nervous habit he had.
'Um...Sh...Shiro saw what happened,' he murmured. 'He was furious and yelled at her. They haven't spoken since we go back. Blue lion wouldn't let her back in and flew back to the Castle without her.'
Lance let the news sink in. 'Good,' he thought. 'She deserves to be rejected by Blue.'
'Lance.' the turned to see Shiro enter. 'How are you feeling?' asked Shiro.
'Tired,' he said. It made no sense that you could sleep for a week in a heeling pod, and still be exhausted when you got out. Coran said something about the energy the body uses in the healing process. He had tuned out after that.
'Go and get some rest,' Shiro said.
Lance looked at Keith in the heeling pod.
'He'll be in there for a while yet,' Shiro said.
Nodding Lance headed for the door.
'I'll bring you something to eat,' Hunk said. He looked at Shiro when Lance didn't reply.
'He's not himself,' said Hunk. 'He remembers Allura shooting Keith. Despite them being rivals, it's had an impact.'
Shiro nodded. 'You get him some food, and I'll go talk to him.'
Going to Lance's room he stood outside and was about to knock, when he heard sobbing coming from inside. He opened the door and found Lance sitting on his bed, elbows on knees and face in hands crying.
Shiro walked over to the bed and sat down next to him.
Lance jumped and looked at him. He quickly wiped his tears away.
'Shiro, is everything okay?' he asked.
'I was about to ask you the same thing,' Shiro said.
'Yes, I'm fine,' Lance said waving away his concern, and pretending Shiro had not just seen him crying.
'What's going on between you and Keith?' asked Shiro.
'I don't know what you are talking about,' said Lance. 'There's nothing going on.'
Shiro sighed and wondered how far he should push him.
'I know Keith is keeping something from me,' said Shiro. 'I was going to ask him when you got back from the market. We're close and...'
'How close?' Lance suddenly demanded; anger flashed in his eyes.
He knew if he were going to get anything from Lance, he would need to give something first.
'Adam and I adopted Keith when he was twelve,' Shiro said.
Lance's eyes widened. 'You're his father? How come you never told anyone?'
'Because it's no-one's business but ours. I'm telling you because I think you need to know.'
Looking down at his hands, Lance tried to think about what to say. He and Keith had decided not to tell anyone about them get. Would he be angry of he told Shiro without him.
'I think you already know,' Lance muttered.
'You and Keith are in a relationship,' Shiro said.
Lance nodded. 'It's new, we wanted to, find our feet, so to speak, before telling anyone.'
'Understandable,' said Shiro. 'But then this all happened.'
Tears started to fall down Lance's cheeks again as he nodded.
Turning his red eyes to Shiro, he said, 'Please don't tell the others yet, I need to talk to Keith first.'
'Sure,' said Shiro. 'Why don't you have a shower, then get some rest. Keith won't be out for a while.'
'Why did she shoot him?' asked Lance.
'I don't know,' admitted Shiro. 'I haven't stopped long enough to listen to her excuses.' Lance could hear the anger in Shiro's voice.
'Why are we still here?' asked Lance.
'Because Earth is still under threat from the Galra,' Shiro said simply. 'And Voltron is our best hope to keeping it safe.'
'And if we left the Princess would just find replacements,' Lance said.
'And without The Castle of Lions, we have no way to create a wormhole to get home,' Shiro said.
'Agghh, stop being so logical about this,' Lance snapped.
'I'm as angry as you are, after everything we've done for her this is how she repays us,' Shiro assured him. 'But I also know Keith would say the same thing. This war is bigger than just us.'
Lance ran his hands over his face. He just wanted to take Keith away from here, away from the fighting, away from the Princess. But Shiro was right. Keith wouldn't want that, and Lance would stay by his side.
Shiro stood. 'Get some rest.'
When Shiro left, Lance wiped the tears from his face and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He stripped down and stepped into the hot water and sighed at how good it felt, but couldn't stop his tears mingling with we water. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Keith getting shot.
When Lance came out into his room, he found a plate of food on the bed, and he smiled. Hunk was too good to him.

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