Galra Attack I

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‘How long?’ asked Keith.
The both hung up.
‘Mama, get the kids inside,’ said Lance. ‘The GaIra are here. You have five minutes to get together anything you hold precious.’
Keith scooped up Molly and ran upstairs with Lance on his heels. Putting Molly in the cot they changed into that armour and packed their bags.
Lance ran out to Blue with the bags, then came back inside to find the family waiting in the loungeroom looking scared.
Keith handed Molly to Maria.
There was a roar outside and Keith and Lance burst from the house into the front yard as Galra fighters flew over head firing on the lions.
‘Shit, how'd they get here so fast?’ asked Lance as they ran back inside. ‘Mama, Marco, Leo, Rachel go with Keith. Papa, Veronica, Luis and Leo come with me.’
The ground shook and they saw the lions had moved closer to the house with their mouths open.
Blasts rocked the ground as they ran to the lions.
‘Stay down,' Lance said as he sat in the pilots seat.
Everyone had now come online and the chatter came over their helmets.
Shiro: The Garrison is under attack, bring everyone to the castle.
Jorge pulled the younger kids to him as they took to the air. Through the view screen they saw Red lion just ahead of them, as the headed towards space.
Soon, the Castle of Lions came into view as they passed through the atmosphere.
‘Oh my god,' Jorge muttered. The sight of the castle was incredible, but the fact they had just entered space was unbelievable.
Pidge: They're a month early, the slave ships weren't meant to be ready for another 3 weeks.
Shiro: We don't have time to worry about that. Off load your cargo asap. Adam's in the castle waiting for them.
Allura: Two more warships have wormholed in. The fighters are heading in your direction Keith.
Keith: I see them. Open the bay doors, and have Adam standing by, I'm coming in.
Keith pushed the controls all the way forward and Red shot towards the Castle at incredible speed.
‘Maria, when I tell you I need you all to run out of Red,’ Keith said.
‘Okay,’ she said. Her eyes widened as the Castle grew larger on the screen at an incredible speed. They were in the hanger and reversing thrusters in seconds.
‘Go,’ he ordered.
They jumped to their feet and ran. When they reached Adam they turned, but Keith was already gone.
‘Is everyone okay?’ asked Adam.
‘Yes,’ Maria said.
‘Follow me,' he said and they hurried down the corridor to the control room.
It had been decided to bring the families there so everyone was in one place and easier to protect.
‘Everyone in here, and stay down,’ Adam said, before hurrying off again.
They moved into the control room and looked at the paladins surrounding the main screen. On the main screen, massive ships spewed forth fighters.
Lance: I'm taking hits.
Keith: On my way back. I'll keep them off your back.
Hunk: My cargo is unloaded.
Lance: Shit, shit, shit.
Keith: Lance?
Static filled the air and Lance's picture dropped from the screen.
Lance: I'm okay.
His picture appeared again.
Pidge: My cargo is unloaded.
Lance: Coming in behind you, Pidge.
Pidge: I'm clear.
Lance: My cargo is unloaded.
‘Adam, Matt, can you man the weapons,’ said Coran, when they came into the control room.
The two men hurried forward to the consoles Keith and Lance usually manned and started blasting the Galra ships around them.
To stop themselves from being knocked from their feet, the families sank to the floor and watched in shock everything that went on arround them.
Shiro: Keith, you and Lance concentrate on the warship to the left, Pidge, you and Hunk take the right, I'll go down the middle.
‘I'm going to open a wormhole and contact the Coalition,’ said Allura. ‘It will take them time to get to the rondaevu.'
Shiro: Time is not something we have.
Pidge: Princess, send a message threw the wormhole to assemble their fleets above their planets. In one hour you will start opening wormholes near their location to allow ships to come through. The rebels can gather near the closest Coalition planet.’
‘Yes, perfect, Pidge,' Allura said.
They watched as a wormhole opened, and listened as Allura sent her message.
The plan was perfect, but it left Voltron alone for an hour. It was a huge ask for them to defend Earth alone.
They castle shook as it took hits as dozens ships swarmed around them.
‘There are too many,’ Matt said.
‘Princess, the castle has been breached,' said Coran, ‘they're headed towards the control room.'
‘Paladins...' Allura began.
Keith: We heard, I'm on my way.
Shiro: Lance back him up.
Lance: Right behind him.
Pidge: I bet...
Shiro: Not the time Pidge.
Pidge: Fine, spoil my fun.
Allura pulled up the view of the corridor outside the control room. Galra filled the corridor, weapons at the ready.
‘Keith, Lance. The corridor outside the hanger is clear,’ Coran said.
Keith: Copy that.
Maria's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Keith and Lance run into the corridor, Lance with a blaster at the ready, and Keith with a sword. The cameras followed their movements until they came up behind the Galra. Her eyes widened at the veracity of the attack from Keith and Lance.
Keith threw himself into the attack, sword swinging with deadly force. Lance stood back, in the centre of the corridor, picking of Galran soldiers with deadly accuracy. Maria's hand flew to her mouth when a shot hit Lance in the chest plate of his armour, knocking him backward. Seconds later, he steadied himself and continued firing.
Keith punched, kicked and swung his sword with the efficiency of a machine, and so fast it was almost a blur. He was an effective killing machine and it was frightening and exhilarating to watch. Maria glanced at Jorge, who watched in astonishment.
Leo and Racheal hid their faces in their parents embrace at the destruction the two of them waged in the corridor just outside the door.
Soon the corridor was littered with bodies, and Keth's and Lance's armour splattered with blood.
Keith: Corridors clear. We're headed back out.
‘Copy, Keith,’ Coran said.
‘Oh my god,' said Marco, 'I've never seen anything like that, except in a movie.’
‘Wow,’ Luis said, ‘they're badass.’
No-one corrected his language as they were all to stunned.
A few minutes later they saw Red and Blue lions rejoin the others.
Shiro: There are to many fighters coming from the ships. We need to destory the battle cruiser to stop the flow. Form Voltron.
Everyone's eyes widened and gasps and muttered oaths could be heard around the control room as the massive form of Voltron appeared seconds later.
They watched as the team worked as one to control Voltron, with an efficiency of a learn who worked as one. Shiro commanded the massive machine, and the others followed orders without hesitation.
Shiro: Keith, sword.
Keith inserted his bayard and Red and Green lions came together to for the sword.
Voltron sliced it’s way through the first ship and the explosion was blinding through the veiw screen. They then turned their attention to the second one, but before anything could be done, a wormhole appeared and the Galra ships disappeared into it and closed leaving the space above Earth, GaIra free.
Shiro: Head back to the Castle to wait for the next attack wave.
The lions split up and headed back in.
No-one was stupid enough to think this was over.

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