Unexpected Company

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The noise of the family preparing for lunch woke Keith and Lance, and they debated if they could be bothered getting up or not.
Then Keith sat up as if listening.
‘What is it?’ asked Lance.
‘Jaya's crying,’ Keith said. He got up and dressed and went across the hall and picked up Jaya.
‘Hey little one,' he said, ‘you hungry? Let's get you changed first.' Keith changed Jaya, then cuddled him as he turned to the door.
Lance stood there watching him.
‘You do know we're going to need a big house for all the kids we will adopt,' Lance said.
‘Is that right?' asked Keith. ‘And how many will that be, may I ask?'
‘At least five,’ Lance said.
‘Well,' said Keith, ‘I like even numbers, so we'll have to make it six.‘
Lance laughed and hugged Keith. ‘Six it is.'
They went downstairs and it caused a commotion. They younger kids saying how cool Keith's magic was, and the grownups ensuring they were okay.
Lance found Molly in the playpen and picked her up, while Keith got a bottle for Jaya.
‘Pa,’ she cried, and hugged him. She pointed to Keith, when he came back. ‘Da, ‘aya.'
‘That's right,’ said Lance, ‘Daddy and Jaya.'
When Lance carried her closer enough, Molly pat Jaya's head. ‘Aya,’ she said, softly.
‘Oh my god, you're so cute,' Lance said, cuddling her.
Keith laughed at him.
‘Shiro and Adam are coming for lunch,' Maria said.
‘Okay, mama,’ Lance said.
As if on cue, Black lion landed outside.
Molly got excited at the sight of Black and Lance took her outside. At the bottom of the steps he stood her on the ground and she toddled of towards Shiro and Adam, her arms in the air wanting to be picked up.
Shiro and Adam had a quick wrestle to see who could get to her first. Adam won, causing Shiro to pout, but his face brightened when Keith came out with Jaya, and Shiro ran over to him.
‘Can I feed him?' asked Shiro, as the bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.
‘You're such a girl,' Keith said, handing Jaya to him.
Adam and Lance laughed, earning a glare from Shiro.
‘I am not,’ Shiro said.
‘Keep telling yourself that, Shiro,' said Keith, ‘one day you might convince us too.’
'I think Lance is a bad influence on you,’ said Shiro. ‘You were never this sassy before.’
‘Have you heard from the others?’ asked Keith, changing the subject.
‘Pidge checked in to see how you were,' said Shiro, ‘I told her you were healed, and of course there were lots of questions. They should be finished the repairs sometime tomorrow.’
They went inside and were greeted by all the McClain clan as if they were long standing members of the family.
Keith watched Shiro and Adam smile as they greeted the family back. Adam held Molly on one hip and helped Maria in the kitchen and chatted with Marco.
Lance draped and arm over Keith's shoulders. ‘You sure you want the chaos of six kids running around?' he asked.
‘Most definitely,’ Keith said.
Lance kissed Keith on the temple as he moved to stand in front of Keith, wrapping his arms around Keith's shoulders.
‘How about if we skip dinner and head upstairs,' Lance whispered in Keith's ear.
‘Your mother would hunt us down and take away our lock,’ murmured Keith, ‘I'm sure you can wait until tonight.’
‘But I want your arse now,’ Lance whined.
‘Well, if you're good I'll go Galra for you,’ Keith said.
‘Is that a promise?’ asked Lance, his breath hot against Keith's neck.
A shiver ran down Keith's spine, and his breath hitched.
‘P...promise,’ Keith said.
Lance kissed the side of Keith's neck, then he began to suck, making Keith to purr.
Someone cleared their throat, and Lance looked our his shoulder to see Shiro.
‘Your mother wants you,’ Shiro said.
Lance turned back to Keith. ‘I'll finish that later,’ he whispered before disappearing.
Shiro tried not to smirk. ‘You okay, Keith?’
‘Huh, what?’ asked Keith, totally flustered.
Shiro laughed at him. ‘Are you sure you'll survive being married to him?'
Pulling himself together, Keith said, ‘It won't be dull.’
Jaya whined from Shiro's arms and Keith went and took him, and lay Jaya's head on his shoulder to settle him.
‘Seriously though, are you okay?’ asked Shiro.
‘I'm fine, quit your worrying,’ Keith said. He saw Shiro's shoulders sag slightly. ‘Really, I'm fine. I don't even feel like I was injured.’
Shiro slowly moved to stand in front of Keith. ‘I'm sorry…for everything. I voted yes because I thought I knew you. I thought you would never want to give up the thrill of fighting, of training. I voted yes because I wanted to be there with you, to look after you…’
Keith suddenly hugged Shiro. 'Thank you,' he murmured. ‘Thank you caring enough about me to do that.’
Shiro hugged him back. ‘You're my son, I would do anything for you.‘
‘We both would,’ Adam said, joining them. He ran his fingers through Keith's hair.
'Lunch is ready,’ yelled Rachel.
They headed into the dinning room and Keith sat between Shiro and Lance, while Molly sat at the corner of the table in her high chair to Lance's right.
Happy conversation buzzed around the table as they started to enjoy the food Maria made, but conversation stopped when two people stepped through the door.
‘Veronica, mama,’ said Jorge.
The older women's hard eyes fell on Lance.
‘You should have let us know you were coming, Sophia,' Maria said.
‘Do I need permission to visit my family?’ asked Sophia.
‘Of course not,’ said Maria. She turned to her youngest children. ‘Luis, Leo and Rachel, you can sit in the lounge room and watch television while you eat.’
The kids looked across the table at Lance sadly before taking their plates and leaving.
Maria brought new plates and cullery to the table as Sophia and Veronica sat down.
Keith glanced at Lance and saw him staring down at his plate, not meeting his grandmother’s eyes.
‘What is that?’ asked Veronica, pointing at Jaya.
‘My brother,' Keith said.
Veronica grimaced. ‘Why is it here?'
‘Veronica, don't be rude,’ said Jorge. ‘Now, mama what brings you here?'
Su hija me ha informado sobre lo que ha estado sucediendo aquí,’ said Sophia. 'Seguramente, ¿esa debería haber sido tu responsabilidad?’ (‘Your daughter has filled me in on what has been happening here,' said Sophia. ‘Surely, that should have been your responsability?’)
‘Our guests don't speak spanish,’ said Maria, ‘please use English.’
'Este es un asunto de familia', said Sophia, 'y no los involucra'. (‘This is a family matter,' said Sophia, ‘and does not involve them.')
Lance looked up. ‘They are family,’ Lance said.
Sophia continued to look at Maria as if Lance hadn't spoken.
‘As Lance said, they are family,’ said Jorge, ‘and if you insist on using spanish, you will not be answered.'
‘Do not say that name to me,’ said Sophia, ‘he is dead, let it stay that way.'

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