He's Back

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The next morning when Maria got up and looked out the window, she was relieved to see Keith's ship out there. The irony of being glad to see a spaceship in her front yard wasn't lost on her.

'Is he back?' mumbled Jorge from the bed.

'Yes,' she said. 'Go back to sleep.' Moving around the room she dressed then left to go and start breakfast.

When she left the room, she saw Keith cross the corridor and go into the triplet's room. She felt her body relax. To see him up and about meant he wasn't hurt.

Through the door of the triplet's rooms, she saw Keith cuddling Seth to him who and crying softly. The triplets had changed back to normal late the previous night. Keith said nothing, but held so that Seth's face was turned to his neck, and she watched in fascination as Seth settled down again.

Keith turned and gave her a small smile.

'What time did you get back?' she asked.

'Just after midnight,' Keith said.

'And you're all going off world for a few days today?'

Keith nodded. 'We'll be back Sunday, probably around lunch time. I want Jaya to have a rest before school on Monday.'

'He's worried about what's going to happen with the Blade,' said Maria. 'I think he's scared he's going to have to live there and fight.'

'I'll talk to him before we leave,' Keith said.

'Does...does he have to be part of the Blade?' she said. Her heart hammered as she asked the question.

'No,' said Keith. 'The last thing I want is for him to fight. He has the right to choose his own path.'

Maria breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Keith watched her leave and knew exactly how she felt. He didn't want any of his kids caught up in any stupid wars if he had anything to say about it.

Seth made a little hungry noise. 'Let's get you changed and dressed, and get papa out of bed to feed you, while I get your sisters ready.'

Changed and dressed, Keith took Seth into the bedroom where Lance lay on his back asleep. Keith plonked Seth on his chest and Lance's eyes sprang open.

'Good morning to you too,' he said, wrapping his arms gently around Seth. He looked up at Keith, who leant down and kissed him.

'He's hungry,' said Keith, heading out the door. 'I'll get the other two changed and dressed.'

Keith got the other two up and took them downstairs and put them on the play mat, then went back upstairs to collect Molly and Enya, and found Jaya coming out of the bathroom.

'You're back,' he said.

'I'm sorry I couldn't be here yesterday,' said Keith. 'But sometimes that's going to happen.'

'I understand,' said Jaya. 'You have a job to do, and that's more important.'

Keith frowned and dropped to one knee in front of Jaya.

'You are more important than my job,' said Keith. 'Yes, sometimes, like yesterday, I have to make a choice and it will seem like you come in second, but that is far from the truth. Please believe that. All you kids are mine and papa's priority, and if we can't be there for you, we will arrange for someone to stand in for us.' Keith sighed. 'I wish I didn't have to look after the Blade, except right now I don't have a choice. Kolivan entrusted them to me, and I don't want to let him down, I want to make sure all the members of the Blade are looked after, and there's someone I trust to take over from me before I step away. Now, about what's going to happen today. It's just to see if you are an alpha, beta or omega, and that's it. You don't ever have to join the Blade and fight, but knowing what you are is important for later on when you're an adult.'

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