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After the Admiral and Iverson left, they continued to sit around the table in silence.
‘We should at least look at what they're offering,’ Hunk said. He picked up the envelope and tore it open. Extracting the paper inside, he unfolded it. His eyes grew wide.
The others opened their envelopes, only to have the same reaction.
Allura frowned at her paper. ‘Is this a lot of money?’ she asked Keith, who sat to her right.
Keith looked at the paper she held out to him.
‘Yes, that's a lot of money,' he said.
Silence fell over the table again, and they all found themselves looking to Keith. They had all decided to leave when Keith said he was, and even though Shiro was their leader, they all knew without question they would now stay if Keith did.
Keith's life had been impacted more than anyone elses, and while they had always respected Keith, he had now found his way into their hearts. The goofball of the team had brought out the best in the dark, angry emo, and vice versa.
Shiro cleared his throat. ‘We should all take the two days and talk to our families about this before making a decision,’ he said, ‘then we meet back here.’
They all nodded.
‘Take your lions,’ said Allura. ‘Kolivan, once the paladins are gone, I will take you home.’
‘If it's alright with you, I would like to stay for the decision,’ Kolivan said.
‘Of course,' Allura said.
Shiro messaged Adam and a few minutes later he and Kosmo appeared. When Adam saw Lance he opened his mouth only to close it again when Shiro took his hand.
‘I will explain,' Shiro murmured. Adam nodded.
The paladins left in silence, there was no chatter over the radio, all of them thinking about what will happen in two days time.
Keith and Lance landed in the field near Lance's home.
When they went inside, Maria's smile faultered, not only because of the marks on Lance's face, but the serious looks they both wore.
Maria, Jorge and Marco sat at the dining table.
‘Where are the kids?’ asked Lance.
‘The babies are asleep, and the kids are at abuelas for the night,’ Maria said.
Keith and Lance joined them at the table.
'Lance, your face,' Jorge said.
‘We have a lot to explain, and discuss,' Lance said.
Lance began the story from when his family left the Castle. They sat in silence as Lance told them everything that happened, and about how he got the markings along with the implications of them.
Marco frowned. ‘You could live for 700 years?'
‘It's possible,' said Lance. ‘But that brings us to the next part of the story.’ He and Keith pushed the folders they recieved from the Admiral into the middle of the table. ‘This is what we get for saving Earth.’
‘Are you sure you want us to see this?’ asked Jorge.
Lance nodded.
Jorge pulled the folders to him and opened them.
‘Oh my god,' he said, ‘I've never seen such a figure.'
Maria and Marco went and sat on either side of Jorge and stared at the papers, their mouths falling open.
‘And this is our yearly salary if we stay paladins,’ Lance said. He pushed the two envelopes to them.
Jorge removed the contents with shaking fingers, and they stared at the figures.
'We have to make the decision on what we'll do in two days,' Lance said.
‘You wouldn’t have to work ever again with the money they're giving you for saving Earth,' Marco said.
‘No,’ said Lance, ‘we wouldn't.'
‘Then why are you thinking about risking your life further?' demanded Marco. ‘You've done your bit for Earth, risked your life, you don't need to do that any more. You don't need the money.'
‘It's not about the money,' said Lance. ‘Earth will be accepting aliens, our experience...'
Marco shot to his feet. ‘You're 19 years oId, Lance. They have people who are older and more qualified than you to handle this.’
‘Marco, sit down,' Jorge said.
‘Tell him he can't do this,’ said Marco. ‘We've gone through the grief of losing him twice…’
‘Sit down,' Jorge ordered.
Marco sat heavily in his seat.
‘Look, we haven't made up our minds about what we will do yet,' said Lance, we…’
‘We, so far you're the only one talking about this,’ Marco said. He glared at Keith. ‘Are you going to drag Lance back into space with you now that you're this powerful Altean?’
‘I'm not dragging him...’ Keith began.
‘Don't give me that bullshit,' snapped Marco, ‘you know damn well he'll follow you anywhere.’
‘That's enough,' said Maria. ‘I will not have you disrespecting a member of this household. Keith and Lance have a right to make a decision about how they live their lives, and I'm glad they have chosen to share this with us. I don't doubt this is difficult for them.’ She sighed and looked at them. ‘I can't say I wouldn't like to see you say no, and stay here, safe on Earth. But this is not our decision, and all we can do is support you in whatever you decide. If you do stay as paladins, we will always be here to look after the babies while you're away, because I know they will be part of your decision.’
Maria watched at Lance retrieve the folders and papers from the table. She could see he and Keith had both shut down.
‘Come on baby,' Lance muttered.
The other three watched them go upstairs.
'Why would you do that?’ asked Jorge. ‘Attacking Keith like that is a sure way of pushing Lance away.’
Marco looked at his hands clasped on the table. ‘I don't want to go through losing him again.’
‘Neither do we,’ said Jorge, ‘but you have to remember, this is all they know. They've been fighting a war for two years, flying around space and meeting aliens. Do you really see them settling down on Earth and getting a job at the local Starbucks?’
Marco planted his elbows on the table and ran is hands though his hair.
‘Two years ago, Lance was a cadet at Galaxy Garrison and we wondered how a goofball like him would cope with the discipline,’ said Marco. ‘He comes home two years later with a fiance and a baby, a fiance that is part Galran and part Altean and is what they call an Ancient Altean. Now Lance has the same markings and will live 700 years. Does this not bother anyone else?’
‘It's a lot to take in,’ Jorge said.
‘But as a parent, it's our job to support our children in the choices they make,’ said Maria. ‘It's not up to us to talk Lance out of this, we brought all of you up to take responsibility for your decisions.’
Marco dropped his hands back to the table and stared at them. He knew he'd been an ass to Lance and Keith. Since Lance returned home, they had seen, and been part of, everything his job had involved over the last two years. While he tried to be the cool big brother about it all, it actually terrified him.

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