Wedding Day - Part 2

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At 4pm Hunk turned up with the wedding cake and place it on the table and everyone stared at it.

The cake was three layers, with a smooth as glass, black mirror glaze over the top. Down one side was the milky way, and winding their way around the cakes to the top was a red and blue stripe. The stripes met at the top where a purple sugar heart topped the cake.

Hunk bit his lip, and asked, 'Do you not like it?'

'Buddy, it's...amazing,' said Lance, tears stinging his eyes. 'You never cease to amaze me with your talents.'

'It's perfect,' breathed Keith. 'Oh, Hunk...I...' He looked up at the big man, unable to put into words how he felt about the cake.

Hunk blushed. 'There are two chocolate cakes and one vanilla. I thought since not everyone likes traditional wedding cake, that would be the way to go.'

'I've never seen anything like it,' said Maria. 'We must make sure we get the photographer to take photos.' She quickly pulled out her phone and took some herself from every angle.

Lance hugged his friend. 'Thank you so much.'

'Any time, buddy.' Hunk returned the hug then left again to get ready for later with Pidge.

There was only 3 hours left before the wedding was to begin and the food preparation was in full swing. Maria and Amaya got on so well it was as if they had been friends all their lives and this made Keith happy.

With two hours left, Lance and Keith were dragged upstairs by Shiro and Adam.

'Right you two, shower,' Shiro ordered.

The two boys grinned and were about to leave when Shiro grabbed Keith's arm. 'On second thought, Lance you go shower first. The last thing we need if for you two to have sex in there for the next half an hour.'

Shiro laughed at the death glare Keith shot him. Adam smirked and shook his head while pushing the pouting Lance towards the bathroom.

When Keith came out of the bathroom, he found the bedroom door closed, and Shiro guided him into the kids room where Keith's clothes were laid out, and closed the door.

'I can get dressed by myself,' Keith huffed.

'I know.' He said it softly and looked at Keith with a mixture of sadness and joy in his eyes. 'This is the last time I get to look after you before you start your own life with someone.'

'You're my dad, you'll always be there to look after me. Won't you?' There was fear in that question. A fear that Shiro would not walk away and he would never see him again.

Shiro hugged him. 'I will always be here when you need me.' He could feel Keith shaking in his arms. 'You're my son, and I love you, and there is nothing in this universe, any universe, that would keep me away from you.' He stepped back and held Keith at arms length. 'But today you are getting married. You have Lance to look after you, and he will always be the one you turn to first when something goes wrong, and that's how it should be.'

Shiro turned away for a moment. When he turned back he held a beer out to Keith.

'Here is to the first day of the rest of your life,' said Shiro. 'I have no doubt it will be full of happiness.

They heard people starting to arrive and the land around the house looked like a strange parking lot for ships. The smell of food filled the house, and laughter drifted up through the partially open window. There was excitement in the air, and as the sun started to set, it became more intense.

Ten minutes before they were ready to start, Shiro and Adam hurried downstairs to make sure everyone was out of the house and seated.

Keith and Lance stood at the top of the stairs.

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