Wedding Present

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After dinner, Keith and Lance walked out to Black lion with Shiro.
‘We need to talk to the others about the Admiral's plans for the Blade,’ said Shiro, ‘so we stand united against her.’ 
Keith nodded. ‘We need to know Allura’s on our side,' he said, ‘and that she understands what's at stake.‘ 
‘We should meet at the Castle tomorrow,’ Shiro said.
‘We'll meet you there at 11am,’ said Lance. ‘We have the celebrant coming to the house at 9:30am.'
‘Yes, we've set a date for the wedding, 28 March,' Keith said.
‘Marco's doing the invites,' said Lance. ‘Nothing fancy, but look out for it in your messages.‘ 
Shiro smiled. 'It's finally happening. Is there anything you need us to do?’ 
‘Not at the moment,' Keith said. 
‘ would mean a lot to me and Adam if we could do something for you,’ Shiro said.
‘You can help us with one thing,' said Lance, ‘not sure it's an exciting job, but you can help us get suits. We're not exactly the world's most snappiest dressers, and we need to pick up rings.’ 
‘We would love to do that,’ Shiro said, with a genuine smile. 
They watched Black lion take of and disappear into the darkness, before turning back to the house.
Maria and Jorge waited for them on the verandah.
‘Come sit,' Maria said. They sat around the small table. ‘Papa and I want to give you your wedding present now.’ 
‘You didn't need...’ began Lance.
‘Yes, we did,' said Jorge. ‘We've been thinking about what to get you since you brought Keith here. Your jobs will have you coming and going at all hours, and the babies need to be taken into consideration. You will want a home of your own, and there is nothing very close to here, and you won't have time to drop them off or wait for someone to come.‘ He unfolded a large piece of paper on the table.
‘This is a map of your land,' Lance said.
‘Yes, this is our house here,’ said Jorge. ‘This is the rest of the land we own. Here are those to big trees you'll get married under, then there's a fence surrounding this part of the land. It's quiet a big area, and it's yours.’ He placed an envelope on the table. ‘This is the deed to the land. You just need to sign the paperwork.'
Silent ears fell down Lance's cheeks. ‘Really?' he asked, as if he thought he was dreaming. 
‘Yes, really,' Maria said, gently.
‘Do we have to sign it straight away?’ asked Keith.
Lance frowned. ‘Y…you don't want to build here?
‘Yes, I do want that very much,' said Keith. ‘But my name.'
‘What about it? asked Lance.
‘ name doesn't mean anything to me. I...I was going to take your surname,’ Keith said, awkwardly. 
Lance put his hands over his face and began to sob. 
‘Is that wrong?’ asked Keith, panicking.
Maria reached out and took his hand. ‘They’re happy tears,’ she assured him.
Lance turned in his seat, dropped to his knees next to Keith and wrapped his arms around him. It took a few minutes before Lance calmed down enough to talk.
‘Thank you,' he said. ‘All of you. Baby, it would be my honour to share my name with you. Mama and papa, thank you for the gift, it’s more than generous.’ 
‘With a little bit of selfishness on our part,’ said Maria. ‘We don't want you to move out, but we know you need you own home. This way we can keep you close, while giving you your own space.’ 
Lance jumped up and hugged his parents. 
Keith stood and hesitantly reached out and picked up the envelope with a shaking hand. On the front of the envelope their names were neatly printed.
He'd spent a lot of his life struggling to be accepted. He'd been through so many different houses when he went into the system. He was too broken for most families, and they didn't want to have to deal with him. They always wanted the good kids that did as they were told and got on with everyone. 
Shiro and Adam had been different. They persevered though the good and the bad. Though countless hospital admissions, and therapy sessions. He never once heard them complain or say they regretted taking him.
Now the McClain's are accepting him, even with all his issues, and being an alien, and it confused him. His real parents didn't want him, but strangers did.
It didn't make sense.
‘Baby, you okay?' asked Lance. 
Keith looked up at them. ‘Is this what family is all about?' he asked. ‘I mean...’ Keith shrugged.
‘Say it in your own words, it's okay,’ Lance said.
‘You don't have a lot,' said Keith. ‘No big fancy house, or new furnishing, but you're happy. And you give us something as vaIuable as land as a present.'
Maria moved around to table to stand in front of him.
‘Family is about sharing what you have, even if it's not a lot,’ she said. ‘For us, love is what makes a family. We give you this as present because it is what we have, and because we love you both. We want you to be close so we can help with the kids, to see the two of you every day, and because you add something to this family.’
Keith looked back down at the envelope, then looked up at Lance when he moved over to him.
‘I don't understand,’ said Keith. ‘No-one ever wanted me. They always took me back to the foster home because I was broken, and no-one wants broken people. If your own parents don't want you why would anyone else?’
His eyes filled with tears.
‘Shiro and Adam wanted you,’ said Lance. ‘They gave you a home and looked after you. I want you, and I want to make a home and a family with you. I've seen the best and the worst of you over the last two years, and my love for you only deepened. You felt my emotions, so you know I'm not lying.'
Maria reached out and cupped Keith's check. ‘Look at me and tell me honestly if you think I'm lying when I say, I want you as part of this family, and that I love you as much as my other children,’ she said.
‘I...I can't,’ he said.
‘Love can't always be explained,' said Lance. ‘It's a complex emotion that makes you feel joy, anger, happy, sad, confused. But it can be shown in a lot of ways. A hug, a kiss, a present, sharing a meal, having a chat, or a laugh, planning an event.’
‘We may not be your biological parents,' said Jorge, ‘and Maria has already said this, but if, or when, you feel comfortable you can call us mama and papa.'
Keith nodded. ‘Thank you for the gift,' he said, shyly, 'and I'm sorry for just now.'
‘Don't be silly,’ said Maria. ‘We all feel a little overwhelmed or vulnerable at times.’ She leant in and kissed his cheek. ‘And it's our pleasure.’
Jorge gripped Keith's shounder as he and Maria went inside.
‘You're so lucky to have grown up with parents like them,' Keith said.
‘I think were both lucky,' said Lance. ‘I mean, I can't image what it would have been like for you to grow up with Franklin, and him never telling you the truth about Krolia. But I do know two people who love you just as much as mama and papa love us.'
‘You're right,‘ said Keith. ‘Shiro and Adam have been great. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here.’ He frowned. ‘I don't know how to tell them what they mean to me.’
‘Baby, you just tell them the truth,’ said Lance. ‘You don't need to use flowery, emotional words. Why don't you call them.'
‘I know we're not having a traditional wedding, but would it be alright if I let them say a few words?’ asked Keith.
‘Of course,’ said Lance. ‘Anything to make you happy. I'll go in and you can call them.'
‘Stay?' asked Keith.
Lance smiled. ‘Sure, baby.'
Keith pulled out his datapad and turned and leant back against Lance, who wrapped his arms around him and rested his chin on his shoulders.
Keith pull though a video call that was answered immediately.
‘Hey, Keith,’ said Shiro, ‘something wrong?' Adam suddenly appeared next to Shiro.
‘No,' said Keith. ‘I...I just wanted to call you, and tell you how much I love you guys, and that I appreciate you sticky by me all these years. I know I never made things easy for you, but I never wanted to be anywhere else.‘
Shiro and Adam both wiped tears away. ‘Oh Keith, we love you too,' said Adam. ‘You're the best thing that ever happened to us.’ All Shiro could do was nod.
‘We were wondering,' said Keith, ‘if you would say a few words at the wedding.’
Their eyes widened. ‘Oh my god, we'd love to,' Shiro said.
'Tell them about the gift,’ Lance murmured in Keith's ear.
‘Maria and Jorge gave us a wedding present,' Keith said.
‘What was it?' asked Adam.

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