The Castle of Lions

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Sirens blared as Shiro ran onto the bridge.
'What's happened?' he demanded.
'Galra have appeared over the planet,' Coran said. 'Swarms of them have landed.'
Pidge and Hunk ran into the room.
'Have you heard from Keith and Lance?' asked Shiro.
'No, we have not been able to them,' Coran said.
'Lance should never have been allowed to go,' Allura snapped.
'Keith is down there too,' Shiro said.
'How do you know he didn't contact them,' she said. 'He usually goes alone, after all. Maybe that's when he makes contact...'
'Keith would never do that,' Pidge said, over the top of her.
'He's Galra,' spat Allara, 'they can't be trusted.'
'We need to get down there,' Shiro said, ignoring Allura.
'Wait,' Coran said, pointing at the screen.
The Galra ships left as quickly as they appeared.
Pidge slipped into her seat and her hands danced over the control panel.
'Scanning for their life signs,' she said.
Shiro's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for Pidge to say something.
'I...I...can't find them,' Pidge said. She turned and looked up at Shiro. 'They're gone.'
'Can you track the ships?'
'On it,' Pidge said, turning back to her control panel while Hunk took his seat.
'Their ship is still on the planet,' Hank said.
'Let's go and have a look around,' Shiro said.
Hunk followed him out of the control room to Black lion.
When they reached the planet, they landed near the cargo ship.
'The markets are that way,' Hunk said, pointing. 'What are you hoping to find?'
'Something that tells us if they are alive or...' He could bring himself to say the last word. There were only two reasons for not finding their life signs, one they were taken by the Galra, and two, they were dead. With every step the took towards the market, the knot in his stomach tightened.
'Look,' Hunk said.
Shiro look to where Hunk pointed to see trees blown apart or splintered. The split up and searched around.
'Shiro, here,' Hunk said. He was squatting and looking at something on the ground.
Shiro hurried to him. On the ground in front of Hunk was blood, and Keith's belt, his knife still firmly in the sheath on the back.
Hunk handed the belt to him and stood and tapped the ends of his fingers together.
'I guess they were taken,' Hunk said.
'Yes,' Shiro muttered.

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