Lance Makes A Difference

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Keith turned back into his human form as they stood. The ramp retracted and closed when they stepped off, and Keith headed inside, while Lance rejoined the others.
‘Is Jaya okay,’ asked Shiro.
‘Yeah,’ said Lance, ‘he's good now. Keith's timing was perfect. He'll be out soon, he just wanted a shower.’
By the time all the meat was cooked and all the food placed on the tables, Keith came out to join everyone, and Kosmo was with him. The wolf immediately went to where the children were and settled down on the blanket.
Jorge had tried numerous times to get Esther and Roberto to leave with no success, and they seated themselves at the table forcing Marco to bring out two more chairs.
Esther made sure they sat opposite Lance.
‘Are you not going to introduce us, Lance?’ asked Esther, while she gave Keith a good look over.
‘You already know who he is, and he knows who you are, so I don't see the point in saying it again,’ Lance said.
Esther pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. Then she went back to studying Keith again, causing Keith to shift uncomfortably in his seat.
'How'd everything go at the base?’ asked Shiro.
‘We chose a new planet, now the Galra know about that one,' said Keith. ‘Anything that can be salvaged is being taken there. Although, there's a rumour going around, the Galra are waiting for Lotor to return. He apparently promised to bring back the Ancient Altean to restore them to power.’
Shiro laughed. ‘He was certainly full of himself.‘
‘I wonder how long they will wait before they realise he's dead,’ Lance said.
‘Wait, Lotor's dead, how?’ asked Marco.
‘Blaster shot to the head,' Lance said. He made a gun sign with his hand.
'We just need to make sure no-one finds out it was you who killed him,' Keith said.
‘You could and up with a bounty on your head,’ Shiro said.
Esther and Roberto started laughing.
‘Him shoot someone,' said Roberto, ‘don't be so ridiculous. His too much of a whimp.'
‘Oh by the way,' said Shiro, as if Roberto hadn't spoken, 'the Admiral wants to go over with us tomorrow what we have to do at the ceremony on Friday. So, meet at the Castle at 10am.’
‘Are we all able to come to the ceremony?' asked Veronica.
‘Yes, we pick up your passes tomorrow,' he said, ‘and it's formal wear. I know that's late notice, but I only found out this afternoon.’
‘Keef,’ Jaya said.
Lance and Keith looked down between them, as Jaya yawned.
Keith pick him up and Jaya snuggled against him. Shiro who sat next to Keith reached out and ran his fingers through the kits fluffy hair.
‘He feels warm,’ Shiro said.
‘He's getting his fangs,’ Keith said.
‘Will you stop ignoring us,’ snapped Esther. ‘I can understand why Mama has concerns about this family. You've all got your heads in the clouds. Ridiculous stories of shooting people, strange creatures roaming around your home. You've all lost all sense of reality.'
‘No we haven't,' said Maria. ‘We've have seen things you could never imagine. We accept those who are different from ourselves, we love the extended family that has come our way. Sophia refuses to accept Lance the way he is, therefore she is not welcome in our home.’
‘She is the head of this family...' began Roberto.
‘Jorge is the head of this family, not Sophia,’ said Maria. ‘We don't need her permission or her blessing to do anything.’
‘I know why you're like this,' Esther said.
‘Don't,’ Jorge warned.
‘This is all because of the funeral,' Esther said.
‘I said don't,’ Jorge snapped.
‘All because she didn't…’
‘Esther no,’ Jorge growled.
'…go to Lance's funeral,' Esther said.
Lance felt like his insides were ripped out of his body, but he was damned if he was going to react, and give something for Esther to report back to his abuela.
‘Just as well I'm not dead then,' said Lance. ‘Now I can return the favour.’
Esther gasped. 'How could you be so cold hearted?’
Lance just raised his eyebrows and stared at her.
Esther stood. ‘Come on Roberto, let's get out of here.’
‘Esther,’ said Jorge, ‘tell anyone eIse who thinks they can come here and cause trouble not to bother.'
They stormed back to their car, and sped off down the driverway.
Lance looked down at his plate. He'd spent two years wishing he could come home to see his family, and now he wished he'd never returned, and that his family still thought he was dead.
Standing, he hurried inside.
Keith went to follow, only to have Adam place a hand on his shoulder and push him back down and follow instead.
Adam found Lance in his room, pacing back and forth.
‘I should’ve stayed dead,' said Lance, ‘at least the family wouldn't be tearing it's seIf apart because of me. God, Lotor's right, I'm just a joke, and that's all I'll ever be.‘
‘One thing you're not, and it's a joke,' said Adam. ‘You wear your heart on your sleeve, and that leads to you getting hurt more than most. You want to see the best in people, and that's a great quality.’ Adam sighed and sat on the bed. ‘It lead you to see the best in Keith, and for that I'm grateful.’
‘He deserves better,' Lance said.
Adam shook his head. ‘No,' he said, ‘Lance, come and sit.’ Lance did as he was told. ‘When Keith turned 16 we enrolled him in the Garrison, hoping it would help him with his anger, and try to form a bond with a team. He came home one day and said he'd seen someone at the Garrison he wished he could be like. They were confident, funny and had friends around him all the time. He said it was everything he wasn't.’
‘Did he ever tell you who it was?' asked Lance.
Adam shook his head. ‘The only thing we know about him, was he was a cargo pilot.' Lance went to say something, then stopped and stared at Adam. ‘You make a difference to people Lance, even when you don't realise it. I'm sorry some of your family are acting the way they are, but that doesn't mean it's your fault.’

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