Galra Attack 4

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Maria and Jorge clutched each others hands when Blue lion is caught up in the blast, and watch the panic spread over Keith's face.
When Lance reappeared there was an audible sigh of relief from everyone.
Jorge suddenly stood up and left the room. Maria hurried after him.
‘Jorge?’ she asked.
‘This is what they've been doing for the last two years?' he asked, pointing at the door. ‘When you hear them talk about it, it seems like an elaborate story.’ He ran his shaky hands though his hair. ‘My son who can't bring himself to kill a spider, even though he's terrifred of them, is killing people.'
‘He's growing up, learning to make his way in a universe we knew nothing about,’ Maria said.
Jorge looked at her with a strained expression. 'And we could lose him. I've only ever tolerated his lifestyle, I've never supported him like I should.’
'He understands...’ began Maria.
'Understands what?' asked Jorge. ‘That I have trouble coming to terms with who he is, or that despite that, I love him?’
‘Both,’ said Maria. ‘The fact that the told us he was gay, that he came to us and told us he was having sex means he trusts us. I think on some level the fact we didn't degrade him or turn our back on him was all he needed to accept it himself. I can't imagine how hard it would be to tell a parent this, or how many parents see it as a sign of failure to have a child like that.’ She frowned a moment. ‘I didn't find the news surprising, but I knew I loved him regardless.'
The Castle shook as something exploded outside and they hurried back into the control room, as alarms started to blare.
Everyone seemed to be talking at once.
Shiro: Keith and Lance, stay with the slave ships.
Hunk: There's word from the Garrison, there are Galra on the ground.
Pidge: One of the attack cruisers is turning around. Allura you need to get out of there.
‘I see it,’ said Allura. ‘Everyone stay down and hold on.’
Maria and Jorge ran to their other children and sank back to the floor and held the younger ones.
‘Mama, I'm scared,' Racheal said.
‘We'll be fine,' Maria assured her, as she held her tight.
Keith: The three remaining slave ships are splitting up.
Lance: I'm taking the one on the left.
Kolivan: We have the one on the right. We may not be able to take it out, but me can slow it down.
Keith: One of us will be with you as soon as we can.
Kolivan: Krolia, target the engines.
Krolia: Copy that.
The Castle made a sharp turn that made them slide across the floor a few feet.
Matt and Adam continued firing at the fighters that were swarming the Castle.
‘They're concentrating their fire on us,’ Coran said.
‘They know we're vulnerable while the paladins are busy,’ Allura said.
Pidge: Allura, wormhole out of there, then come back around behind them.
‘Excellent idea, Pidge,' Allura said.
They shot forward and in front of them a wormhole appeared.
Maria's eyes widened as the went through, then widered even more as the shot around the moon and through another wormhole to come out behind the Galran attack fleet.
They swooped in firing, taking out fighters as the went.
‘There's another Galran wormhole opening,’ Coran said.
Shiro: We need to stop them at the source.
Keith: Allura do you know the coordinants the wormhole is originating from?
‘I can get that,' she said, ‘but why?’
Keith: I need you to open one to those coordinants, then in ten minutes, open another one in the exact same spot.
‘But why?' asked Allura.
Keith: Don't ask, just do.
Shiro: Keith, what are you doing?
Keith: Now.
Allura opened a wormhole and to hers, and everyone elses horror, Keith shot through it.
Lance: KEITH, NO.
But he was gone, and the wormhole closed.
Lance: What the fuck.
Shiro: Lance, Ianguage.
Hunk: Why would he do that?
Pidge: To stop the wormholes, so the Galran can't send more ships through.
Kolivan: Impossible, we lost ten good people trying to shut the teledove down and to rescue King Alfor. It's too heavily guarded, it's suicide.
The chatter went silent as they fought the Galra. It was the longest ten minutes any of them had lived.
Allura reopened the wormhole. Seconds later red lion shot back through, but came to a stop outside the Castle. Blue lightening appeared in the control room and Keith appeared in his Galra form, carrying someone in his arms and Kosmo beside him.
‘Father,’ Allura cried.
Keith took King Alfor over to where Maria was and lay his frail, battered body near her before disappearing with Kosmo again back to his lion and rejoing the fight.
Shiro: Father? What's going on Allura?
‘Um...ahh, Keith brought King Alfor here,' Coran said in disbelief when Allura remained silent.
Keith: Now they can't send more ships through.
Now they looked at the screen they could see how battered he was now he was back in his human form.
Kolivan: lm...impossible. We couldn't get near King Alfor.
Keith: You didn't have Kosmo with you. We teleported in, took down the guards, grabbed him and got out.
Kolivan: Our last intelligence put thirty guards in the teledove control room.
Maria watched as Keith shrugged. He looked embarrased at the attention he was getting. Lance on the other hand looked so proud he was about to burst.
She was learning Keith was an unknown quantity, as well as reckless and no doubt stubourn, the complete opposite to Lance. Yet somehow they were perfect for each other, balancing each other out.
‘Veronica, please pass the medical kit,’ Maria said.
As the battle for Earth raged on outside, Maria looked after the injured man next to her.
Matt hurried over to help her, bringing with him water for Alfor to drink.
‘Sir,' said Matt, 'let's sit you up.'
Jorge helped Matt get Alfor into a sitting position and held him up as Matt gave him water.
‘Thank you,’ murmured Alfor. 'The Galran who saved me, where did he go?’
‘That was Keith,’ said Matt, 'the red paladin.’
Alfor looked at the screen and shook his head. ‘He is not Galran.'
‘Keith's half Galran and half human,' said Matt, 'he can change between forms.'
Alfor studied the young man on thee screen. His eyes widened.
‘No, it's not possible, it can't be,’ Alfor gasped.

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