The Healer

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To say Maria and Jorge were upset about Marco becoming a paladin was a gross understatement.

'Si crees que voy a permitir que otro de mis hijos arriesgue su vida, mejor piénsalo de nuevo (If you think I'm going to allow another one of my son's to risk his life, you better think again),' Maria said.

'Mama, it's not like Marco had a choice,' said Lance. 'Blue made the choice and you can't just say no thank you.'

'Try,' she snapped.

'Be reasonable, mama,' said Marco. 'I can make my own decisions about this, and I'm going to do it.'

'Marco, please think about this,' said Jorge, 'you don't know anything about fighting or flying.'

'I know that, papa,' he mumbled. 'But it's something I want to do.'

'Why?' Maria demanded.

'Because I want to do something meaningful with my life,' said Marco. 'I sit behind a desk all day, bored out of my brains making no difference to anyone or anything. I'm not saying I'm not scared out of wits because I am, but I'm doing this.'

Maria sank down into a seat at the table blinking back her tears. 'I can't stop you doing this, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. However, I will respect your decision.'

'Just be careful,' Jorge begged.

'Yes, papa.'

Maria stood. 'Dinner in an hour,' she said, as she went into the kitchen.

Keith stood and as he moved past Lance, he lightly ran his finger over the back of Lance's neck, and a shiver raced down his spine. Getting to his feet, Lance followed him upstairs.

In their room, Lance closed the door and locked it. 'Someone's horny,' he moved to Keith and pulled him roughly into a kiss.

Keith smiled against his lips and eagerly returned the kiss, pulling Lance's hips to his and rolling them, grinding against him.

Clothes and shoes where stripped off and thrown around the room as they made their way to the bed. Lance pushed Keith down onto the mattress and kissed and sucked his way along Keith's jaw and down this throat.

Keith pushed his hips up and rubbed against Lance's hard length and they both moaned at the feeling.

'Lance...need,' Keith panted. He bucked impatiently beneath Lance. 'God...please...'

'Hey, you okay?' asked Lance.

Keith nodded. 'I...feel desperate.'

'I need to prepare...'

Keith shook his head. 'No, I...I can''ll be fine.'

Grabbing the lube, Lance coated his throbbing length. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he trusted Keith knew his body would cope. He lined himself up and pushed into Keith who arched his back off the bed and pushed down onto Lance.

'Hard,' Keith moaned.

Lance grabbed Keith's hips and started slamming into him, instantly finding his perfect spot. Keith purred loudly as he panted and his whole body shook as his back arched further off the bed. Lance kept up the brutal pace and wrapped a hand around Keith's erection pumping him in time with his thrusts.

Keith clamped a hand over his mouth and squeezing his eyes shut. After two more thrusts, Keith shattered, and moments later Lance followed, and continued thrusting as they rode out their orgasms.

Once they were spent, Lance moved and lay next to Keith panting hard. 'What was that all about?' asked Lance when is breathing settled.

'I don't know,' admitted Keith, looking over at him. 'I just knew I needed you, but not like my heat.'

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