Sacred Altean

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'Impossible, I killed him, I know I did,’ Keith said. He was shocked. He had stabbed Balik in the stomach running him completely through with his sword.
'I want everyone in their armour, now,’ Shiro said.
Keith turned to Adam. ‘Let's get a bag packed for the babies,’ said Keith, ‘Kosmo can take the three of you to stay with Maria and Jorge.'
‘Good idea,’ said Shiro, going over and picking up Molly. ‘I will see to that, you lot get changed. Princess, can you and Coran try and track Balik.'
‘Of course,' Allura said.
'Where are Kolivan and Alkarah?' asked Keith.
Lance frowned. ‘They're here?'
‘Kolivan saw Balik sending the message to start the attack on the Base,’ Keith said.
‘They went to track Balik,' Shiro said.
Keith lead the others to the change room and Pidge and Hunk were dismayed to see how injured Keith and Lance were as they changed.
‘How are we going to find Balik?’ asked Hunk. ‘I mean, he's been able to stay hidden in the Castle for six weeks.’
‘So have Kolivan and Alkarah,’ Pidge pointed out.
‘Are we really trusting Alkarah?' asked Lance.
‘Why wouldn't we?’ asked Hunk.
‘Because for one thing, he was on Krolia's list of possible spies,’ Lance said. He and Keith exchanged a worried look.
‘It's more than just that isn't it?' asked Pidge.
Lance tried not to grimace. Pidge was to perceptive for her own good.
‘He wasn't surprised about Keith's Altean markings,’ Lance said.
‘And?’ ask Pidge, watching him through narrowed eyes.
‘And nothing,' Lance said.
‘Bull shit,' said Pidge. 'You tensed up as soon as you heard Alkarah's name, and Keith was shocked to see it was Balik. You really did expect it to be Alkarah didn't you, Keith.‘
Keith finish putting on his armour before turning to the others.
‘Yes, I expected it to be Allkara,' he said, ‘and I don't trust him, and neither should any of you. All the missions are went on together always ended up being…complicated. Something always went wrong, like the Galra were expecting us.’
‘That doesn’t explain why he wants you,' Lance muttered, as he finished putting on his armour.
‘This is no time to be jealous,’ said Keith. ‘I don't know why he does either, but he's not getting it.’
‘If he's working for the Galra,’ said Pidge, ‘he could be trying to turn you to their side through a relationship. If you've even half as strong as Haggar, you could bring the Galra back into power. I've been doing some research. Most Alteans have the ability to manipulate quintessence for healing, constructing weapons, but some and can transfer consciousnesses from vessel to vessel, and create powerful energy blasts. These Alteans with this ability are known as Sacred Alteans and treated with reverence. We know Alteans can shapeshift to alter their height and skin tone, but Sacred Alteans have increased control over their physical form, almost...chameleon-like traits which is how you can change between two races. Alteans also have enhanced strength, speed and agility, and you take that to a new level. Your martial arts skills take full advantage of your natural flexibility and grace.’
‘You make him sound like the ultimate weapon,’ Hunk said.
‘In a lot of ways he is,’ said Pidge. ‘If he were to tap in to his Altean magic, he would be unstoppable.’
Now they were all in their armour, they turned to the door and found Shiro standing there. They knew from the look of shock on his face, he'd overheard their conversation.
Lance new how Shiro felt, he was shocked by what Pidge told them. I was a lot to take in. Keith was his partner and lover, not an ultimate weapon.
Again he wondered if he would be enough for Keith, who was an Altean prince, assassin and ultimate weapon. What was he? A poor Cuban boy who had the knack of annoying people, but he was also Keith's soulmate. A smile tugged at his lips at this thought.
‘Has Adam gone?' asked Keith.
‘Yes,’ Shiro said. He moved into the room and put his armour on in silence.
Lance wondered how Keith could be so calm about all this. Was it because he didn't believe it?
‘The princess has let Iverson know about the intruder,' Shiro said at last. ‘He is surrounding the Castle to stop anyone from leaving. Stay in pairs and watch each others backs, and keep your comms open.’
‘Lance and I will start on the top level off the castle and work our way down,' Keith said.
‘We'll work our way up,’ Pidge said.
‘I'll find Kolivan,' Shiro said.
Lance followed Keith out of the room and down to the lift. They glanced at each other and, even without saying anything, they turned to the stairs. They didn't want to get caught off guard in there.
All together the Castle had five levels, including the four turrets thats housed the engines.
They clung to the walls as they ascended the stairs, checking each turn before confirming on. They came out on the top level, the astronomy room.
They both stopped as they stepped into the room. The screens were retracted from the windows, leaving an unobstructed new of the bright sky outside, and of the body hanging from the ceiling, a noose around it's neck.
Balik had been strung up, naked and something on his chest. As they moved closer they saw it was a name. Keith!
‘Shit,’ Lance muttered.
Shiro: Lance?
‘Hang on,’ Lance said. He took out his datapad, snapped a picture and sent it to Shiro.
They heard Shiro's shocked breath.
Pidge: What is it?
Shiro: You don't need to see it, but Balik's body has been hung from a noose.
Hunk: Damn.
Shiro: Can you get him down and cover him with something?
'Sure,' Keith said.
‘It looks like this is where he was hiding out,’ said Lance, ‘there's blankets and food up here.'
They went over to Balik and cut him down. They lay him on the floor and cover him with a blanket.
‘This makes no sense,’ said Keith. ‘If Balik's not the spy, why did he fight us? Why didn't he say something?’
‘Could he and Alkarah be working together?’ asked Lance.
‘Then why carve my name on his chest?’ asked Keith.
Hunk: Say what?
Pidge: What's going on up there?
‘Would Allkara be jealous of Balik, I mean, did you and he…’ asked Lance.
‘No,’ frowned Keith. ‘Balik has a mate, a female mate. Beside, we barely spoke to each other more than half a dozen times. And will you quit asking me that, you make me sound like I screwed everyone I met. Besides you and Allura, I haven't slept with anyone since leaving Earth.'
‘I never said you did,' said Lance. ‘You were gone for a long time, you could have found someone, and there's nothing wrong with that.’
Shiro: Are you two okay?
Lance reached up and switched of his comm, then turned off Keith's.
‘You know I didn't mean like that,' Lance said.
‘I know,’ muttered Keith, ‘I'm sorry.’
Shiro: Keith, Lance turn your comms back on.
Lance could see Keith's calm exterior cracking. ‘Pidge threw a lot at you before, didn't she?'
Keith sighed. ‘I've spent most of my life being ignored. Now it seems like whatever I do someone wants something from me. I don't know which is worse.’
Shiro: Turn your comms back on, that's an order.
‘Well, l only thing want from you is your body,' Lance said, shrugging.
This made Keith laugh.
Shiro: Will you two listen to me.
Keith turned his comm back on. 'Keep your shirt on.’
Shiro: Don't sass me, Keith.
Pidge: Careful, space dad's angry.
Hunk: He'll put you over his knee and spank you.
'Hey, that's my job,’ Lance protested.
There was a choking sound on the comm.

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