Don't Trust Him

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Lance had been restless all night and when he woke the next morning, his eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks flushed.

Keith sat up. 'How you feeling?'

'Like crap,' Lance muttered.

'You should stay here, and I'll go to the builders myself,' Keith said.

'But I wanted to see it,' he whined.

'Yeah, well, I doubt you'll be able to stand long enough to go there,' said Keith. 'You hungry?'

Lance shook his head. 'Thirsty though.'

Keith took the water bottle he always keeps on the bedside table and handed it to Lance.

After taking a drink, Lance pushes the blankets off and tried to get out of bed.

'What are you doing?' asked Keith, going around the other side of the bed.

'Bathroom,' Lance mumbled. Keith helped him to his feet. 'Maybe you shouldn't be near me.'

'Says the guy who had his tongue down my throat yesterday while fucking me,' said Keith. 'If it's contagious, then that boat has sailed.' He pulled Lance's arm around his shoulders and took him down to the bathroom.

'Lance?' Jorge came out his bedroom, and opened the bathroom door for them. 'Have a cool shower, and I will get you some clean clothes.'

Twenty minutes later, Lance returned to a bed with clean sheets, the window open to keep the room cool, a cold pack wrapped in a tea towel, and a jug of ice water on the bedside table.

While Maria fussed over Lance, Keith went across to the kids' room and found Molly awake. He got her up and changed and took her down to her playpen and got her some fruit to eat.

Back upstairs, Keith found Jaya standing in the bedroom doorway with Jorge, watching Maria look after Lance.

'Jaya, can you go and watch Molly for me please,' Keith said.

'Okay,' Jaya said, dejectedly.

Keith dropped to a knee in from of Jaya. 'There's no need to worry. Well make sure he gets better, okay.'

Jaya nodded, then went downstairs to Molly. In the meantime, Enya woke and made her presence known. Keith went in and got her up and changed.

Lance fell asleep again, and they all went about their business, while keeping an eye on him.

'What are you plans today?' asked Maria. She pulled out ingredients to start breakfast while Keith got a bottle ready for Enya.

'Builder at 11am, then Dr Michaels at 12:30pm,' said Keith. 'I'll collect Lance before going to Dr Michaels, and I sent him a message earlier that Lance was sick.'

'Dad, can I come with you to the builders?' asked Jaya.

'If you want to,' Keith said.

Maria turned to Keith and blinked. 'Oh, the babies have certainly grown over night.'

Keith grimace. 'Tell me about it.' Even under the large baggy t-shirt he wore it was obvious he was pregnant.

It wasn't long before the others started coming down for breakfast to find out that Lance was sick.

By the time Keith was ready to go to the builders, Marco had taken the kids, including Molly, to town with him, and Veronica finally started to clean out her room.

Keith turned up at the builders as arranged with Jaya and Enya. He received some curious looks at his stomach.

Keith sighed. 'Yes, I'm pregnant.'

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