What has the bitch done?

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Lance stared out the window as they entered space. Keith opened a wormhole and they shot through, and came out where Kolivan's ship floated in space. Beside it, another Blade ship.
Malay appeared on screen. ‘I was about to take the ship down to the plants surface, it has a breathable atmosphere.’
Keith nodded. ‘We'll follow you down.’
The other Blade ship remained in orbit as protection.
‘If Kolivan was killed out here, how did they get back to Earth?’ wondered Lance. ‘With all the different races in the universe, could someone other than the Alteans have wormhole capabilities, that maybe doesn't rely on quintessence?’
‘It's a possibility,' said Keith. ‘And if that's the case, then the Admiral has been playing us for fools.'
‘That woman is a nasty piece of work,’ said Lance. ‘How does she think she can get away with talking to people like that?'
'Because she thinks no-one can touch her,’ Keith said.
They landed next to Kolivan's ship and went and met Malay at the bottom of the ramp.
‘Malay, this is Lance,’ Keith said.
‘It's an honor to meet you.' Malay said. She turned to Keith. ‘He’s very pretty.’
Lance’s face burned.
‘Yes, he is,’ Keith said, trying not to laugh. ‘So, did you find anything else?’
‘No, if I had to guess, I’d say the ship was cleaned,’ Malay said, as they went up the ramp. ‘There is also a strange smell in the air, I’ve never come across before.’
When Keith entered the ship, he wrinkled his nose. ‘That’s chloroform. It’s used on Earth to knock someone out.’
‘That explains how they got the drop on him,’ Lance said.
‘There’s also another smell,’ said Keith. ‘One that I smelt only yesterday, James Griffin.’
‘Seriously, that little shit,’ said Lance, ‘I guess we now know why the Admiral is shagging him.’
Malay frowned. ‘Shagging?’
‘It means to have sex with someone,’ Keith said.
‘Oh, so this James Griffin is the Admirals mates?’ she asked.
‘No, not in the sense you mean. They just have sex, without any feelings for each other. From the smell of her, she has sex with a number of men,’ said Keith. ‘I doubt any of them mean anything to her. She probably uses them to get them to do what she wants.’
‘Is this accepted on you world?’ asked Malay.
‘I suppose it is,’ said Keith, ‘you can have sex with whoever you want. Earth’s version of mating is getting married.’
‘And James Griffin killed Kolivan because the Admiral had sex with him, and she asked him to do it?’ she asked. Keith nodded. ‘That is a poor excuse to take a life.’
‘Yes it is,’ agreed Keith. ‘Listen, do you know of any other race, besides the Alteans that have wormhole capabilities?’
‘Not for certain, but there is rumour the Carandians have this capability,’ Malay said. ‘Why?’
‘Because James needed a way to get back to Earth,’ Keith said.
‘That would mean the Carandians know about us,’ said Lance, his face paling. ‘The Admiral has exposed Earth to ships full of cannibals.’
‘A report came through before you arrived that a Carandian ship was rumoured to be in Kuiper belt,’ Malay said.
‘That’s near Pluto,’ Lance said.
‘We’ll swing by there on the way home and check it out,’ Keith said.
‘Be careful,’ said Malay. ‘With Lotor gone, the Carandians are decimating the Galran colonies. I don't know what hold he had over them, but I will keep trying to find out.'
'Shit, this is my fault,' Lance said, punishing his hands threw his hair.
‘No, it's not,' said Keith. ‘Think about it. The Admiral would've be in contact with the Carandians long before you killed Lotor. The timing doesn't make sense otherwise.'
‘You killed Lotor?’ asked Malay. Lance nodded. ‘Then you are as brave, and as strong as your mate.’
‘Hardly,’ Lance said.
‘Lotor was a skilled fighter,' said Malay, placing a hand on Lance's shoulder. ‘To best him takes courage and strength. Many trained Blade members died confronting him. Despite the Carandians, you did the right thing.’
Lance gave a nod of acknowledgment to her words.
‘Take Kolivan's ship back to the base,' said Keith. ‘I'll contact you when I know more.’
‘Yes, sir,' Malay said.
Lance followed Keith back to their ship, and they watched Malay leave.
Keith turned to Lance. ‘Whatever happens, please believe none of this is your fault.’ He reached out and cupped Lance's cheek. ‘Shiro and I would have done the same thing if we had of been in a position to. We had no idea the Carandians even existed. This all comes down on the Admiral.'
Lance nodded. Keith pulled him in a hug, and Lance clung to him.
When Keith pulled back, he said, ‘We better talk to Shiro before we head to Pluto.'
Keith sent Shiro a message to contact him. He didn't want to call in case there was someone around he couldn't talk in front of.
Five minutes later, Shiro, Allura and Rear Admiral Collins filled the ships monitor.
‘Sir, this is Keith Kogane, and Lance McClain,’ Shiro said.
‘Shiro has brought me up to speed on what you boys are doing,’ said Collins. ‘Have you found something?'
Keith glance to Shiro, who nodded. Keith told them everything they knew.
‘Jesus Christ,’ muttered Collins. 'Are you able to check out the Kuiper belt without being seen?’
‘I have cloaking on the ship,' said Keith, ‘but since we don't know their level of technology, I can't say for sure we won't be detected.'
‘All I want you to do is, swing by and confirm if there is a ship there,’ said Collins. 'Then I want you to hide out somewhere so the Admiral can't contact you before the ceremony tonight. Don't risk contacting anyone again, unless you run into trouble.'
‘Yes, sir,' Keith said.
The screen went blank.

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