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Four days later, Lance hurried down the corridor and into the kitchen, relieved to find Hunk in there.
‘Hey, buddy,’ Hunk said.
‘Hey, listen, I need a favour,’ Lance said.
‘Sure,’ Hunk said.
‘I was wondering if you could make me some little cakes,’ Lance asked hopefully.
‘Ok, what for?’ asked Hunk.
‘What for?'
‘Yeah, so I know what to make,’ Hunk said.
‘Oh, um...well…you see…’ Lance said.
Hunk's eyes narrowed. ‘What's going on?'
‘Ah...well...I…’ Lance said.
‘Lance, sit,’ Hunk said pointing at the dining table. When they were seated Hunk looked him in the eye. ‘Right, what's going on?'
Lance looked down at his hands, as the heat rose in his face. ‘I need you to promise not to tell anyone.’
‘Okay, promise,’ Hunk said.
Lance looked around to make sure no-one had come in. ‘I'm going to ask Keith to marry me.'
Lance's heart leapt into his throat as Hunk squealed in a way he'd never heard from the big man. Hank grabbed Lance in a bear hug and jumped to his feet.
‘Oh my god,’ he cried. ‘I'm going to make a selection of cake to die for.’ He dropped Lance and hurried into the kitchen. ‘Give me two hours, and they'll be done.'
‘Thanks, Hunk.’ Lance said. Still shaken up he left the kitchen.
He then hurried to the training room and saw Keith in there. Lance dashed past the door to the lift at the end of the corridor.
When he returned a a couple of hours later he saw Keith leaving the training room.
‘Hi,’ said Lance, draping his arm over Keith's shoulders.
‘Hi, why do you look flustered?’ asked Keith.
‘Do I? So what you doing now?' asked Lance.
‘Going to the kitchen...’ Keith began.
‘NO,’ Lance cried.
Keith stopped and looked at him. ‘What the hell, Lance?'
‘I...I...I mean, you go shower and I'll get you something,’ Lance said.
‘I think I can get something myself,’ Keith said.
‘Of course you can, but I'm headed that way anyway, so I'll bring something back,’ Lance said, hopefully.
‘Are you alright?' asked Keith, frowning.
‘Yep, perfect,’ Lance assured him.
Keith eyed him a bit longer. ‘Okay, I'll go and shower instead.’
‘Right, good, excellent,' Lance said steering Keith towards the bedroom and opened the door for him and waited for him to go in.
Lance ran to the kitchen. ‘Hunk, how's it going?’
‘Done,' Hunk said.
‘Thank you, thank you, thank you,’ Lance said, as Hunk handed him a basket of cakes.
Lance ran from the kitchen and back to the elevator.
When Keith came out of the shower, Lance was nowhere to be seen. Keith frowned wondering what had gotten into him. He just finish dressing when Lance burst through the door, red faced and puffing.
‘I thought you were getting food,’ Keith said.
Lance took Keith's hand. 'Come with me,’ Lance said.
Lance lead Keith up to the astronomy tower, where the roof had been opened to reveal the stars surroundind them. Keith smiled and moved further into the room.
‘I didn't even know this was here,' Keith said.
‘Neither did I until recently,’ said Lance. ‘I know we spend all out time in space, but the view of the stars never gets old.’
Taking Keith's hand again he lead him to the a sunken area in the middle of the floor filled with cushions, and on a small table were an assortment of cakes.
‘Is this what you were doing?' asked Keith.
Lance nodded.
Keith lay back to look at the unobstructed view of the stars.
Lance's heart pounded as he removed the small pouch from his pocket and moved to kneel at Keith's feet. Keith sat up frowning.
‘A lot has happened in the short time we've been going out,’ said Lance, ‘but the one constant has been my love for you.’ Lance opened the pouch and tipped both rings into the palm of his hand. Keith's eyes widened. ‘Marry me, Keith.’
Keith stared at the rings, as silence filled the room.
‘Keith, are you okay.’ Lance began to worry as the silence stretched out.
Keith looked at Lance. ‘Yes.’ he said.
‘Yes, you're okay, or…’ began Lance.
‘Yes, I'll marry you,’ Keith said.
Lance's heart thudded in his chest as Keith removed his gloves. With shaking fingers, Lance slipped the gold and ruby ring on Keith's finger, and was relieved it was a perfect fit, then Keith picked up the gold and aquamarine ring and slipped it on Lance's finger.
Moving forward Lance kissed Keith, but they jumped apart when there was a squeal and the door fIung open.
Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Adam, Molly and Coran ran into the room and engulfed the two young men in hugs, and laughter echoed around the room.
They were all talking at once, congratulating them and hugging them.
‘Hunk, you promised you wouldn't say anything,' Lance said.
‘I tried, really I did,’ said Hunk. ‘But I was so excited, it kind of slipped out.’
Lance laughed at his friend, and shook his head.
It wasn't long before Adam and Shiro ushured the others out of the room and closed the door.
‘Oh my god,' breathed Keith.
Lance gave a weak laugh. ‘I didn't know we had an audience,’ he said, ‘thank god you said yes.'
Keith chuckled.
Lance was still in front of Keith and Ient in for another kiss. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance and lay back in the cushions, bringing Lance down on top of him.
The tip of Keith's tongue touched Lance's lips asking for entry and if was granted enthusiastically. As they fought for dominance, Keith pushed this hips up against Lance and ground into him.
‘Oh fuck,’ Lance groaned.
‘Lance,‘ whined Keith, ‘to many clothes,'
Lance grinned. ‘I can fix that, baby.’ He stripped Keith of his clothes, then stood and removed his own. From between the cushions to his left he removed a blanket and put it over them, and from the busket the food had been in, he removed a towel with a pot of lube wrapped inside it.
‘You came prepared,’ Keith smirked.
‘Always,’ Lance grinned.
Keith pulled him down in another kiss and Lance melted into it. Lance turned his attention to Keith's neck, sucking and nipping marks into his pale skin making Keith pant and groan. Lance continued slowly down Keith's chest. He stopped at Keith's nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Keith pushed his hips and against Lance.
Lance gasped at the feeling. ‘Humm…fuck…Keith.’
Keith panted and whined bringing Lance's mind back to reality. He continued kiss Keith's chest working his way lower, until he put his warm mouth went around the tip of Keith's erection.
‘Oh...La...Lance,' Keith groaned.
Lance flipped the lid off the lube pot and clipped his fingers in. As he orally fucked Keith, Lance slipped a finger inside him.
‘Oohh, god,' whined Keith. ‘’
Lance slipped another finger in and curled them to find the perfect spot. Keith's back arched and he cried out. Adding a third finger, Lance removed his mouth from Keith's erection as he stretched Keith.
When Keith was ready, Lance rubbed lube over his own erection, brought his knees up under Keith's thighs, and lined up with Keith's hole.
‘Ready?' asked Lance. Keith nodded and groaned as Lance slowly pushed all the way in and waited for Keith to get used to him.
‘You can move,’ Keith panted.
‘Okay, baby,’ Lance murmured and started moving his hips. ‘Oh...yes…you feel so good.’
Lance went down on his elbows and push his hands under Keith's shoulders.
Keith's fingers dug into Lance's back and he started the thrust harder into Keith.
Purring, Keith held Lance to him as if he were going to disappear.
‘Breath, baby,’ groaned Lance, when he noticed keith had stopped panting.
Keith took some quick breaths, his back arching up off the cushions, pushing down on Lance.
‘Oh god…oh god,’ Lance gasped. He shifted his hips slightly hitting Keith's perfect spot making him cry out.
Keith's body shook beneath him, and he was unable to make another sound. Lance thrust harder hitting the spot everytime, Keith's purrs vibrating around him, adding another level of pleasure.
Arching his back again, Keith slammed down on Lance as he released, and warm liquid covered their stomachs.
Lance panted and gasped at the force of the purring around him and released hard and fast inside Keith.
‘Oh…fuck yes…Keith,' Lance cried.
They held each other until their breathing slowed.
Lance pushed himself up onto his hands and shifted his hips to pull out of Keith. Using the towel, Lance cleaned them both then moved to lay on his side next to Keith. He cupped Keith cheek and lent in and gently kissed his other check.
‘I love you,’ Lance murmured.
'I love you too,' Keith said. ‘ we get cake now?'
Lance laughed. ‘Yes, we get cake now.’

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