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Lance yawned and pulled a t-shirt over his head as he went into the triplets room. He went over to the cots and look in and his smile faded.

'Aw, well shit,' he said. 'KEITH.'

'What?' asked Keith, coming in to stand next to him.

Lance gestured to the cots.

'Oh,' Keith said. In front of them where three identical human looking babies. 'They can change their appeared then.'

'Ya, think.'

'Well...at least their eyes haven't changed,' said Keith. 'We can tell them apart that way.'

They changed and dressed them and went downstairs.

Jorge froze with a piece of toast halfway to his mouth and started. Maria turned and almost dropped the frying pan in her hand.

'But they're only two days old,' Maria said, rather lamely.

'Pretty sure they're not keeping track mama,' Lance said.

'That's so cool,' Rachel said. She had Enya on her lap feeding her scrambled egg.

'So, how do you know what they really look like then?' asked Leo.

'Well, if it's like me, their natural look is how they were born,' Keith said.

'Will they only be able to look like that and this?' aske Luis. 'I mean, you can't change to look any different than human and Galran can you?'

'I've never actually tried to look any other way,' said Keith. 'Not sure I want too either.'

Keith's datapad rang and he headed outside with Lila still in his arms. Jorge took Seth from Lance so he could make the bottles. Lance kept glancing out the window at Keith sadly.

'What's wrong?' asked Maria.

'The Blade are pulling him back in,' Lance said.

'You knew that would happen,' said Jorge. 'It's part of his job.'

'Yeah. I just didn't expect it to be so soon,' Lance said.

By the time Zuri and Seth were fed, Keith came back in and gave Lila to Lance.

'I have to go,' he said. 'I should be back by tonight.'

Jaya's face fell. 'You're not taking me to school?'

'I tried to put this off, but I couldn't. Papa will have to take you,' Keith said. He hurried upstairs.

Lance came into the bedroom a few minutes later and sat on the bed feeding Lila and watched Keith put on his Blade uniform. It accentuated just how much weight he'd lost.

'So, what's going on?' asked Lance.

'The Blade base has been attacked by the Zanberrians,' said Keith. 'They were looking for me.'

'All the more reason you shouldn't go,' Lance said.

'I can't not go, Lance,' said Keith. 'I'm responsible for the Galran on the base.' Keith went and cupped Lance's face and kissed him. 'I'll make it up to you.'

'I just need you to come home again,' said Lance. 'Promise me you'll be careful.'

'I promise.' With that he was gone out the door.

Lance felt torn in two. He wasn't ready for Keith to go back to putting his life in danger, this was not the life he wanted for them anymore, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Only Keith could make the decision to quit.

He pulled himself together and went downstairs and got Jaya ready for school. Luis, Leo and Rachel had already been taken to school by Kosmo, who was relishing his new job in their lives of taking them where they needed to go.

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