Wedding Day - Part 1

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The days leading up to the wedding seemed to go fast and slow all at the same time.

Maria spent her days cleaning the house to within an inch of its life, while Jorge prepared the front yard, with Jaya running around helping where he could, so excited by everything that was going on.

Keith and Lance went into town the day before the wedding, picked up the ingredients for the dishes they were going to make, table settings, and decorations.

The house was so packed with things, there was almost no room to move, and there was nervous excitement in the air. The only two who appeared not to be nervous were Keith and Lance.

They sat around the table having dinner having decided to get takeaway in after a long day of getting the place ready.

'What time are you collecting Amaya and Haru?' asked Maria.

'I will go around 10am,' Keith said.

'I'm coming with you,' said Lance. 'I'm not letting you go there by yourself.'

'I'll be there and back in a few minutes with Kosmo,' said Keith. 'There's no need...'

'I'm coming anyway,' interrupted Lance. 'I'm not taking the chance that he and May won't be there. She has still been trying to get Adam to bring her with him.'

Keith frowned. 'How do you know?'

'Adam messaged me earlier,' said Lance. 'If I don't go with you, then Shiro is going to have my arse on a plate and he's going to turn up instead. Adam said Shiro are a mess of nerves at the moment.'

Keith rolled his eyes. 'Fine, just so that I don't have to deal with him that early in the morning. The flowers are going to be delivered at 1pm, and Hunk will be bringing the cake around 4pm.'

'Have you seen the cake yet?' asked Veronica.

'Not yet,' said Lance. 'Hunk is keeping it a surprise until tomorrow.'

'What if you don't like what he's done?' she asked.

'I trust Hunk, and have no doubt what he's done will be fabulous,' Lance said.

'I honestly thought you would be bouncing off the walls tonight, Lance, and want to ensure everything was perfect,' Marco said.

'As long as the celebrant and Keith are there, it will be perfect,' said Lance. 'The rest of it is just a bonus.'

A smile pulled at Jorge's lips. He'd thought the same as Marco, and probably the rest of the family, that Lance would be a mess and they would need to calm him down. Instead, he went about his day as if there was nothing important happening tomorrow, but then so was Keith.

After they ate, Keith and Lance cleaned up, bathed the kids and put them to bed, then retreated to their own room and locked the door. Lance turned off the main light and only the bedside lamp was on.

Lance went and stood in front of Keith and took his hands. As he kissed Keith, he pressed his body against his and deepened the kiss.

When Lance pulled back and looked at Keith, he murmured, 'take me.'

Keith slipped his hands from Lance's and he slipped them under Lance's t-shirt, his fingers tracing the contours of Lance's muscles. He pulled Lance's t-shirt off and kissed him again, using his body to push him over to the bed.

Keith ran his fingers down Lance's torso until they came to the top of his jeans, and he slowly undid the button and zip before slipping his hand in and palming Lance through his shorts.

Lance whined softly and moved his hips against Keith's hand.

'Strip,' Keith murmured, and stepped back.

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