Galra Attack 3

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The lions shot away from the Castle, and Allura turned away from the battle to start opening wormholes so the Coalition could start coming through.
Soon the space above Earth was filled with ships fighting to bring the Galran empire down once and for all.
The paladins weaved their way through the every wreaking havoc.
Keith was concentrating when all the other paladins.
Pidge: Keith, look out, behind your seat.
Lance: Holly shit, baby, be careful.
Keith looked over his shoulder. A grin split his face.
'Kosmo,' he cried, 'you're alive.'
The huge wolf-like creature with dark blue fur and a fluffy blue mane bound forward and into Keith's arms before Keith turned his attention back to the controls of his lion.
Lance: Umm, baby, what is that?
Keith grinned. 'Kosmo is a cosmic wolf Krolia and I saved as a pup. I lost him when we left the quantum abyss, I thought he was dead.'
'He found me two days ago,' Krolia said, appearing on screen. 'He must have been searching for you.'
Shiro: How did he get to you?
Glancing at the wolf fondly. 'He has the ability to teleport short distances, and can take with one or two people with him.'
Kosmo moved up to Keith and sniffed him, then looked at him curiously.
'What's wrong boy?' asked Keith.
In a flash of blue lightening, Kosmo disappeared.
Pidge squealed when Kosmo appeared next her. He sniffed at her a moment then disappeared again, only to appear next to Lance, making him jump.
Kosmo sniffed at him, then glared at Keith and returned to him. Kosmo sat with his back to Keith and huffed.
'Seriously,' said Keith, 'you're going to ignore me because you can smell Lance on me.'
Kosmo huffed again.
Keith could hear the others laughing.
Allura: As nice as this is, we are fighting for Earth's survival or have you forgotten?
Shiro: Right, sorry Princess.
With their mind back on the job, Keith and Lance split off and attacked one of the battle cruiser. There were three battle cruisers and two more came through the wormhole followed by the slave ships. The slave ships were surrounded by hundreds of fighters and were making their decent towards
Shiro: Keith, Lance, take out the slave ships.
Lance: On it.
Kolivan: The Blade ships will assist. Everyone follow red and blue lions.
Kosmo move to sit his huge body between Keith's feet and wedged himself between the seat and the console so he wouldn't slide around.
Keith and Lance pushed the controls forward to catch up to the lead ship, blasting and slicing their way through the enemy.
Keith pushed his bayard into place on the console and gave it a turn, and the jaw blade appeared in red lions mouth.
Pushing the controls fully forward red lion shot away slicing through fighters as he went, the explosions rocking them. The larger blue lion was not as fast and maneuverable, but Lance wreaked havoc of his own with pin point accuracy of the tail laser. Behind them five Blade ships following in there destructive wake.
Keith reached the lead slave ship and flew in close enough to run the jaw blade down its side, from back to front.
'Lance, can you blast along to hull breach?' asked Keith.
Lance: Coming in now.
Kolivan: We will concentrate on the fighters.
Lance followed the path Keith took and shot into the breach in the hull Keith made. At first nothing happened. Then the ship started to list to the side, and explosions followed the breach line, until the entre ship exploded taking out all the fighters around it.
Lance turned Blue away from the blast only to come face to face with fighters heading in his direction. He pushed Blue into a dive and the blast was threw him forward into other fighters which exploded in the impact.
Lance was thrown around as Blue rolled over and over.
Keith's eyes widened, and his heart hammered as he lost sight of Lance in the blast.
'LANCE,' he yelled. 'No, no, no. Lance talk to me.'
Static filled the air and Keith felt himself begin to panic, something he'd never done in the middle of battle.
Shiro: What's happening?
'Shit,' said Keith. 'Lance was caught in the explosion, I can't see him.'
Shiro: Calm down, Keith...
'Don't you tell me to calm down,' Keith snapped. He know Shiro was right, but he couldn't turn his emotions off. He needed Lance like he needed air to breathe, what was he going to do if he was gone. Tear stung his eyes as he thought the worst.
Kosmo watched his master and put his chin on Keith's knee for comfort.
Just then, Lance's picture flashed on and off the screen.
Lance: I'm okay.
He looked anything but okay with a split lip and blood nose.
Hunk: Buddy, you book terrible.
Lance: I feel like I went through the washes spin cycle.
Keith looked away from the screen and swiped away the tears on his cheeks. He heard a click that told him someone had switched their comm to a private setting.
Lance: Baby, you okay?
Keith nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.
Lance: Look at me.
Keith did as he was told, his heart pounding in his chest.
'I thought I lost you,' said Keith. 'I panicked.' He looked confused by this.
Lance: I love you too, baby.
Keith stared at him a moment. He was learning love was made up of so many different emotions, and it sometimes hurt worse than a physical wound.
Lance: Let's kick some Galran butt so we can go home, and I can hold you in my arms.
Keith nodded, and Lance switch his comm back to include the team.

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