Union Ceremony

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Saturday morning, Keith dashed into the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. Lance followed and held his hair back and gave his water to rinse his mouth out with.

Keith lay back on the cool floor with a groan. Lance flushed the toilet the sat on the floor and leant against the bathtub.

'Come here,' Lance said.

Keith pushed himself up and crawled into Lance's lap, knees bent on both sides of Lance's hips, and turned is face into his neck and breathed deep.


Lance looked up to see Jaya in the doorway.

'He's okay, buddy. It won't last too long. Can you go and get abuela or abuelo to come and get the babies for me?'

'Yes, papa,' he said, hurying away.

Maria and Jorge came back a few minutes later.

'Do you need anything?' asked Maria. Lance shook his head. 'We'll take the kids to breakfast and let Alfor know you won't be joining us. I will ask for some food to be send up about 10:30 am.' She closed the door behind her so they wouldn't be disturbed.

It ws 9 am when Romelle piloted the Castle of Lions into its position. Along the with other ex-paladins, Matt, Amaya, Haru and May, who had moved back home, came to watch the ceremony.

They all gathered in the dining room where the table was extended and breakfast laid out.

'Where are Keith and Lance?' asked Amaya.

'They probably won't be here due to Keith's morning sickness,' Shiro said.

'Excuse me?' Amaya demanded, planting her hand firmly on her hips.

Shiro turned to her. 'Did Keith not call you?'

'We haven't heard from Keith since the wedding,' she said. 'What to you mean morning sickness.'

'Er...right...okay. Well, Keith's pregnant with twins,' Shiro said.

Amaya, Haru, and May started at him as if trying to decide if they understood the joke or not. Shiro quickly went on to explain what had happened and that Keith was indeed pregnant and couldn't change out of his Galran form.

'I need to sit down,' Amaya murmured. She pulled out a chair from the table and plopped down heavily. 'Why wouldn't he tell us?'

'I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, mum. He's been under a lot of strain this week and it probably slipped his mind. It's a lot for him to take in as well,' said Shiro. 'He would never keep something like this from you on purpose.'

Amaya stood. 'I want to see him.'

'But, mum...'

'Now, Takashi.'

'I don't even know where he is,' Shiro exclaimed.

'You seem distressed, Shiro,' Maria said, joining them.

'Mum wants to see Keith. He forgot to tell her he was pregnant.'

'I see,' said Maria. 'I was about to go and check on him and to taken Enya back to him because I can't settle her.'

Amaya and May looked at the bundle in her arms.

'Where did she come from?' asked May.

'Keith's uncle was unable to look after her,' said Maria. 'It's a sad story really, but Keith and Lance have taken her in.'

Shiro stopped May from going with them, saying it would be too much for Keith at the moment.

Maria answered Amaya's questions as they walked and by the time they got to the boys bedroom, she was filled in on everything.

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