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The five paladins stood together as the door to the Castle opened. They were all bruised, bloody and battered, and were only surviving on the last of the adrenaline from the fight.
Adam held Molly to him. She had been passed around the families to be taken care of during the battle to be kept safe, and now she clung to Adam.
Shiro was about to go to him when movement caught his eye. He turned and his smile faded. He reached out and touched Lance's shoulder.
Looking over his shoulder his face fell at the sight.
‘Baby,' Lance murmured.
Keith turned and his eyes locked on Kolivan carrying Krolia's body in his arms.
‘She fought well,' Kolivan said, in a quiet voice.
Lance watched uncertainty and fear play over Keith’s features. Without warning, Keith turned and hurried into the Castle, with Kosmo sticking close to him.
Lance went after him, with Maria and Jorge close behind.
‘Keith stop,’ Lance said.
‘No,’ Keith replied, angry.
‘Baby, please. You need to...’ Lance began.
Keith turned to him. ‘I need to what, Lance? Stop and grieve for her? How can I do that when I don't know how I feel. The last time we spoke we fought because she only had me out of some duty to try and strengthen the resistance with half breeds.’ Lance let Keith rant, let him get everything out of his system. ‘We spent two years in the quantum abyss, and she never found the time to tell me then, she had to wait until I was dying before she could say anything. She didn't want me.’ Keith ran his hands through his hair.
‘It's okay…’
‘Okay? My mother is dead…’
Lance watched as Keith's own words sank in. Moving forward, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith as he let out his first sob.
Keith seemed to lose all strength in his legs and Lance sank to the floor with him. Sitting with his legs crossed, Lance pulled Keith into this lap and Keith wrapped his arms and legs around him and buried his face into Lance's neck and sobbed. Kosmo lay behind Keith and gave a small whine.
It was awkward to hug Keith with their armour on, but Lance didn't want to let him go because if he did, the had no idea how far Keith would fall into the negative thoughts on his own mind. Despite his words he had become close to Krolia, and even loved her.
Maria and Jorge went over to them and sat on the floor either side of them. Maria ran her fingers gently through Keith's hair, offering silent comfort to the man Who, in a short time, had made his way into her heart.
Now that Jorge and Maria sat close to them, they could see the wounds each of them had sustained during the fight, and they looked at each other worried.
When Keith's sobs began to slow down they could hear the others making ther way back down the corridor.
‘Come on, baby,' muttered Lance. ‘Let's go to our room.’
He didn't want the others to see how Keith had lost it, even though he knew the team understand, it wasn't for all the others to see him at his most vulnerable.
With Jorge's and Maria's help, they got Keith to his feet and into the bedroom before the others came into view.
The boys sat on the bed, exhausted and drained of every last ounce of energy they had left, while Kosmo Iay by the door. Keith wiped the tears from his face and kept his eyes on the floor, his shoulders sagging in defeat.
‘Let's get this armour off,’ Jorge said.
They got the boys armour off. When Keith sat down he lay back and closed his eyes, Lance followed suit.
‘It's not time to sleep yet,’ said Maria. ‘You need to shower and clean your wounds.'
‘No,' they both whined.
‘Yes,' said Maria. ‘Jorge, get them in the shower while I get the medical kit.’
As soon as she stepped out the door she was acosted by Adam and Shiro.
‘How's Keith?' asked Shiro.
‘Upset,' said Maria. ‘He broke down when the reality of what happened hit him.’
‘Da,' Molly safid, pointing at the door.
‘Soon, sweetheart,' said Adam. 'Daddy and papa just need some time.’
‘I'm going to get a medical kit to clean and dress their wounds,' Maria said.
'Coran is triaging those who need the healing pods, I'll get him to drop by when he gets a chance,’ Adam said.
Maria nodded. ‘Jorge is with them at the moment.’ She looked at Adam. ‘About what King Alfor said...’ She glanced at Shiro.
‘I gave Shiro the condensed version,' Adam said.
‘Fine, she said. ‘I'm not sure Keith's in the right frame of mind to hear that right now.'
‘Agreed,' said Shiro. ‘We plan on talking to him. He needs to wait until after Krolia's funeral.’
‘Excellent,’ she said, and they parted ways.
Back in the room, Jorge waited for them to finish their shower. He looked around the room they shared. On the desk were creams and beauty products, along with knives. It wasn't hard to tell who owned what in the room. Lance's stuff screamed femininity, and Keith's masculinity. They were polar opposites and he wondered how they were drawn to each other, how they could find a common ground. Then he thought about his own relationship with Maria. He liked sports and cars, while Maria liked cooking and caring for the family.
Keith and Lance had forged their relationship in adverse conditions, and it was strong, that much was obvious. Then a stray thought caught him by surprise, he really liked Keith and thought of him as part of the family already.
He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the bathroom door open.
‘Papa, you okay?' asked Lance.
Jorge turned to them. ‘Sorry, yes. I was just thinking.'
Lance looked at the desk, where his father was looking, and saw all his beauty products and his heart sank as he sat on the bed next to Keith. What would his father think about them. At home he hid them in a box under his bed so they weren't a reminder of his son's sexuality.
‘Where did you manage to get all these beauty products from?' asked Jorge.
‘The space mall,’ said Lance, ‘they had Earth products there.’
‘Space mall,’ said Jorge, ‘that's extrordinary. And they had you're favourite products.’
‘How did you know they're my favourite?' asked Lance.
‘You always bought these,' said Jorge, ‘and when your belongings were returned to us from your room at the Garrison, this brand was amongst them. Although, this is new.’ He pointed to a strawberry scented cream.
‘Yes, I bought it when I found out Keith liked anything strawberry,’ Lance said.
Lance was confused when a smile pulled at his father's lips.
‘Lance, I know I haven't said this before,' said Jorge, ‘but I'm very proud of you, and I always have been, and I love you.’
Lance blinked away the tears stinging his eyes. All these years he thought he'd been a disappointment to his father. He didn't know what to say.
Jorge went over and crouched down in front of Lance. ‘You are a strong, brave man who has achieved so many great things,’ said Jorge, ‘and you have come home with a family of your own who are wonderful and amazing.’ He turned his gaze to Keith. ‘You are a welcome addition to this family, and I would be pround to call you son.’
Lance wrapped his arms around his father. 'Thank you, papa,’ he murmured, as Jorge returned his hug.
Then both the McClain men reach over and pull Keith into their embrace. At first Keith was shocked, but then lent into Lance and let the warmth of their embrace wash over him.
Maria came back to find them huddled together and smiled. She ran her fingers through her son's hair and he looked up.
‘Let's get these wounds looked at,' said Maria. ‘Commander Iverson has given orders that no-one is to be disturbed before tomorrow morning. You're all entitled to a well earned rest.’
Jorge moved out of the way and pulled over the chair from the desk for Maria to sit on.
Now that the boys were only in their shorts, the cuts, bruises and wounds were obvious.
Between the two of them, Maria and Jorge tended to their wounds as the young men fought to stay awake.
‘Okay,' murmured Maria, ‘you can sleep now.’
Lance scooted back on the bed and lay down hear the wall on his back. Keith crawled in next to him and lay his head on Lance's shoulder, pressing his body against him.
Maria hadn't even pulled up the blanket before sleep claimed them. Kosmo moved to lay neat to the bed on the floor.
Turning out the lights, Maria and Jorge left the room.

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